Source code for pygpc.Algorithm

import os
import copy
import h5py
import time
import shutil
import warnings

import numpy as np

from .Problem import *
from .SGPC import *
from .misc import determine_projection_matrix, poly_expand, get_non_enclosed_multi_indices
from .misc import get_num_coeffs_sparse
from .misc import ten2mat
from .misc import mat2ten
from .misc import get_gradient_idx_domain
from .misc import get_coords_discontinuity
from .misc import increment_basis
from .misc import get_coords_discontinuity
from .misc import get_num_coeffs_sparse
from .testfunctions import Dummy
from .Grid import *
from .MEGPC import *
from .Classifier import Classifier
from .Gradient import get_gradient

[docs] class Algorithm(object): """ Class for GPC algorithms Parameters ---------- problem : Problem object Object instance of gPC problem to investigate options : dict Algorithm specific options (see sub-classes for more details) grid : Grid object Grid object validation : ValidationSet object ValidationSet object """ def __init__(self, problem, options, grid=None, validation=None): """ Constructor; Initializes GPC algorithm """ self.problem = problem self.problem_reduced = [] self.validation = validation self.options = options self.grid = grid self.grid_gradient = [] self.qoi_specific = None # Generate results folder if it doesn't exist if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: if not os.path.exists(os.path.split(self.options["fn_results"])[0]): os.makedirs(os.path.split(self.options["fn_results"])[0]) self.check_basic_options()
[docs] def check_basic_options(self): """ Checks self.options dictionary and sets default options["eps"] : float, optional, default=1e-3 Relative mean error of leave-one-out cross validation options["error_norm"] : str, optional, default="relative" Choose if error is determined "relative" or "absolute". Use "absolute" error when the model generates outputs equal to zero. options["error_type"] : str, optional, default="loocv" Choose type of error to validate gpc approximation. Use "loocv" (Leave-one-Out cross validation) to omit any additional calculations and "nrmsd" (normalized root mean square deviation) to compare against a Problem.ValidationSet. options["fn_results"] : string, optional, default=None If provided, model evaluations are saved in fn_results.hdf5 file and gpc object in fn_results.pkl file options["gradient_enhanced"] : boolean, optional, default: False Use gradient information to determine the gPC coefficients. options["gradient_calculation"] : str, optional, default="standard_forward" Type of the calculation scheme to determine the gradient in the grid points - "FD_fwd": Finite difference forward approximation of the gradient using n_grid x dim additional sampling points stored in self.grid.coords_gradient and self.grid.coords_gradient_norm [n_grid x dim x dim]. - "FD_1st": Finite difference approximation of 1st order accuracy using only the available samples [1] - "FD_2nd": Finite difference approximation of 2nd order accuracy using only the available samples [1] - "FD_1st2nd": Finite difference approximation of 1st and (where possible) 2nd order accuracy options["gradient_calculation_options"] : dict, optional, default: {"dx": 0.01, "distance_weight": -2} Options for gradient calculation (details in get_gradient() function in options["backend"] : str, optional, default: "python" Default computing backend, certain functions can be computed with Multicore-CPU or GPU acceleration options["lambda_eps_gradient"] : float, optional, default: 0.95 Bound of principal components in %. All eigenvectors are included until lambda_eps of total sum of all eigenvalues is included in the system. options["matrix_ratio"]: float, optional, default=1.5 Ration between the number of model evaluations and the number of basis functions. If "adaptive_sampling" is activated this factor is only used to construct the initial grid depending on the initial number of basis functions determined by "order_start". (>1 results in an overdetermined system) options["matlab_model"] : boolean, optional, default: False Use a Matlab model function options["method"]: str GPC method to apply ['Reg', 'Quad'] options["n_cpu"] : int, optional, default=1 Number of threads to use for parallel evaluation of the model function. options["n_samples_validation"] : int, optional, default: 1e4 Number of validation points used to determine the NRMSD if chosen as "error_type". Does not create a validation set if there is already one present in the Problem instance (problem.validation). options["print_func_time"] : boolean, optional, default: False Print function evaluation time for every single run options["projection"] : boolean, optional, default: False Use projection approach options["solver"]: str Solver to determine the gPC coefficients - 'Moore-Penrose' ... Pseudoinverse of gPC matrix (SGPC.Reg, EGPC) - 'OMP' ... Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, sparse recovery approach (SGPC.Reg, EGPC) options["settings"]: dict Solver settings - 'Moore-Penrose' ... None - 'OMP' ... {"n_coeffs_sparse": int} Number of gPC coefficients != 0 options["verbose"] : boolean, optional, default=True Print output of iterations and sub-iterations (True/False) options["backend"] : str Backend for performance intensive computations - "python" ... Use native python implementation - "cpu" .. Use C Implementaion without multicore-support options["plot_basis"] : bool Plot basis functions and save as fn_results + _basis_iter#.png options["grid_extension_method"] : str, optional, default: GPR Method to extend random grids when adaptive_sampling is turned on: - "GPR": Gaussian Process Regression (sample location is optimized according to posterior variance) - "random": Samples are added randomly """ if "eps" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["eps"] = 1e-3 if "error_norm" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["error_norm"] = "relative" if "error_type" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["error_type"] = "loocv" if "fn_results" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["fn_results"] = None if "gradient_enhanced" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["gradient_enhanced"] = False if "gradient_calculation" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["gradient_calculation"] = "FD_fwd" if "gradient_calculation_options" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["gradient_calculation_options"] = {"dx": 0.001, "distance_weight": -2} if "dx" not in self.options["gradient_calculation_options"]: self.options["gradient_calculation_options"]["dx"] = 0.001 if "distance_weight" not in self.options["gradient_calculation_options"]: self.options["gradient_calculation_options"]["distance_weight"] = -2 if "backend" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["backend"] = "python" if "lambda_eps_gradient" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["lambda_eps_gradient"] = 0.95 if "matrix_ratio" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["matrix_ratio"] = 2 if "matlab_model" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["matlab_model"] = False if "method" in self.options.keys(): if self.options["method"] == "quad": self.options["solver"] = 'NumInt' self.options["settings"] = None elif self.options["method"] == "reg" and not (self.options["solver"] == "Moore-Penrose" or self.options["solver"] == "OMP" or self.options["solver"] == "LarsLasso"): raise AssertionError("Please specify 'Moore-Penrose' or 'OMP' as solver for 'reg' method") if "n_cpu" in self.options.keys(): self.n_cpu = self.options["n_cpu"] else: self.options["n_cpu"] = 1 self.n_cpu = 1 if "n_samples_validation" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["n_samples_validation"] = 1e4 if "save_session_format" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["save_session_format"] = ".hdf5" elif self.options["save_session_format"] not in [".hdf5", ".pkl"]: self.options["save_session_format"] = ".hdf5" elif self.options["save_session_format"] in [".hdf5"]: self.options["save_session_format"] = ".hdf5" elif self.options["save_session_format"] in [".pkl"]: self.options["save_session_format"] = ".pkl" if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: self.options["fn_session"] = os.path.splitext(self.options["fn_results"])[0] + \ self.options["save_session_format"] if self.options["save_session_format"] == ".hdf5": self.options["fn_session_folder"] = "session" else: self.options["fn_session_folder"] = None else: self.options["fn_session"] = None self.options["fn_session_folder"] = None if "print_func_time" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["print_func_time"] = False if "projection" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["projection"] = False if "seed" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["seed"] = None if self.options["solver"] == "Moore-Penrose": self.options["settings"] = None if self.options["solver"] == "OMP" and ("settings" not in self.options.keys() or not ( "n_coeffs_sparse" not in self.options["settings"].keys() or "sparsity" not in self.options["settings"].keys())): raise AssertionError("Please specify correct solver settings for OMP in 'settings'") if self.options["solver"] == "LarsLasso": if "settings" in self.options.keys(): if type(self.options["settings"]) is dict: if "alpha" not in self.options["settings"].keys(): self.options["settings"]["alpha"] = 1e-5 else: self.options["settings"] = {"alpha": 1e-5} else: self.options["settings"] = {"alpha": 1e-5} if "verbose" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["verbose"] = True if "grid" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["grid"] = Random self.options["grid_options"] = None if "backend" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["backend"] = "python" if "n_grid" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["n_grid"] = None if "adaptive_sampling" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["adaptive_sampling"] = False if "plot_basis" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["plot_basis"] = False if "grid_extension_method" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["grid_extension_method"] = "GPR"
