Example: Ishigami Testfunction#

About the model#

This easy tutorial shows the application of pygpc to the Ishigami function, which can be found in the testfunctions section. The model consists of three random variables that are considered as input parameters (x1, x2, x3). The shape parameters of the function are chosen to be a=7 and b=0.1.

The model returns an output array with a value y for every sampling point.

# Windows users have to encapsulate the code into a main function to avoid multiprocessing errors.
# def main():

import os
import pygpc
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
import matplotlib
# matplotlib.use("Qt5Agg")

fn_results = "tmp/example_ishigami"

if os.path.exists(fn_results + ".hdf5"):
    os.remove(fn_results + ".hdf5")

if os.path.exists(fn_results + "_val.hdf5"):
    os.remove(fn_results + "_val.hdf5")

if os.path.exists(fn_results + "_mc.hdf5"):
    os.remove(fn_results + "_mc.hdf5")

# define model
model = pygpc.testfunctions.Ishigami()

# define problem
parameters = OrderedDict()
parameters["x1"] = pygpc.Beta(pdf_shape=[1, 1], pdf_limits=[-np.pi, np.pi])
parameters["x2"] = pygpc.Beta(pdf_shape=[1, 1], pdf_limits=[-np.pi, np.pi])
parameters["x3"] = pygpc.Beta(pdf_shape=[1, 1], pdf_limits=[-np.pi, np.pi])
parameters["a"] = 7.
parameters["b"] = 0.1

parameters_random = OrderedDict()
parameters_random["x1"] = pygpc.Beta(pdf_shape=[1, 1], pdf_limits=[-np.pi, np.pi])
parameters_random["x2"] = pygpc.Beta(pdf_shape=[1, 1], pdf_limits=[-np.pi, np.pi])
parameters_random["x3"] = pygpc.Beta(pdf_shape=[1, 1], pdf_limits=[-np.pi, np.pi])

problem = pygpc.Problem(model, parameters)

# gPC options
options = dict()
options["order"] = [15] * problem.dim
options["order_max"] = 15
options["order_start"] = 15
options["method"] = 'reg'
options["solver"] = "Moore-Penrose"
options["interaction_order"] = 2
options["order_max_norm"] = 1.0
options["n_cpu"] = 0
options["eps"] = 0.01
options["fn_results"] = fn_results
options["basis_increment_strategy"] = None
options["plot_basis"] = False
options["n_grid"] = 1300
options["save_session_format"] = ".pkl"
options["matrix_ratio"] = 2
options["grid"] = pygpc.Random
options["grid_options"] = {"seed": 1}

# define algorithm
algorithm = pygpc.Static(problem=problem, options=options, grid=None)

# Initialize gPC Session
session = pygpc.Session(algorithm=algorithm)

# run gPC session
session, coeffs, results = session.run()
Performing 1300 simulations!

It/Sub-it: 15/2 Performing simulation 0001 from 1300 [                                        ] 0.1%
Total parallel function evaluation: 0.0005440711975097656 sec
Determine gPC coefficients using 'Moore-Penrose' solver ...

LOOCV 01 from 25 [=                                       ] 4.0%

LOOCV 02 from 25 [===                                     ] 8.0%

LOOCV 03 from 25 [====                                    ] 12.0%

LOOCV 04 from 25 [======                                  ] 16.0%

LOOCV 05 from 25 [========                                ] 20.0%

LOOCV 06 from 25 [=========                               ] 24.0%

LOOCV 07 from 25 [===========                             ] 28.0%

LOOCV 08 from 25 [============                            ] 32.0%

LOOCV 09 from 25 [==============                          ] 36.0%

LOOCV 10 from 25 [================                        ] 40.0%

LOOCV 11 from 25 [=================                       ] 44.0%

LOOCV 12 from 25 [===================                     ] 48.0%

LOOCV 13 from 25 [====================                    ] 52.0%

LOOCV 14 from 25 [======================                  ] 56.0%

LOOCV 15 from 25 [========================                ] 60.0%

LOOCV 16 from 25 [=========================               ] 64.0%

LOOCV 17 from 25 [===========================             ] 68.0%

LOOCV 18 from 25 [============================            ] 72.0%

LOOCV 19 from 25 [==============================          ] 76.0%

LOOCV 20 from 25 [================================        ] 80.0%

LOOCV 21 from 25 [=================================       ] 84.0%

LOOCV 22 from 25 [===================================     ] 88.0%

LOOCV 23 from 25 [====================================    ] 92.0%

LOOCV 24 from 25 [======================================  ] 96.0%

LOOCV 25 from 25 [========================================] 100.0%
LOOCV computation time: 2.577364444732666 sec
-> relative loocv error = 5.062046906871139e-06


Postprocess gPC and add results to .hdf5 file

> Loading gpc session object: tmp/example_ishigami.pkl
> Loading gpc coeffs: tmp/example_ishigami.hdf5
> Adding results to: tmp/example_ishigami.hdf5


Validate gPC vs original model function

                        random_vars=["x1", "x2"],
                        n_grid=[51, 51],
                        fn_out=session.fn_results + '_val',
Original model, gPC approximation, Difference (Original vs gPC)

Validate gPC vs original model function (Monte Carlo)

nrmsd = pygpc.validate_gpc_mc(session=session,
                              fn_out=session.fn_results + '_mc')
plot ishigami

Sensitivity analysis#

sobol, gsens = pygpc.get_sens_summary(fn_results, parameters_random, fn_results + "_sens_summary.txt")
pygpc.plot_sens_summary(sobol=sobol, gsens=gsens)

# On Windows subprocesses will import (i.e. execute) the main module at start.
# You need to insert an if __name__ == '__main__': guard in the main module to avoid
# creating subprocesses recursively.
# if __name__ == '__main__':
#     main()
Normalized Sobol indices

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 19.180 seconds)

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