Algorithm: RegAdaptiveProjection#

:: _label_algorithm_regadaptive_projection:

# Windows users have to encapsulate the code into a main function to avoid multiprocessing errors.
# def main():
import pygpc
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict

fn_results = 'tmp/regadaptiveprojection'   # filename of output
save_session_format = ".pkl"              # file format of saved gpc session ".hdf5" (slow) or ".pkl" (fast)

Loading the model and defining the problem#

# define model
model = pygpc.testfunctions.GenzOscillatory()

# define problem
parameters = OrderedDict()
parameters["x1"] = pygpc.Beta(pdf_shape=[1., 1.], pdf_limits=[0., 1.])
parameters["x2"] = pygpc.Beta(pdf_shape=[1., 1.], pdf_limits=[0., 1.])
problem = pygpc.Problem(model, parameters)

Setting up the algorithm#

# gPC options
options = dict()
options["order_start"] = 2
options["order_end"] = 15
options["interaction_order"] = 2
options["solver"] = "Moore-Penrose"
options["settings"] = None
options["seed"] = 1
options["matrix_ratio"] = 2
options["n_cpu"] = 0
options["fn_results"] = fn_results
options["save_session_format"] = save_session_format
options["adaptive_sampling"] = False
options["gradient_enhanced"] = True
options["gradient_calculation"] = "FD_1st"
options["gradient_calculation_options"] = {"dx": 0.5, "distance_weight": -2}
options["n_grid_gradient"] = 5
options["qoi"] = 0
options["error_type"] = "loocv"
options["eps"] = 1e-3
options["grid"] = pygpc.Random
options["grid_options"] = {"seed": 1}

# define algorithm
algorithm = pygpc.RegAdaptiveProjection(problem=problem, options=options)

Running the gpc#

# Initialize gPC Session
session = pygpc.Session(algorithm=algorithm)

# run gPC algorithm
session, coeffs, results =
Creating initial grid (<class 'pygpc.Grid.Random'>) with n_grid=5
Performing 5 simulations!

It/Sub-it: 2/2 Performing simulation 1 from 5 [========                                ] 20.0%
Total function evaluation: 0.003041982650756836 sec

It/Sub-it: 2/2 Performing simulation 01 from 10 [====                                    ] 10.0%
Gradient evaluation: 0.0006368160247802734 sec
Order/Interaction order: 2/2
Extending grid from 5 to 6 by 1 sampling points
Performing simulations 6 to 6

It/Sub-it: 2/2 Performing simulation 1 from 1 [========================================] 100.0%
Total parallel function evaluation: 0.0032444000244140625 sec
Gradient evaluation: 0.00023293495178222656 sec
Dimension of reduced problem: 1
Determine gPC coefficients using 'Moore-Penrose' solver (gradient enhanced)...

LOOCV 1 from 6 [======                                  ] 16.7%

LOOCV 2 from 6 [=============                           ] 33.3%

LOOCV 3 from 6 [====================                    ] 50.0%

LOOCV 4 from 6 [==========================              ] 66.7%

LOOCV 5 from 6 [=================================       ] 83.3%

LOOCV 6 from 6 [========================================] 100.0%
LOOCV computation time: 0.0012402534484863281 sec
-> relative loocv error = 3.6811576249142592
Order/Interaction order: 3/1
Extending grid from 6 to 8 by 2 sampling points
Performing simulations 7 to 8

It/Sub-it: 3/1 Performing simulation 1 from 2 [====================                    ] 50.0%
Total parallel function evaluation: 0.0024416446685791016 sec
Gradient evaluation: 0.00023937225341796875 sec
Dimension of reduced problem: 1
Determine gPC coefficients using 'Moore-Penrose' solver (gradient enhanced)...