[docs] def check_results(self, results, grid, gradient_results=None, gradient_results_idx=None, com=None, resample=True): """ Check the validity of the results and resample if required. Updates the gPC object, the containing grid, and the results array. Parameters ---------- results : np.ndarray of float [n_samples x n_qoi] Model output at sampling points. grid : Grid object instance Grid object instance the results are computed for. gradient_results : ndarray of float [n_grid x n_out x dim], optional, default: None Gradient of model function in grid points. gradient_results_idx : ndarray of int [n_grid], optional, default: None Indices of grid points where the gradient was evaluated. com : Computation class instance, optional, default: None Computation class instance to run the model if resample is True. resample : bool, optional, default: True Resample grid points and rerun model (requires Computational class instance to run model). If False, the grid points and results are just deleted. Returns ------- results : np.ndarray of float [n_samples x n_qoi] Updated (fixed) model output at sampling points. gpc : SGPC or MEGPC object instance or list of SGPC or MEGPC object instances GPC object(s) containing the basis functions and the updated grid. gradient_results : ndarray of float [n_grid x n_out x dim] Updated (fixed) gradients of model function in grid points not containing the points where the gradients were NaN. gradient_results_idx : ndarray of int [n_grid], optional, default: None Updated (fixed) indices of grid points where the gradient was evaluated not containing the points where the gradients were NaN. grid : Grid object instance Updated (fixed) grid object instance the results are computed for not containing the grid points where the results were NaN. """ # get the indices of the sampling points where any of the QOIs were NaN idx_nan = np.unique(np.where(np.isnan(results))[0]) idx_nan_gradient = np.array([]) if gradient_results is not None: idx_nan_gradient_local = np.unique(np.where(np.isnan(gradient_results))[0]) if len(idx_nan_gradient_local) > 0: idx_nan_gradient = gradient_results_idx[idx_nan_gradient_local] idx_nan = np.unique(np.hstack((idx_nan, idx_nan_gradient)).astype(int)) if resample: while len(idx_nan) > 0: if self.options["verbose"]: print(f"WARNING! Detected {len(idx_nan)} grid points with NaN results. Resampling ...") # resample grid points grid.resample(idx=idx_nan) # determine results at resampled grid points results_resample =, problem=self.problem, coords=grid.coords[idx_nan, :], coords_norm=grid.coords_norm[idx_nan, :], i_iter=None, i_subiter=None, fn_results=None, print_func_time=self.options["print_func_time"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # Determine gradient [n_grid x n_out x dim] if gradient_results is not None: if self.options["gradient_calculation"] == "FD_fwd": # for forward gradient calculation only pass the resampled grid points grid_gradient = copy.deepcopy(grid) idx_not_nan = np.array([i for i in range(grid.n_grid) if i not in idx_nan]) grid_gradient.delete(idx=idx_not_nan) else: # for gradient calculation from adjacent grid points pass the complete grid grid_gradient = grid gradient_results_resample, gradient_results_idx_resample = get_gradient( model=self.problem.model, problem=self.problem, grid=grid_gradient, results=results_resample, com=com, method=self.options["gradient_calculation"], gradient_results_present=None, gradient_idx_skip=None, i_iter=None, i_subiter=None, print_func_time=self.options["print_func_time"], dx=self.options["gradient_calculation_options"]["dx"], distance_weight=self.options["gradient_calculation_options"]["distance_weight"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) if self.options["gradient_calculation"] == "FD_fwd": gradient_results[idx_nan, :, :] = gradient_results_resample gradient_results_idx[idx_nan] = idx_nan[gradient_results_idx_resample] else: gradient_results = gradient_results_resample gradient_results_idx = gradient_results_idx_resample # replace NaN results with new results at resampled grid points results[idx_nan, :] = results_resample # get the indices of the sampling points where any of the QOIs where NaN idx_nan = np.unique(np.where(np.isnan(results))[0]) else: # remove grid points with NaN results grid.delete(idx=idx_nan) # remove NaN results results = np.delete(results, idx_nan, axis=0) if gradient_results is not None: gradient_results = np.delete(gradient_results, idx_nan_gradient_local, axis=0) gradient_results_idx = np.delete(gradient_results_idx, idx_nan_gradient_local, axis=0) return results, gradient_results, gradient_results_idx, grid
[docs] class Static_IO(Algorithm): """ Static gPC algorithm, which uses precomputed input output relationships to construct the gPC approximation Parameters ---------- parameters: OrderedDict containing the RandomParameter class instances Dictionary (ordered) containing the properties of the random parameters options["order"]: list of int [dim] Maximum individual expansion order [order_1, order_2, ..., order_dim]. Generates individual polynomials also if maximum expansion order in order_max is exceeded options["order_max"]: int Maximum global expansion order. The maximum expansion order considers the sum of the orders of combined polynomials together with the chosen norm "order_max_norm". Typically this norm is 1 such that the maximum order is the sum of all monomial orders. options["order_max_norm"]: float Norm for which the maximum global expansion order is defined [0, 1]. Values < 1 decrease the total number of polynomials in the expansion such that interaction terms are penalized more. This truncation scheme is also referred to "hyperbolic polynomial chaos expansion" such that sum(a_i^q)^1/q <= p, where p is order_max and q is order_max_norm (for more details see eq. (27) in [1]). options["interaction_order"]: int Number of random variables, which can interact with each other. All polynomials are ignored, which have an interaction order greater than the specified grid: Grid object instance Grid object to use for static gPC (Random, SparseGrid, TensorGrid) containing the parameter values, where the output relations were calculated results: ndarray of float [N_grid x N_qoi] Model output at each grid point for each QOI validation: Validation Set class instance, optional Validation set containing reference solutions at precomputed grid points Examples -------- >>> import pygpc >>> # initialize static gPC algorithm using precomputed IO relationships >>> algorithm = pygpc.Static_IO(parameters=parameters, options=options, grid=grid, results=results) >>> # run algorithm >>> gpc, coeffs = """ def __init__(self, parameters, options, results, grid, validation=None): """ Constructor; Initializes static gPC algorithm """ # create dummy model model = Dummy() # create dummy problem problem = Problem(model, parameters) super(Static_IO, self).__init__(problem=problem, options=options, validation=validation, grid=grid) self.res = results if "order" not in self.options.keys(): raise AssertionError("Please specify 'order'=[order_1, order_2, ..., order_dim] in options dictionary") if "order_max" not in self.options.keys(): raise AssertionError("Please specify 'order_max' in options dictionary") if "order_max_norm" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["order_max_norm"] = 1. if "interaction_order" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["interaction_order"] = self.problem.dim #if "error_type" not in self.options.keys(): # self.options["error_type"] = "loocv" #if self.options["error_type"] != "loocv": # self.options["error_type"] = "loocv" #warnings.warn("Changing error calculation type to loocv ...")
[docs] def run(self): """ Runs static gPC algorithm using precomputed IO relationships to construct surrogate model. Returns ------- gpc : GPC object instance GPC object containing all information i.e., Problem, Model, Grid, Basis, RandomParameter instances coeffs: ndarray of float [n_basis x n_out] GPC coefficients """ if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: fn_results = os.path.splitext(self.options["fn_results"])[0] if os.path.exists(fn_results + ".hdf5"): os.remove(fn_results + ".hdf5") else: fn_results = None # Initialize gPC object gpc = Reg(problem=self.problem, order=self.options["order"], order_max=self.options["order_max"], order_max_norm=self.options["order_max_norm"], interaction_order=self.options["interaction_order"], interaction_order_current=self.options["interaction_order"], options=self.options, validation=self.validation) gpc.backend = self.options["backend"] # determine number of basis functions n_coeffs = get_num_coeffs_sparse(order_dim_max=self.options["order"], order_glob_max=self.options["order_max"], order_inter_max=self.options["interaction_order"], dim=self.problem.dim) print(f" > Determining {n_coeffs} gPC coeffs with {self.res.shape[0]} simulations!") # Write grid in gpc object gpc.grid = self.grid # Initialize gpc matrix gpc.init_gpc_matrix() # Compute gpc coefficients coeffs = gpc.solve(results=self.res, solver=self.options["solver"], settings=self.options["settings"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # validate gpc approximation (determine nrmsd or loocv specified in options["error_type"]) eps = gpc.validate(coeffs=coeffs, results=self.res) iprint("-> {} {} error = {}".format(self.options["error_norm"], self.options["error_type"], eps), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # save gpc object and gpc coeffs if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: with h5py.File(fn_results + ".hdf5", "a") as f: f.create_dataset("misc/fn_session", data=np.array([os.path.split(self.options["fn_session"])[1]]).astype("|S")) f.create_dataset("misc/fn_session_folder", data=np.array([self.options["fn_session_folder"]]).astype("|S")) f.create_dataset("misc/error_type", data=self.options["error_type"]) f.create_dataset("error", data=eps, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("grid/coords", maxshape=None, data=gpc.grid.coords, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("grid/coords_norm", maxshape=None, data=gpc.grid.coords_norm, dtype="float64") if gpc.grid.coords_gradient is not None: f.create_dataset("grid/coords_gradient", data=gpc.grid.coords_gradient, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("grid/coords_gradient_norm", data=gpc.grid.coords_gradient_norm, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("coeffs", data=coeffs, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("gpc_matrix", data=gpc.gpc_matrix, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") if gpc.gpc_matrix_gradient is not None: f.create_dataset("gpc_matrix_gradient", data=gpc.gpc_matrix_gradient, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("model_evaluations/results", data=self.res, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") if gpc.validation is not None: f.create_dataset("validation/model_evaluations/results", data=gpc.validation.results, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("validation/grid/coords", data=gpc.validation.grid.coords, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("validation/grid/coords_norm", data=gpc.validation.grid.coords_norm, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") return gpc, coeffs, self.res
[docs] class Static(Algorithm): """ Static gPC algorithm Parameters ---------- problem : Problem object Object instance of gPC problem to investigate options["method"]: str GPC method to apply ['Reg', 'Quad'] options["order"]: list of int [dim] Maximum individual expansion order [order_1, order_2, ..., order_dim]. Generates individual polynomials also if maximum expansion order in order_max is exceeded options["order_max"]: int Maximum global expansion order. The maximum expansion order considers the sum of the orders of combined polynomials together with the chosen norm "order_max_norm". Typically this norm is 1 such that the maximum order is the sum of all monomial orders. options["order_max_norm"]: float Norm for which the maximum global expansion order is defined [0, 1]. Values < 1 decrease the total number of polynomials in the expansion such that interaction terms are penalized more. This truncation scheme is also referred to "hyperbolic polynomial chaos expansion" such that sum(a_i^q)^1/q <= p, where p is order_max and q is order_max_norm (for more details see eq. (27) in [1]). options["interaction_order"]: int Number of random variables, which can interact with each other. All polynomials are ignored, which have an interaction order greater than the specified grid: Grid object instance Grid object to use for static gPC (Random, SparseGrid, TensorGrid) validation: Validation Set class instance, optional Validation set containing reference solutions at precomputed grid points Notes ----- .. [1] Blatman, G., & Sudret, B. (2011). Adaptive sparse polynomial chaos expansion based on least angle regression. Journal of Computational Physics, 230(6), 2345-2367. Examples -------- >>> import pygpc >>> # initialize static gPC algorithm >>> algorithm = pygpc.Static(problem=problem, options=options, grid=grid) >>> # run algorithm >>> gpc, coeffs, results = """ def __init__(self, problem, options, grid=None, validation=None, gpc=None): """ Constructor; Initializes static gPC algorithm """ super(Static, self).__init__(problem=problem, options=options, validation=validation, grid=grid) self.qoi_specific = False self.gpc = gpc # check contents of settings dict and set defaults if "method" not in self.options.keys(): raise AssertionError("Please specify 'method' with either 'reg' or 'quad' in options dictionary") if "order" not in self.options.keys(): raise AssertionError("Please specify 'order'=[order_1, order_2, ..., order_dim] in options dictionary") if "order_max" not in self.options.keys(): raise AssertionError("Please specify 'order_max' in options dictionary") if "order_max_norm" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["order_max_norm"] = 1. if "interaction_order" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["interaction_order"] = self.problem.dim
[docs] def run(self): """ Runs static gPC algorithm to solve problem. Returns ------- gpc : GPC object instance GPC object containing all information i.e., Problem, Model, Grid, Basis, RandomParameter instances coeffs: ndarray of float [n_basis x n_out] GPC coefficients res : ndarray of float [n_grid x n_out] Simulation results at n_grid points of the n_out output variables """ if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: fn_results = os.path.splitext(self.options["fn_results"])[0] if os.path.exists(fn_results + ".hdf5"): os.remove(fn_results + ".hdf5") else: fn_results = None grad_res_3D = None gradient_idx = None # Create gPC object if self.options["method"] == "reg": if self.gpc is None: gpc = Reg(problem=self.problem, order=self.options["order"], order_max=self.options["order_max"], order_max_norm=self.options["order_max_norm"], interaction_order=self.options["interaction_order"], interaction_order_current=self.options["interaction_order"], options=self.options, validation=self.validation) else: gpc = self.gpc gpc.options["fn_results"] = self.options["fn_results"] gpc.fn_results = self.options["fn_results"] elif self.options["method"] == "quad": gpc = Quad(problem=self.problem, order=self.options["order"], order_max=self.options["order_max"], order_max_norm=self.options["order_max_norm"], interaction_order=self.options["interaction_order"], interaction_order_current=self.options["interaction_order"], options=self.options, validation=self.validation) else: raise AssertionError("Please specify correct gPC method ('reg' or 'quad')") gpc.backend = self.options["backend"] # determine number of basis functions n_coeffs = get_num_coeffs_sparse(order_dim_max=self.options["order"], order_glob_max=self.options["order_max"], order_inter_max=self.options["interaction_order"], dim=self.problem.dim) if self.options["n_grid"] is not None: n_grid = self.options["n_grid"] else: n_grid = self.options["matrix_ratio"] * n_coeffs # Write grid in gpc object if self.grid is not None: if self.options["method"] == "reg": print(f"Using user-predefined grid with n_grid={self.grid.n_grid}") gpc.grid = self.options["grid"](parameters_random=self.problem.parameters_random, coords=self.grid.coords, coords_norm=self.grid.coords_norm, coords_gradient=self.grid.coords_gradient, coords_gradient_norm=self.grid.coords_gradient_norm, options=self.options["grid_options"]) elif self.options["method"] == "quad": gpc.grid = self.grid elif self.options["grid"] == Random or self.options["grid"] == LHS or self.options["grid"] == GP: gpc.grid = self.options["grid"](parameters_random=self.problem.parameters_random, n_grid=n_grid, options=self.options["grid_options"]) elif self.options["grid"] == L1 or self.options["grid"] == L1_LHS or self.options["grid"] == LHS_L1\ or self.options["grid"] == FIM or self.options["grid"] == CO: gpc.grid = self.options["grid"](parameters_random=self.problem.parameters_random, n_grid=n_grid, options=self.options["grid_options"], gpc=gpc) else: raise ValueError("Grid not provided and specified grid type not known!") gpc.interaction_order_current = copy.deepcopy(self.options["interaction_order"]) # Initialize parallel Computation class com = Computation(n_cpu=self.n_cpu, matlab_model=self.options["matlab_model"]) eps = self.options["eps"] + 1 eps_pre = eps + 1 i_grid = 0 res = np.array([]) # determine gpc approximation and determine error (increase grid size in case of adaptive sampling) while eps > self.options["eps"]: # Run simulations iprint("Performing {} simulations!".format(gpc.grid.n_grid - i_grid), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) start_time = time.time() res_new =, problem=self.problem, coords=gpc.grid.coords[i_grid:gpc.grid.n_grid, :], coords_norm=gpc.grid.coords_norm[i_grid:gpc.grid.n_grid, :], i_iter=gpc.order_max, i_subiter=gpc.interaction_order, fn_results=None, print_func_time=self.options["print_func_time"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) if len(res) > 0: res = np.vstack((res, res_new)) else: res = res_new i_grid = gpc.grid.n_grid iprint('Total parallel function evaluation: ' + str(time.time() - start_time) + ' sec', tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # Determine gradient [n_grid x n_out x dim] if self.options["gradient_enhanced"]: start_time = time.time() grad_res_3D, gradient_idx = get_gradient(model=self.problem.model, problem=self.problem, grid=gpc.grid, results=res, com=com, method=self.options["gradient_calculation"], gradient_results_present=None, gradient_idx_skip=None, i_iter=gpc.order_max, i_subiter=gpc.interaction_order, print_func_time=self.options["print_func_time"], dx=self.options["gradient_calculation_options"]["dx"], distance_weight=self.options["gradient_calculation_options"]["distance_weight"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) iprint('Gradient