LOOCV 1 from 8 [=====                                   ] 12.5%

LOOCV 2 from 8 [==========                              ] 25.0%

LOOCV 3 from 8 [===============                         ] 37.5%

LOOCV 4 from 8 [====================                    ] 50.0%

LOOCV 5 from 8 [=========================               ] 62.5%

LOOCV 6 from 8 [==============================          ] 75.0%

LOOCV 7 from 8 [===================================     ] 87.5%

LOOCV 8 from 8 [========================================] 100.0%
LOOCV computation time: 0.0015459060668945312 sec
-> relative loocv error = 2.13194960305878
Order/Interaction order: 4/1
Extending grid from 8 to 10 by 2 sampling points
Performing simulations 9 to 10

It/Sub-it: 4/1 Performing simulation 1 from 2 [====================                    ] 50.0%
Total parallel function evaluation: 0.002061605453491211 sec
Gradient evaluation: 0.00024437904357910156 sec
Dimension of reduced problem: 1
Determine gPC coefficients using 'Moore-Penrose' solver (gradient enhanced)...

LOOCV 01 from 10 [====                                    ] 10.0%

LOOCV 02 from 10 [========                                ] 20.0%

LOOCV 03 from 10 [============                            ] 30.0%

LOOCV 04 from 10 [================                        ] 40.0%

LOOCV 05 from 10 [====================                    ] 50.0%

LOOCV 06 from 10 [========================                ] 60.0%

LOOCV 07 from 10 [============================            ] 70.0%

LOOCV 08 from 10 [================================        ] 80.0%

LOOCV 09 from 10 [====================================    ] 90.0%

LOOCV 10 from 10 [========================================] 100.0%
LOOCV computation time: 0.0020117759704589844 sec
-> relative loocv error = 1.358930829487926
Order/Interaction order: 5/1
Extending grid from 10 to 12 by 2 sampling points
Performing simulations 11 to 12

It/Sub-it: 5/1 Performing simulation 1 from 2 [====================                    ] 50.0%
Total parallel function evaluation: 0.0022783279418945312 sec
Gradient evaluation: 0.00028586387634277344 sec
Dimension of reduced problem: 1
Determine gPC coefficients using 'Moore-Penrose' solver (gradient enhanced)...

LOOCV 01 from 12 [===                                     ] 8.3%

LOOCV 02 from 12 [======                                  ] 16.7%

LOOCV 03 from 12 [==========                              ] 25.0%

LOOCV 04 from 12 [=============                           ] 33.3%

LOOCV 05 from 12 [================                        ] 41.7%

LOOCV 06 from 12 [====================                    ] 50.0%

LOOCV 07 from 12 [=======================                 ] 58.3%

LOOCV 08 from 12 [==========================              ] 66.7%

LOOCV 09 from 12 [==============================          ] 75.0%

LOOCV 10 from 12 [=================================       ] 83.3%

LOOCV 11 from 12 [====================================    ] 91.7%

LOOCV 12 from 12 [========================================] 100.0%
LOOCV computation time: 0.0024056434631347656 sec
-> relative loocv error = 0.07107706753980376
Order/Interaction order: 6/1
Extending grid from 12 to 14 by 2 sampling points
Performing simulations 13 to 14

It/Sub-it: 6/1 Performing simulation 1 from 2 [====================                    ] 50.0%
Total parallel function evaluation: 0.002135038375854492 sec
Gradient evaluation: 0.0006742477416992188 sec
Dimension of reduced problem: 1
Determine gPC coefficients using 'Moore-Penrose' solver (gradient enhanced)...