evaluation: ' + str(time.time() - start_time) + ' sec', tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # check validity of results and resample in case the model could not be evaluated at some sampling points res, grad_res_3D, gradient_idx, gpc.grid = self.check_results(results=res, gradient_results=grad_res_3D, gradient_results_idx=gradient_idx, grid=gpc.grid, com=com) # Initialize gpc matrix gpc.init_gpc_matrix(gradient_idx=gradient_idx) # Compute gpc coefficients coeffs = gpc.solve(results=res, gradient_results=grad_res_3D, solver=self.options["solver"], settings=self.options["settings"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # create validation set if necessary if self.options["error_type"] == "nrmsd" and gpc.validation is None: gpc.create_validation_set(n_samples=self.options["n_samples_validation"], n_cpu=self.options["n_cpu"]) # validate gpc approximation (determine nrmsd or loocv specified in options["error_type"]) eps = gpc.validate(coeffs=coeffs, results=res, gradient_results=grad_res_3D) iprint("-> {} {} error = {}".format(self.options["error_norm"], self.options["error_type"], eps), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) if not self.options["adaptive_sampling"]: # (0 < (eps_pre-eps)/eps < 0.01): break if eps > self.options["eps"]: # extend grid by 5% of number of basis functions and restart loop n_grid_new = gpc.grid.n_grid + 1 # int(np.ceil(gpc.grid.n_grid + 5e-2 * gpc.basis.n_basis)) iprint('Extending grid from {} to {} by {} sampling points using grid_extension_method {}'.format( gpc.grid.n_grid, n_grid_new, n_grid_new - gpc.grid.n_grid, self.options["grid_extension_method"]), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) if self.options["grid_extension_method"] == "GPR": gpc.grid.extend_random_grid(n_grid_new=n_grid_new, results=res, type="GP") else: gpc.grid.extend_random_grid(n_grid_new=n_grid_new) # eps_pre = eps # save gpc object and gpc coeffs if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: with h5py.File(fn_results + ".hdf5", "a") as f: f.create_dataset("misc/fn_session", data=np.array([os.path.split(self.options["fn_session"])[1]]).astype("|S")) f.create_dataset("misc/fn_session_folder", data=np.array([self.options["fn_session_folder"]]).astype("|S")) f.create_dataset("misc/error_type", data=self.options["error_type"]) f.create_dataset("error", data=eps, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("grid/coords", maxshape=None, data=gpc.grid.coords, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("grid/coords_norm", maxshape=None, data=gpc.grid.coords_norm, dtype="float64") if gpc.grid.coords_gradient is not None: f.create_dataset("grid/coords_gradient", data=gpc.grid.coords_gradient, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("grid/coords_gradient_norm", data=gpc.grid.coords_gradient_norm, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("coeffs", data=coeffs, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("gpc_matrix", data=gpc.gpc_matrix, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") if gpc.gpc_matrix_gradient is not None: f.create_dataset("gpc_matrix_gradient", data=gpc.gpc_matrix_gradient, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("model_evaluations/results", data=res, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") if grad_res_3D is not None: f.create_dataset("model_evaluations/gradient_results", data=ten2mat(grad_res_3D), maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("model_evaluations/gradient_results_idx", data=gpc.gradient_idx, maxshape=None, dtype="int64") if gpc.validation is not None: f.create_dataset("validation/model_evaluations/results", data=gpc.validation.results, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("validation/grid/coords", data=gpc.validation.grid.coords, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("validation/grid/coords_norm", data=gpc.validation.grid.coords_norm, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") com.close() return gpc, coeffs, res
[docs] class MEStatic(Algorithm): """ Multi-Element Static gPC algorithm Parameters ---------- problem : Problem object Object instance of gPC problem to investigate options["method"]: str GPC method to apply ['Reg', 'Quad'] options["order"]: list of int [dim] Maximum individual expansion order [order_1, order_2, ..., order_dim]. Generates individual polynomials also if maximum expansion order in order_max is exceeded options["order_max"]: int Maximum global expansion order. The maximum expansion order considers the sum of the orders of combined polynomials together with the chosen norm "order_max_norm". Typically this norm is 1 such that the maximum order is the sum of all monomial orders. options["order_max_norm"]: float Norm for which the maximum global expansion order is defined [0, 1]. Values < 1 decrease the total number of polynomials in the expansion such that interaction terms are penalized more. This truncation scheme is also referred to "hyperbolic polynomial chaos expansion" such that sum(a_i^q)^1/q <= p, where p is order_max and q is order_max_norm (for more details see eq. (27) in [1]). options["interaction_order"]: int Number of random variables, which can interact with each other. All polynomials are ignored, which have an interaction order greater than the specified options["qoi"] : int or str, optional, default: 0 Choose for which QOI the projection is determined for. The other QOIs use the same projection. Alternatively, the projection can be determined for every QOI independently (qoi_index or "all"). options["classifier"] : str, optional, default: "learning" Classification algorithm to subdivide parameter domain. - "learning" ... ClassifierLearning algorithm based on Unsupervised and supervised learning options["classifier_options"] : dict, optional, default: default settings Options of classifier grid: Grid object instance Grid object to use for static gPC (Random, SparseGrid, TensorGrid) Notes ----- .. [1] Blatman, G., & Sudret, B. (2011). Adaptive sparse polynomial chaos expansion based on least angle regression. Journal of Computational Physics, 230(6), 2345-2367. Examples -------- >>> import pygpc >>> # initialize static gPC algorithm >>> algorithm = pygpc.MEStatic(problem=problem, options=options, grid=grid) >>> # run algorithm >>> gpc, coeffs, results = """ def __init__(self, problem, options, grid=None, validation=None): """ Constructor; Initializes multi-element static gPC algorithm """ super(MEStatic, self).__init__(problem=problem, options=options, validation=validation, grid=grid) # check contents of settings dict and set defaults if "method" not in self.options.keys(): raise AssertionError("Please specify 'method' with either 'reg' or 'quad' in options dictionary") if "order" not in self.options.keys(): raise AssertionError("Please specify 'order'=[order_1, order_2, ..., order_dim] in options dictionary") if "order_max" not in self.options.keys(): raise AssertionError("Please specify 'order_max' in options dictionary") if "interaction_order" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["interaction_order"] = self.problem.dim if "order_max_norm" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["order_max_norm"] = 1. if "qoi" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["qoi"] = 0 if "classifier" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["classifier"] = "learning" if "classifier_options" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["classifier_options"] = None if self.options["qoi"] == "all": self.qoi_specific = True else: self.qoi_specific = False
[docs] def run(self): """ Runs Multi-Element Static gPC algorithm to solve problem. Returns ------- megpc : Multi-element GPC object instance MEGPC object containing all information i.e., Problem, Model, Grid, Basis, RandomParameter instances coeffs: list of ndarray of float [n_gpc][n_basis x n_out] GPC coefficients res : ndarray of float [n_grid x n_out] Simulation results at n_grid points of the n_out output variables """ if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: fn_results = os.path.splitext(self.options["fn_results"])[0] if os.path.exists(fn_results + ".hdf5"): os.remove(fn_results + ".hdf5") else: fn_results = None grad_res_3D = None grad_res_3D_all = None gradient_idx = None res_all_list = [] if self.options["n_grid"] is not None: n_grid = self.options["n_grid"] else: n_grid = None # Write grid in gpc object if self.grid is not None: print(f"Using user-predefined grid with n_grid={n_grid}") grid = self.options["grid"](parameters_random=self.problem.parameters_random, coords=self.grid.coords, coords_norm=self.grid.coords_norm, coords_gradient=self.grid.coords_gradient, coords_gradient_norm=self.grid.coords_gradient_norm, options=self.options["grid_options"]) elif n_grid is None: raise ValueError("If grid is not provided during initialization please provide options['n_grid']") elif self.options["grid"] == Random or self.options["grid"] == LHS or self.options["grid"] == GP: print(f"Creating initial grid ({self.options['grid'].__name__}) with n_grid={int(n_grid)}") grid = self.options["grid"](parameters_random=self.problem.parameters_random, n_grid=n_grid, options=self.options["grid_options"]) elif self.options["grid"] == L1 or self.options["grid"] == L1_LHS or self.options["grid"] == LHS_L1 \ or self.options["grid"] == FIM: raise NotImplementedError("Grid type not possible for MEStatic algorithm." "Please use either 'Random' or 'LHS'.") else: raise ValueError("Grid not provided and specified grid type not known!") # Initialize parallel Computation class com = Computation(n_cpu=self.n_cpu, matlab_model=self.options["matlab_model"]) megpc = [] coeffs = [] eps = self.options["eps"] + 1 i_grid = 0 i_qoi = 0 if self.options["qoi"] is not None and self.options["qoi"] != "all": q_idx = self.options["qoi"] qoi_idx = [q_idx] else: qoi_idx = np.arange(1) q_idx = qoi_idx[0] n_qoi = len(qoi_idx) while i_qoi < n_qoi: q_idx = qoi_idx[i_qoi] print_str = "Determining gPC approximation for QOI #{}:".format(q_idx) iprint(print_str, tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) iprint("=" * len(print_str), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) megpc.append(0) coeffs.append(0) eps_pre = eps + 1 # Create MEGPC object megpc[i_qoi] = MEGPC(problem=self.problem, options=self.options, validation=self.validation) res_all = np.array([]) # determine gpc approximation and determine error (increase grid size in case of adaptive sampling) while eps > self.options["eps"]: if i_grid < grid.n_grid: # run simulations iprint("Performing {} simulations!".format(grid.n_grid - i_grid), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) start_time = time.time() res_new =, problem=self.problem, coords=grid.coords[i_grid:grid.n_grid, :], coords_norm=grid.coords_norm[i_grid:grid.n_grid, :], i_iter=self.options["order_max"], i_subiter=self.options["interaction_order"], fn_results=None, print_func_time=self.options["print_func_time"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) if len(res_all) > 0: res_all = np.vstack(res_all, res_new) else: res_all = res_new if i_qoi == 0 and i_grid == 0: if