LOOCV 01 from 14 [==                                      ] 7.1%

LOOCV 02 from 14 [=====                                   ] 14.3%

LOOCV 03 from 14 [========                                ] 21.4%

LOOCV 04 from 14 [===========                             ] 28.6%

LOOCV 05 from 14 [==============                          ] 35.7%

LOOCV 06 from 14 [=================                       ] 42.9%

LOOCV 07 from 14 [====================                    ] 50.0%

LOOCV 08 from 14 [======================                  ] 57.1%

LOOCV 09 from 14 [=========================               ] 64.3%

LOOCV 10 from 14 [============================            ] 71.4%

LOOCV 11 from 14 [===============================         ] 78.6%

LOOCV 12 from 14 [==================================      ] 85.7%

LOOCV 13 from 14 [=====================================   ] 92.9%

LOOCV 14 from 14 [========================================] 100.0%
LOOCV computation time: 0.002898693084716797 sec
-> relative loocv error = 0.24330465952490127
Order/Interaction order: 7/1
Extending grid from 14 to 16 by 2 sampling points
Performing simulations 15 to 16

It/Sub-it: 7/1 Performing simulation 1 from 2 [====================                    ] 50.0%
Total parallel function evaluation: 0.0045604705810546875 sec
Gradient evaluation: 0.0020012855529785156 sec
Dimension of reduced problem: 2
Determine gPC coefficients using 'Moore-Penrose' solver (gradient enhanced)...

LOOCV 01 from 16 [==                                      ] 6.2%

LOOCV 02 from 16 [=====                                   ] 12.5%

LOOCV 03 from 16 [=======                                 ] 18.8%

LOOCV 04 from 16 [==========                              ] 25.0%

LOOCV 05 from 16 [============                            ] 31.2%

LOOCV 06 from 16 [===============                         ] 37.5%

LOOCV 07 from 16 [=================                       ] 43.8%

LOOCV 08 from 16 [====================                    ] 50.0%

LOOCV 09 from 16 [======================                  ] 56.2%

LOOCV 10 from 16 [=========================               ] 62.5%

LOOCV 11 from 16 [===========================             ] 68.8%

LOOCV 12 from 16 [==============================          ] 75.0%

LOOCV 13 from 16 [================================        ] 81.2%

LOOCV 14 from 16 [===================================     ] 87.5%

LOOCV 15 from 16 [=====================================   ] 93.8%

LOOCV 16 from 16 [========================================] 100.0%
LOOCV computation time: 0.004574775695800781 sec
-> relative loocv error = 0.41878269925997813
Order/Interaction order: 7/2
Extending grid from 16 to 72 by 56 sampling points
Performing simulations 17 to 72

It/Sub-it: 7/2 Performing simulation 01 from 56 [                                        ] 1.8%
Total parallel function evaluation: 0.002550363540649414 sec
Gradient evaluation: 0.007954597473144531 sec
Dimension of reduced problem: 2
Determine gPC coefficients using 'Moore-Penrose' solver (gradient enhanced)...

LOOCV 01 from 25 [=                                       ] 4.0%

LOOCV 02 from 25 [===                                     ] 8.0%

LOOCV 03 from 25 [====                                    ] 12.0%

LOOCV 04 from 25 [======                                  ] 16.0%

LOOCV 05 from 25 [========                                ] 20.0%

LOOCV 06 from 25 [=========                               ] 24.0%

LOOCV 07 from 25 [===========                             ] 28.0%

LOOCV 08 from 25 [============                            ] 32.0%

LOOCV 09 from 25 [==============                          ] 36.0%

LOOCV 10 from 25 [================                        ] 40.0%

LOOCV 11 from 25 [=================                       ] 44.0%

LOOCV 12 from 25 [===================                     ] 48.0%

LOOCV 13 from 25 [====================                    ] 52.0%

LOOCV 14 from 25 [======================                  ] 56.0%

LOOCV 15 from 25 [========================                ] 60.0%

LOOCV 16 from 25 [=========================               ] 64.0%

LOOCV 17 from 25 [===========================             ] 68.0%

LOOCV 18 from 25 [============================            ] 72.0%

LOOCV 19 from 25 [==============================          ] 76.0%

LOOCV 20 from 25 [================================        ] 80.0%

LOOCV 21 from 25 [=================================       ] 84.0%

LOOCV 22 from 25 [===================================     ] 88.0%

LOOCV 23 from 25 [====================================    ] 92.0%

LOOCV 24 from 25 [======================================  ] 96.0%

LOOCV 25 from 25 [========================================] 100.0%
LOOCV computation time: 0.03264451026916504 sec
-> relative loocv error = 0.14322261868055872
Order/Interaction order: 8/1
Extending grid from 72 to 76 by 4 sampling points
Performing simulations 73 to 76

It/Sub-it: 8/1 Performing simulation 1 from 4 [==========                              ] 25.0%
Total parallel function evaluation: 0.004721641540527344 sec
Gradient evaluation: 0.021195411682128906 sec
Dimension of reduced problem: 2
Determine gPC coefficients using 'Moore-Penrose' solver (gradient enhanced)...

LOOCV 01 from 25 [=                                       ] 4.0%

LOOCV 02 from 25 [===                                     ] 8.0%

LOOCV 03 from 25 [====                                    ] 12.0%

LOOCV 04 from 25 [======                                  ] 16.0%

LOOCV 05 from 25 [========                                ] 20.0%

LOOCV 06 from 25 [=========                               ] 24.0%

LOOCV 07 from 25 [===========                             ] 28.0%

LOOCV 08 from 25 [============                            ] 32.0%

LOOCV 09 from 25 [==============                          ] 36.0%

LOOCV 10 from 25 [================                        ] 40.0%

LOOCV 11 from 25 [=================                       ] 44.0%

LOOCV 12 from 25 [===================                     ] 48.0%

LOOCV 13 from 25 [====================                    ] 52.0%

LOOCV 14 from 25 [======================                  ] 56.0%

LOOCV 15 from 25 [========================                ] 60.0%

LOOCV 16 from 25 [=========================               ] 64.0%

LOOCV 17 from 25 [===========================             ] 68.0%

LOOCV 18 from 25 [============================            ] 72.0%

LOOCV 19 from 25 [==============================          ] 76.0%

LOOCV 20 from 25 [================================        ] 80.0%

LOOCV 21 from 25 [=================================       ] 84.0%

LOOCV 22 from 25 [===================================     ] 88.0%

LOOCV 23 from 25 [====================================    ] 92.0%

LOOCV 24 from 25 [======================================  ] 96.0%

LOOCV 25 from 25 [========================================] 100.0%
LOOCV computation time: 0.03430962562561035 sec
-> relative loocv error = 0.0527976297089744
Order/Interaction order: 8/2
Extending grid from 76 to 90 by 14 sampling points
Performing simulations 77 to 90

It/Sub-it: 8/2 Performing simulation 01 from 14 [==                                      ] 7.1%
Total parallel function evaluation: 0.004903078079223633 sec
Gradient evaluation: 0.023989200592041016 sec
Dimension of reduced problem: 2
Determine gPC coefficients using 'Moore-Penrose' solver (gradient enhanced)...