self.options["qoi"] == "all": qoi_idx = np.arange(res_all.shape[1]) n_qoi = len(qoi_idx) i_grid = grid.n_grid iprint('Total function evaluation: ' + str(time.time() - start_time) + ' sec', tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # Determine gradient [n_grid x n_out x dim] if self.options["gradient_enhanced"]: start_time = time.time() grad_res_3D_all, gradient_idx = get_gradient(model=self.problem.model, problem=self.problem, grid=grid, results=res_all, com=com, method=self.options["gradient_calculation"], gradient_results_present=grad_res_3D_all, gradient_idx_skip=gradient_idx, i_iter=self.options["order_max"], i_subiter=self.options["interaction_order"], print_func_time=self.options["print_func_time"], dx=self.options["gradient_calculation_options"]["dx"], distance_weight= self.options["gradient_calculation_options"][ "distance_weight"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) iprint('Gradient evaluation: ' + str(time.time() - start_time) + ' sec', tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # check validity of results and resample in case the model could not be evaluated at some sampling points res_all, grad_res_3D_all, gradient_idx, grid = self.check_results(results=res_all, gradient_results=grad_res_3D_all, gradient_results_idx=gradient_idx, grid=grid, com=com) # crop results to considered qoi if self.options["qoi"] != "all": res = copy.deepcopy(res_all) grad_res_3D = copy.deepcopy(grad_res_3D_all) hdf5_subfolder = "" output_idx_passed_validation = None else: res = res_all[:, q_idx][:, np.newaxis] hdf5_subfolder = "/qoi_" + str(q_idx) output_idx_passed_validation = q_idx if grad_res_3D_all is not None: grad_res_3D = grad_res_3D_all[:, q_idx, :][:, np.newaxis, :] # Write grid in gpc object megpc[i_qoi].grid = copy.deepcopy(grid) # determine gpc domains megpc[i_qoi].init_classifier(coords=megpc[i_qoi].grid.coords_norm, results=res_all[:, q_idx][:, np.newaxis], algorithm=self.options["classifier"], options=self.options["classifier_options"]) # initialize sub-gPCs for d in np.unique(megpc[i_qoi].domains): megpc[i_qoi].add_sub_gpc(problem=megpc[i_qoi].problem, order=[self.options["order"][0] for _ in range(megpc[i_qoi].problem.dim)], order_max=self.options["order_max"], order_max_norm=self.options["order_max_norm"], interaction_order=self.options["interaction_order"], interaction_order_current=self.options["interaction_order"], options=self.options, domain=d, validation=None) # assign grids to sub-gPCs (rotate sub-grids in case of projection) megpc[i_qoi].assign_grids(gradient_idx=gradient_idx) # Initialize gpc matrices megpc[i_qoi].init_gpc_matrices() # Compute gpc coefficients coeffs[i_qoi] = megpc[i_qoi].solve(results=res, gradient_results=grad_res_3D, solver=self.options["solver"], settings=self.options["settings"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # create validation set if necessary if self.options["error_type"] == "nrmsd" and megpc[0].validation is None: megpc[0].create_validation_set(n_samples=self.options["n_samples_validation"], n_cpu=self.options["n_cpu"]) elif self.options["error_type"] == "nrmsd" and megpc[0].validation is not None: megpc[i_qoi].validation = copy.deepcopy(megpc[0].validation) # validate gpc approximation (determine nrmsd or loocv specified in options["error_type"]) eps = megpc[i_qoi].validate(coeffs=coeffs[i_qoi], results=res, gradient_results=grad_res_3D) iprint("-> {} {} error = {}".format(self.options["error_norm"], self.options["error_type"], eps), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # domain specific error eps_domain = [0 for _ in range(len(np.unique(megpc[i_qoi].domains)))] for i_gpc, d in enumerate(np.unique(megpc[i_qoi].domains)): eps_domain[d] = megpc[i_qoi].validate(coeffs=coeffs[i_qoi], results=res, domain=d, output_idx=output_idx_passed_validation) if not self.options["adaptive_sampling"] or (0 < (eps_pre-eps)/eps < 0.01): break if eps > self.options["eps"]: # extend grid by 10% of number of grid points n_grid_new = int(np.ceil(1.1*grid.n_grid)) iprint("Extending grid from {} to {} by {} sampling points".format( grid.n_grid, n_grid_new, n_grid_new - grid.n_grid), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) grid.extend_random_grid(n_grid_new=n_grid_new) eps_pre = eps # save data if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: with h5py.File(fn_results + ".hdf5", "a") as f: try: fn_session = f["misc/fn_session"] except KeyError: f.create_dataset("misc/fn_session", data=np.array([os.path.split(self.options["fn_session"])[1]]).astype("|S")) f.create_dataset("misc/fn_session_folder", data=np.array([self.options["fn_session_folder"]]).astype("|S")) for i_gpc in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc): f.create_dataset("error" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(i_gpc), data=eps_domain[i_gpc], maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("coeffs" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(i_gpc), data=coeffs[i_qoi][i_gpc], maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("domains" + hdf5_subfolder, data=megpc[i_qoi].domains, maxshape=None, dtype="int64") for i_gpc in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc): f.create_dataset("gpc_matrix" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(i_gpc), data=megpc[i_qoi].gpc[i_gpc].gpc_matrix, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") if megpc[i_qoi].gpc[0].gpc_matrix_gradient is not None: if self.options["gradient_enhanced"]: f.create_dataset("gpc_matrix_gradient" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(i_gpc), data=megpc[i_qoi].gpc[i_gpc].gpc_matrix_gradient, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") i_qoi += 1 if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: with h5py.File(fn_results + ".hdf5", "a") as f: try: del f["grid/coords"] del f["grid/coords_norm"] del f["grid/coords_gradient"] del f["grid/coords_gradient_norm"] except KeyError: pass f.create_dataset("grid/coords", data=grid.coords, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("grid/coords_norm", data=grid.coords_norm, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") if grid.coords_gradient is not None: f.create_dataset("grid/coords_gradient", data=grid.coords_gradient, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("grid/coords_gradient_norm", data=grid.coords_gradient_norm, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("model_evaluations/results", data=res, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") if grad_res_3D is not None: f.create_dataset("model_evaluations/gradient_results", data=ten2mat(grad_res_3D), maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("model_evaluations/gradient_results_idx", data=megpc[-1].gradient_idx, maxshape=None, dtype="int64") f.create_dataset("misc/error_type", data=self.options["error_type"]) if megpc[0].validation is not None: f.create_dataset("validation/model_evaluations/results", data=megpc[0].validation.results, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("validation/grid/coords", data=megpc[0].validation.grid.coords, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("validation/grid/coords_norm", data=megpc[0].validation.grid.coords_norm, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") com.close() return megpc, coeffs, res
[docs] class MEStatic_IO(Algorithm): """ Multi-Element Static gPC algorithm using precomputed IO data Parameters ---------- parameters: OrderedDict containing the RandomParameter class instances Dictionary (ordered) containing the properties of the random parameters options["order"]: list of int [dim] Maximum individual expansion order [order_1, order_2, ..., order_dim]. Generates individual polynomials also if maximum expansion order in order_max is exceeded options["order_max"]: int Maximum global expansion order. The maximum expansion order considers the sum of the orders of combined polynomials together with the chosen norm "order_max_norm". Typically this norm is 1 such that the maximum order is the sum of all monomial orders. options["order_max_norm"]: float Norm for which the maximum global expansion order is defined [0, 1]. Values < 1 decrease the total number of polynomials in the expansion such that interaction terms are penalized more. This truncation scheme is also referred to "hyperbolic polynomial chaos expansion" such that sum(a_i^q)^1/q <= p, where p is order_max and q is order_max_norm (for more details see eq. (27) in [1]). options["interaction_order"]: int Number of random variables, which can interact with each other. All polynomials are ignored, which have an interaction order greater than the specified options["qoi"] : int or str, optional, default: 0 Choose for which QOI the projection is determined for. The other QOIs use the same projection. Alternatively, the projection can be determined for every QOI independently (qoi_index or "all"). options["classifier"] : str, optional, default: "learning" Classification algorithm to subdivide parameter domain. - "learning" ... ClassifierLearning algorithm based on Unsupervised and supervised learning options["classifier_options"] : dict, optional, default: default settings Options of classifier grid: Grid object instance Grid object to use for static gPC (Random, SparseGrid, TensorGrid) containing the parameter values, where the output relations were calculated results: ndarray of float [N_grid x N_qoi] Model output at each grid point for each QOI Notes ----- .. [1] Blatman, G., & Sudret, B. (2011). Adaptive sparse polynomial chaos expansion based on least angle regression. Journal of Computational Physics, 230(6), 2345-2367. Examples -------- >>> import pygpc >>> # initialize static gPC algorithm >>> algorithm = pygpc.MEStatic_IO(parameters=parameters, options=options, results=results, grid=grid) >>> # run algorithm >>> gpc, coeffs, results = """ def __init__(self, parameters, options, results, grid, validation=None): """ Constructor; Initializes multi-element static gPC algorithm """ # create dummy model model = Dummy() # create dummy problem problem = Problem(model, parameters) super(MEStatic_IO, self).__init__(problem=problem, options=options, validation=validation, grid=grid) self.res = results # check contents of settings dict and set defaults if "order" not in self.options.keys(): raise AssertionError("Please specify 'order'=[order_1, order_2, ..., order_dim] in options dictionary") if "order_max" not in self.options.keys(): raise AssertionError("Please specify 'order_max' in options dictionary") if "interaction_order" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["interaction_order"] = self.problem.dim if "order_max_norm" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["order_max_norm"] = 1. if "qoi" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["qoi"] = 0 if "classifier" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["classifier"] = "learning" if "classifier_options" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["classifier_options"] = None if self.options["qoi"] == "all": self.qoi_specific = True else: self.qoi_specific = False # if self.options["error_type"] != "loocv": # self.options["error_type"] = "loocv" # warnings.warn("Changing error calculation type to loocv ...")
[docs] def run(self): """ Runs Multi-Element Static gPC algorithm using precomputed IO data to construct gPC approximation. Returns ------- megpc : Multi-element GPC object instance MEGPC object containing all information i.e., Problem, Model, Grid, Basis, RandomParameter instances coeffs: list of ndarray of float [n_gpc][n_basis x n_out] GPC coefficients res : ndarray of float [n_grid x n_out] Simulation results at n_grid points of the n_out output variables """ if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: fn_results = os.path.splitext(self.options["fn_results"])[0] if os.path.exists(fn_results + ".hdf5"): os.remove(fn_results + ".hdf5") else: fn_results = None megpc = [] coeffs = [] i_grid = 0 i_qoi = 0 if self.options["qoi"] is not None and self.options["qoi"] != "all": q_idx = self.options["qoi"] qoi_idx = [q_idx] else: qoi_idx = np.arange(1) q_idx = qoi_idx[0] n_qoi = len(qoi_idx) while i_qoi < n_qoi: q_idx = qoi_idx[i_qoi] print_str = "Determining gPC approximation for QOI #{}:".format(q_idx) iprint(print_str, tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) iprint("=" * len(print_str), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) megpc.append(0) coeffs.append(0) # Create MEGPC object megpc[i_qoi] = MEGPC(problem=self.problem, options=self.options, validation=self.validation) if i_qoi == 0 and i_grid == 0: if self.options["qoi"] == "all": qoi_idx = np.arange(self.res.shape[1]) n_qoi = len(qoi_idx) # crop results to considered qoi if self.options["qoi"] != "all": res = copy.deepcopy(self.res) hdf5_subfolder = "" output_idx_passed_validation = None else: res = self.res[:, q_idx][:, np.newaxis] hdf5_subfolder = "/qoi_" + str(q_idx) output_idx_passed_validation = q_idx # Write grid in gpc object megpc[i_qoi].grid = copy.deepcopy(self.grid) # determine gpc domains megpc[i_qoi].init_classifier(coords=megpc[i_qoi].grid.coords_norm, results=self.res[:, q_idx][:, np.newaxis], algorithm=self.options["classifier"], options=self.options["classifier_options"]) # initialize sub-gPCs for d in np.unique(megpc[i_qoi].domains): megpc[i_qoi].add_sub_gpc(problem=megpc[i_qoi].problem, order=[self.options["order"][0] for _ in range(megpc[i_qoi].problem.dim)], order_max=self.options["order_max"], order_max_norm=self.options["order_max_norm"], interaction_order=self.options["interaction_order"], interaction_order_current=self.options["interaction_order"], options=self.options, domain=d, validation=None) # assign grids to sub-gPCs (rotate sub-grids in case of projection) megpc[i_qoi].assign_grids() # Initialize gpc matrices megpc[i_qoi].init_gpc_matrices() # Compute gpc coefficients coeffs[i_qoi] = megpc[i_qoi].solve(results=res, solver=self.options["solver"], settings=self.options["settings"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # validate gpc approximation (determine nrmsd or loocv specified in options["error_type"]) eps = megpc[i_qoi].validate(coeffs=coeffs[i_qoi], results=res) iprint("-> {} {} error = {}".format(self.options["error_norm"], self.options["error_type"], eps), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # domain specific error eps_domain = [0 for _ in range(len(np.unique(megpc[i_qoi].domains)))] for i_gpc, d in enumerate(np.unique(megpc[i_qoi].domains)): eps_domain[d] = megpc[i_qoi].validate(coeffs=coeffs[i_qoi], results=res, domain=d, output_idx=output_idx_passed_validation) # save data if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: with h5py.File(fn_results + ".hdf5", "a") as f: try: fn_session = f["misc/fn_session"] except KeyError: f.create_dataset("misc/fn_session", data=np.array([os.path.split(self.options["fn_session"])[1]]).astype("|S")) f.create_dataset("misc/fn_session_folder", data=np.array([self.options["fn_session_folder"]]).astype("|S")) for i_gpc in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc): f.create_dataset("error" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(i_gpc), data=eps_domain[i_gpc], maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("coeffs" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(i_gpc), data=coeffs[i_qoi][i_gpc], maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("domains" + hdf5_subfolder, data=megpc[i_qoi].domains, maxshape=None, dtype="int64") for i_gpc in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc): f.create_dataset("gpc_matrix" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(i_gpc), data=megpc[i_qoi].gpc[i_gpc].gpc_matrix, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") if megpc[i_qoi].gpc[0].gpc_matrix_gradient is not None: if self.options["gradient_enhanced"]: f.create_dataset("gpc_matrix_gradient" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(i_gpc), data=megpc[i_qoi].gpc[i_gpc].gpc_matrix_gradient, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") i_qoi += 1 if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: with h5py.File(fn_results + ".hdf5", "a") as f: try: del f["grid/coords"] del f["grid/coords_norm"] del f["grid/coords_gradient"] del f["grid/coords_gradient_norm"] except KeyError: pass f.create_dataset("grid/coords", data=self.grid.coords, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("grid/coords_norm", data=self.grid.coords_norm, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") if self.grid.coords_gradient is not None: f.create_dataset("grid/coords_gradient", data=self.grid.coords_gradient, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("grid/coords_gradient_norm", data=self.grid.coords_gradient_norm, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("model_evaluations/results", data=self.res, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("misc/error_type", data=self.options["error_type"]) if megpc[0].validation is not None: f.create_dataset("validation/model_evaluations/results", data=megpc[0].validation.results, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("validation/grid/coords", data=megpc[0].validation.grid.coords, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("validation/grid/coords_norm", data=megpc[0].validation.grid.coords_norm, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") return megpc, coeffs, self.res
[docs] class StaticProjection(Algorithm): """ Static gPC algorithm using Basis Projection approach Parameters ---------- problem : Problem object Object instance of gPC problem to investigate options["method"]: str GPC method to apply ['Reg', 'Quad'] options["order"]: int Expansion order, each projected variable \\eta is expanded to. Generates individual polynomials also if maximum expansion order in order_max is exceeded options["order_max"]: int Maximum global expansion order. The maximum expansion order considers the sum of the orders of combined polynomials together with the chosen norm "order_max_norm". Typically this norm is 1 such that the maximum order is the sum of all monomial orders. options["order_max_norm"]: float Norm for which the maximum global expansion order is defined [0, 1]. Values < 1 decrease the total number of polynomials in the expansion such that interaction terms are penalized more. This truncation scheme is also referred to "hyperbolic polynomial chaos expansion" such that sum(a_i^q)^1/q <= p, where p is order_max and q is order_max_norm (for more details see eq. (27) in [1]). options["interaction_order"]: int Number of random variables, which can interact with each other. All polynomials are ignored, which have an interaction order greater than the specified options["qoi"] : int or str, optional, default: 0 Choose for which QOI the projection is determined for. The other QOIs use the same projection. Alternatively, the projection can be determined for every QOI independently (qoi_index or "all"). options["n_grid"] : float, optional, default: 10 Number of initial grid points to determine gradient and projection matrix Notes ----- .. [1] Blatman, G., & Sudret, B. (2011). Adaptive sparse polynomial chaos expansion based on least angle regression. Journal of Computational Physics, 230(6), 2345-2367. Examples -------- >>> import pygpc >>> # initialize static gPC algorithm >>> algorithm = pygpc.StaticProjection(problem=problem, options=options) >>> # run algorithm >>> gpc, coeffs, results = """ def __init__(self, problem, options, validation=None, grid=None): """ Constructor; Initializes static gPC algorithm """ super(StaticProjection, self).__init__(problem=problem, options=options, validation=validation, grid=grid) # check contents of settings dict and set defaults if "method" not in self.options.keys(): raise AssertionError("Please specify 'method' with either 'reg' or 'quad' in options dictionary") if "order" not in self.options.keys(): raise AssertionError("Please specify 'order'=[order_1, order_2, ..., order_dim] in options dictionary") if "order_max" not in self.options.keys(): raise AssertionError("Please specify 'order_max' in options dictionary") if "interaction_order" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["interaction_order"] = self.problem.dim if "order_max_norm" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["order_max_norm"] = 1. if "n_grid" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["n_grid"] = 10 if "qoi" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["qoi"] = 0 if self.options["qoi"] == "all": self.qoi_specific = True else: self.qoi_specific = False