LOOCV 01 from 25 [=                                       ] 4.0%

LOOCV 02 from 25 [===                                     ] 8.0%

LOOCV 03 from 25 [====                                    ] 12.0%

LOOCV 04 from 25 [======                                  ] 16.0%

LOOCV 05 from 25 [========                                ] 20.0%

LOOCV 06 from 25 [=========                               ] 24.0%

LOOCV 07 from 25 [===========                             ] 28.0%

LOOCV 08 from 25 [============                            ] 32.0%

LOOCV 09 from 25 [==============                          ] 36.0%

LOOCV 10 from 25 [================                        ] 40.0%

LOOCV 11 from 25 [=================                       ] 44.0%

LOOCV 12 from 25 [===================                     ] 48.0%

LOOCV 13 from 25 [====================                    ] 52.0%

LOOCV 14 from 25 [======================                  ] 56.0%

LOOCV 15 from 25 [========================                ] 60.0%

LOOCV 16 from 25 [=========================               ] 64.0%

LOOCV 17 from 25 [===========================             ] 68.0%

LOOCV 18 from 25 [============================            ] 72.0%

LOOCV 19 from 25 [==============================          ] 76.0%

LOOCV 20 from 25 [================================        ] 80.0%

LOOCV 21 from 25 [=================================       ] 84.0%

LOOCV 22 from 25 [===================================     ] 88.0%

LOOCV 23 from 25 [====================================    ] 92.0%

LOOCV 24 from 25 [======================================  ] 96.0%

LOOCV 25 from 25 [========================================] 100.0%
LOOCV computation time: 0.05082130432128906 sec
-> relative loocv error = 0.041595165319890964
Order/Interaction order: 9/1
Extending grid from 90 to 94 by 4 sampling points
Performing simulations 91 to 94

It/Sub-it: 9/1 Performing simulation 1 from 4 [==========                              ] 25.0%
Total parallel function evaluation: 0.004591703414916992 sec
Gradient evaluation: 0.02653956413269043 sec
Dimension of reduced problem: 2
Determine gPC coefficients using 'Moore-Penrose' solver (gradient enhanced)...

LOOCV 01 from 25 [=                                       ] 4.0%

LOOCV 02 from 25 [===                                     ] 8.0%

LOOCV 03 from 25 [====                                    ] 12.0%

LOOCV 04 from 25 [======                                  ] 16.0%

LOOCV 05 from 25 [========                                ] 20.0%

LOOCV 06 from 25 [=========                               ] 24.0%

LOOCV 07 from 25 [===========                             ] 28.0%

LOOCV 08 from 25 [============                            ] 32.0%

LOOCV 09 from 25 [==============                          ] 36.0%

LOOCV 10 from 25 [================                        ] 40.0%

LOOCV 11 from 25 [=================                       ] 44.0%

LOOCV 12 from 25 [===================                     ] 48.0%

LOOCV 13 from 25 [====================                    ] 52.0%

LOOCV 14 from 25 [======================                  ] 56.0%

LOOCV 15 from 25 [========================                ] 60.0%

LOOCV 16 from 25 [=========================               ] 64.0%

LOOCV 17 from 25 [===========================             ] 68.0%

LOOCV 18 from 25 [============================            ] 72.0%

LOOCV 19 from 25 [==============================          ] 76.0%

LOOCV 20 from 25 [================================        ] 80.0%

LOOCV 21 from 25 [=================================       ] 84.0%

LOOCV 22 from 25 [===================================     ] 88.0%

LOOCV 23 from 25 [====================================    ] 92.0%

LOOCV 24 from 25 [======================================  ] 96.0%

LOOCV 25 from 25 [========================================] 100.0%
LOOCV computation time: 0.0492861270904541 sec
-> relative loocv error = 0.0009811310203238616
Determine gPC coefficients using 'Moore-Penrose' solver (gradient enhanced)...


# read session
session = pygpc.read_session(fname=session.fn_session, folder=session.fn_session_folder)

# Post-process gPC
> Loading gpc session object: tmp/regadaptiveprojection.pkl
> Loading gpc coeffs: tmp/regadaptiveprojection.hdf5
> Adding results to: tmp/regadaptiveprojection.hdf5


Validate gPC vs original model function (2D-surface)#

                        n_grid=[51, 51],
Original model, gPC approximation, Difference (Original vs gPC)

Validate gPC vs original model function (Monte Carlo)#

nrmsd = pygpc.validate_gpc_mc(session=session,

print("> Maximum NRMSD (gpc vs original): {:.2}%".format(max(nrmsd)))

# On Windows subprocesses will import (i.e. execute) the main module at start.
# You need to insert an if __name__ == '__main__': guard in the main module to avoid
# creating subprocesses recursively.
# if __name__ == '__main__':
#     main()
plot algorithm regadaptiveprojection
> Maximum NRMSD (gpc vs original): 0.032%

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 2.806 seconds)

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