[docs] def run(self): """ Runs static gPC algorithm using Projection to solve problem. Returns ------- gpc : GPC object instance GPC object containing all information i.e., Problem, Model, Grid, Basis, RandomParameter instances coeffs: list of ndarray of float [n_qoi][n_basis x n_out] GPC coefficients for different qoi res : ndarray of float [n_grid x n_out] Simulation results at n_grid points of the n_out output variables """ if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: fn_results = os.path.splitext(self.options["fn_results"])[0] if os.path.exists(fn_results + ".hdf5"): os.remove(fn_results + ".hdf5") else: fn_results = None grad_res_3D = None grad_res_3D_all = None gradient_idx = None res_all_list = [] n_grid = self.options["n_grid"] # make initial grid to determine gradients and projection matrix. By default, it is an LHS (ese) grid if self.grid is not None: print(f"Using user-predefined grid with n_grid={self.grid.n_grid}") grid_original = self.options["grid"](parameters_random=self.problem.parameters_random, coords=self.grid.coords, coords_norm=self.grid.coords_norm, coords_gradient=self.grid.coords_gradient, coords_gradient_norm=self.grid.coords_gradient_norm, options=self.options["grid_options"]) elif self.options["grid"] == Random or self.options["grid"] == GP: print(f"Creating initial grid ({self.options['grid'].__name__}) with n_grid={int(n_grid)}") grid_original = self.options["grid"](parameters_random=self.problem.parameters_random, n_grid=n_grid, options=self.options["grid_options"]) else: print(f"Creating initial grid ({self.options['grid'].__name__}) with n_grid={int(n_grid)}") grid_original = LHS(parameters_random=self.problem.parameters_random, n_grid=n_grid, options={"criterion": "ese", "seed": self.options["seed"]}) # Initialize parallel Computation class com = Computation(n_cpu=self.n_cpu, matlab_model=self.options["matlab_model"]) # Set up reduced gPC self.problem_reduced = [] gpc = [] coeffs = [] eps = self.options["eps"] + 1 i_grid = 0 i_qoi = 0 if self.options["qoi"] is not None and self.options["qoi"] != "all": q_idx = self.options["qoi"] qoi_idx = [q_idx] else: qoi_idx = np.arange(1) q_idx = qoi_idx[0] n_qoi = len(qoi_idx) while i_qoi < n_qoi: q_idx = qoi_idx[i_qoi] print_str = "Determining gPC approximation for QOI #{}:".format(q_idx) iprint(print_str, tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) iprint("=" * len(print_str), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) self.problem_reduced.append(0) gpc.append(0) coeffs.append(0) eps_pre = eps + 1 # determine gpc approximation and determine error (increase grid size in case of adaptive sampling) while eps > self.options["eps"]: # run simulations if i_grid < grid_original.n_grid: iprint("Performing {} simulations!".format(grid_original.n_grid - i_grid), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) start_time = time.time() res_all_list.append(, problem=self.problem, coords=grid_original.coords[i_grid:grid_original.n_grid, :], coords_norm=grid_original.coords_norm[i_grid:grid_original.n_grid, :], i_iter=self.options["order_max"], i_subiter=self.options["interaction_order"], fn_results=None, print_func_time=self.options["print_func_time"], verbose=self.options["verbose"])) res_all = np.vstack(res_all_list) if i_qoi == 0 and i_grid == 0: if self.options["qoi"] == "all": qoi_idx = np.arange(res_all.shape[1]) n_qoi = len(qoi_idx) i_grid = grid_original.n_grid iprint('Total function evaluation: ' + str(time.time() - start_time) + ' sec', tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # Determine gradient [n_grid x n_out x dim] start_time = time.time() grad_res_3D_all, gradient_idx = get_gradient(model=self.problem.model, problem=self.problem, grid=grid_original, results=res_all, com=com, method="FD_fwd", gradient_results_present=grad_res_3D_all, gradient_idx_skip=gradient_idx, i_iter=self.options["order_max"], i_subiter=self.options["interaction_order"], print_func_time=self.options["print_func_time"], dx=self.options["gradient_calculation_options"]["dx"], distance_weight= self.options["gradient_calculation_options"][ "distance_weight"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) iprint('Gradient evaluation: ' + str(time.time() - start_time) + ' sec', tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # check validity of results and resample in case the model could not be evaluated at some sampling points res_all, grad_res_3D_all, gradient_idx, grid_original = self.check_results(results=res_all, gradient_results=grad_res_3D_all, gradient_results_idx=gradient_idx, grid=grid_original, com=com) # crop results to considered qoi if self.options["qoi"] != "all": res = copy.deepcopy(res_all) grad_res_3D = copy.deepcopy(grad_res_3D_all) hdf5_subfolder = "" else: res = res_all[:, q_idx][:, np.newaxis] grad_res_3D = grad_res_3D_all[:, q_idx, :][:, np.newaxis, :] hdf5_subfolder = "/qoi_" + str(q_idx) # Determine projection matrix p_matrix, p_matrix_complete = determine_projection_matrix(gradient_results=grad_res_3D_all[:, q_idx, :], lambda_eps=self.options["lambda_eps_gradient"]) p_matrix_norm = np.sum(np.abs(p_matrix), axis=1) dim_reduced = p_matrix.shape[0] parameters_reduced = OrderedDict() for i in range(dim_reduced): parameters_reduced["n{}".format(i)] = Beta(pdf_shape=[1., 1.], pdf_limits=[-1., 1.]) self.problem_reduced[i_qoi] = Problem(model=self.problem.model, parameters=parameters_reduced) # Create reduced gPC object gpc[i_qoi] = Reg(problem=self.problem_reduced[i_qoi], order=[self.options["order"][0] for _ in range(dim_reduced)], order_max=self.options["order_max"], order_max_norm=self.options["order_max_norm"], interaction_order=self.options["interaction_order"], interaction_order_current=self.options["interaction_order"], options=self.options, validation=self.validation) # save original problem in gpc object gpc[i_qoi].problem_original = self.problem # save projection matrix in gPC object gpc[i_qoi].p_matrix = copy.deepcopy(p_matrix) gpc[i_qoi].p_matrix_norm = copy.deepcopy(p_matrix_norm) # re-initialize grid in case of [L1, L1_LHS, LHS_L1, FIM] because initial grid was Random or LHS (ese) if self.options["grid"] in [L1, L1_LHS, LHS_L1, FIM]: grid_original = self.options["grid"](parameters_random=self.problem.parameters_random, coords=grid_original.coords, coords_norm=grid_original.coords_norm, coords_gradient=grid_original.coords_gradient, coords_gradient_norm=grid_original.coords_gradient_norm, options=self.options["grid_options"], gpc=gpc[i_qoi]) # copy grid to gPC object and initialize transformed grid gpc[i_qoi].grid_original = copy.deepcopy(grid_original) gpc[i_qoi].grid = project_grid(grid=grid_original, p_matrix=p_matrix, mode="reduce") gpc[i_qoi].options = copy.deepcopy(self.options) # Initialize gpc matrix gpc[i_qoi].init_gpc_matrix(gradient_idx=gradient_idx) # Someone might not use the gradient to determine the gpc coeffs if self.options["gradient_enhanced"]: grad_res_3D_passed = grad_res_3D else: grad_res_3D_passed = None # Compute gpc coefficients coeffs[i_qoi] = gpc[i_qoi].solve(results=res, gradient_results=grad_res_3D_passed, solver=self.options["solver"], settings=self.options["settings"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # validate gpc approximation (determine nrmsd or loocv specified in options["error_type"]) if self.options["error_type"] == "nrmsd" and gpc[0].validation is None: gpc[0].create_validation_set(n_samples=self.options["n_samples_validation"], n_cpu=self.options["n_cpu"]) elif self.options["error_type"] == "nrmsd" and gpc[0].validation is not None: gpc[i_qoi].validation = copy.deepcopy(gpc[0].validation) eps = gpc[i_qoi].validate(coeffs=coeffs[i_qoi], results=res, gradient_results=grad_res_3D_passed) iprint("-> {} {} error = {}".format(self.options["error_norm"], self.options["error_type"], eps), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) if not self.options["adaptive_sampling"] or (0 < (eps_pre-eps)/eps < 0.01): break if eps > self.options["eps"]: # extend grid by 5% of number of basis functions and restart loop n_grid_new = int(np.ceil(grid_original.n_grid + 5e-2 * gpc[i_qoi].basis.n_basis)) iprint("Extending grid from {} to {} by {} sampling points".format( grid_original.n_grid, n_grid_new, n_grid_new - grid_original.n_grid), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) grid_original.extend_random_grid(n_grid_new=n_grid_new) eps_pre = eps # save gpc objects and gpc coeffs if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: with h5py.File(fn_results + ".hdf5", "a") as f: try: fn_session = f["misc/fn_session"] except KeyError: f.create_dataset("misc/fn_session", data=np.array([os.path.split(self.options["fn_session"])[1]]).astype("|S")) f.create_dataset("misc/fn_session_folder", data=np.array([self.options["fn_session_folder"]]).astype("|S")) f.create_dataset("error" + hdf5_subfolder, data=eps, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("coeffs" + hdf5_subfolder, data=coeffs[i_qoi], maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("gpc_matrix" + hdf5_subfolder, data=gpc[i_qoi].gpc_matrix, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") if gpc[i_qoi].gpc_matrix_gradient is not None: f.create_dataset("gpc_matrix_gradient" + hdf5_subfolder, data=gpc[i_qoi].gpc_matrix_gradient, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("p_matrix" + hdf5_subfolder, data=gpc[i_qoi].p_matrix, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") i_qoi += 1 if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: with h5py.File(fn_results + ".hdf5", "a") as f: f.create_dataset("grid/coords", data=grid_original.coords, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("grid/coords_norm", data=grid_original.coords_norm, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") if grid_original.coords_gradient is not None: f.create_dataset("grid/coords_gradient", data=grid_original.coords_gradient, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("grid/coords_gradient_norm", data=grid_original.coords_gradient_norm, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("model_evaluations/results", data=res, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") if grad_res_3D is not None: f.create_dataset("model_evaluations/gradient_results", data=ten2mat(grad_res_3D), maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("model_evaluations/gradient_results_idx", data=gpc[-1].gradient_idx, maxshape=None, dtype="int64") f.create_dataset("misc/error_type", data=self.options["error_type"]) if gpc[0].validation is not None: f.create_dataset("validation/model_evaluations/results", data=gpc[0].validation.results, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("validation/grid/coords", data=gpc[0].validation.grid.coords, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("validation/grid/coords_norm", data=gpc[0].validation.grid.coords_norm, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") com.close() return gpc, coeffs, res_all
[docs] class MEStaticProjection(Algorithm): """ Static gPC algorithm using Basis Projection approach Parameters ---------- problem : Problem object Object instance of gPC problem to investigate options["order"]: int Expansion order, each projected variable \\eta is expanded to. Generates individual polynomials also if maximum expansion order in order_max is exceeded options["order_max"]: int Maximum global expansion order. The maximum expansion order considers the sum of the orders of combined polynomials together with the chosen norm "order_max_norm". Typically this norm is 1 such that the maximum order is the sum of all monomial orders. options["interaction_order"]: int Number of random variables, which can interact with each other. All polynomials are ignored, which have an interaction order greater than the specified options["qoi"] : int or str, optional, default: 0 Choose for which QOI the projection is determined for. The other QOIs use the same projection. Alternatively, the projection can be determined for every QOI independently (qoi_index or "all"). options["n_grid_gradient"] : float, optional, default: 10 Number of initial grid points to determine gradient and projection matrix options["classifier"] : str, optional, default: "learning" Classification algorithm to subdivide parameter domain. - "learning" ... ClassifierLearning algorithm based on Unsupervised and supervised learning options["classifier_options"] : dict, optional, default: default settings Options of classifier Notes ----- .. [1] Blatman, G., & Sudret, B. (2011). Adaptive sparse polynomial chaos expansion based on least angle regression. Journal of Computational Physics, 230(6), 2345-2367. Examples -------- >>> import pygpc >>> # initialize static gPC algorithm >>> algorithm = pygpc.MEStaticProjection(problem=problem, options=options) >>> # run algorithm >>> gpc, coeffs, results = """ def __init__(self, problem, options, validation=None, grid=None): """ Constructor; Initializes static gPC algorithm """ super(MEStaticProjection, self).__init__(problem=problem, options=options, validation=validation, grid=grid) # check contents of settings dict and set defaults if "method" not in self.options.keys(): raise AssertionError("Please specify 'method' with either 'reg' or 'quad' in options dictionary") if "order" not in self.options.keys(): raise AssertionError("Please specify 'order'=[order_1, order_2, ..., order_dim] in options dictionary") if "order_max" not in self.options.keys(): raise AssertionError("Please specify 'order_max' in options dictionary") if "interaction_order" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["interaction_order"] = self.problem.dim if "order_max_norm" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["order_max_norm"] = 1. if "n_grid_gradient" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["n_grid_gradient"] = 10 if "qoi" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["qoi"] = 0 if "classifier" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["classifier"] = "learning" if "classifier_options" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["classifier_options"] = None if self.options["qoi"] == "all": self.qoi_specific = True else: self.qoi_specific = False
[docs] def run(self): """ Runs static multi-element gPC algorithm with projection. Returns ------- megpc : MEGPC object instance MEGPC object containing all information i.e., Problem, Model, Grid, Basis, RandomParameter instances and sub-gPCs coeffs: list of list of ndarray of float [n_qoi][n_gpc][n_basis x n_out] GPC coefficients of different qoi and sub-gPCs res : ndarray of float [n_grid x n_out] Simulation results at n_grid points of the n_out output variables """ if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: fn_results = os.path.splitext(self.options["fn_results"])[0] if os.path.exists(fn_results + ".hdf5"): os.remove(fn_results + ".hdf5") else: fn_results = None grad_res_3D = None grad_res_3D_all = None gradient_idx = None res_all_list = [] # make initial random grid to determine gradients and projection matrix if self.grid is not None: print(f"Using user-predefined grid with n_grid={self.grid.n_grid}") grid = self.options["grid"](parameters_random=self.problem.parameters_random, coords=self.grid.coords, coords_norm=self.grid.coords_norm, coords_gradient=self.grid.coords_gradient, coords_gradient_norm=self.grid.coords_gradient_norm, options=self.options["grid_options"]) elif self.options["grid"] == Random or self.options["grid"] == LHS or self.options["grid"] == GP: print(f"Creating initial grid ({self.options['grid'].__name__}) with n_grid={int(self.options['n_grid'])}") grid = self.options["grid"](parameters_random=self.problem.parameters_random, n_grid=self.options["n_grid"], options=self.options["grid_options"]) elif self.options["grid"] == L1 or self.options["grid"] == L1_LHS or self.options["grid"] == LHS_L1 \ or self.options["grid"] == FIM: raise NotImplementedError("Grid type not possible for MEStaticProjection algorithm." "Please use either 'Random' or 'LHS'.") # Initialize parallel Computation class com = Computation(n_cpu=self.n_cpu, matlab_model=self.options["matlab_model"]) megpc = [] coeffs = [] eps = self.options["eps"] + 1 i_grid = 0 i_qoi = 0 if self.options["qoi"] is not None and self.options["qoi"] != "all": q_idx = self.options["qoi"] qoi_idx = [q_idx] else: qoi_idx = np.arange(1) q_idx = qoi_idx[0] n_qoi = len(qoi_idx) res_all = np.array([]) while i_qoi < n_qoi: q_idx = qoi_idx[i_qoi] print_str = "Determining gPC approximation for QOI #{}:".format(q_idx) iprint(print_str, tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) iprint("=" * len(print_str), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) megpc.append(0) coeffs.append(0) # Create MEGPC object megpc[i_qoi] = MEGPC(problem=self.problem, options=self.options, validation=self.validation) eps = self.options["eps"] + 1 # determine gpc approximation and determine error (increase grid size in case of adaptive sampling) while eps > self.options["eps"]: if i_grid < grid.n_grid: # run simulations iprint("Performing {} simulations!".format(grid.n_grid - i_grid), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) start_time = time.time() res_new =, problem=self.problem, coords=grid.coords[i_grid:grid.n_grid, :], coords_norm=grid.coords_norm[i_grid:grid.n_grid, :], i_iter=self.options["order_max"], i_subiter=self.options["interaction_order"], fn_results=None, print_func_time=self.options["print_func_time"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) if len(res_all) > 0: res_all = np.vstack(res_all, res_new) else: res_all = res_new if i_qoi == 0 and i_grid == 0: if self.options["qoi"] == "all": qoi_idx = np.arange(res_all.shape[1]) n_qoi = len(qoi_idx) i_grid = grid.n_grid iprint('Total function evaluation: ' + str(time.time() - start_time) + ' sec', tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # Determine gradient [n_grid x n_out x dim] start_time = time.time() grad_res_3D_all, gradient_idx = get_gradient(model=self.problem.model, problem=self.problem, grid=grid, results=res_all, com=com, method="FD_fwd", gradient_results_present=grad_res_3D_all, gradient_idx_skip=gradient_idx, i_iter=self.options["order_max"], i_subiter=self.options["interaction_order"], print_func_time=self.options["print_func_time"], dx=self.options["gradient_calculation_options"]["dx"], distance_weight= self.options["gradient_calculation_options"][ "distance_weight"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) iprint('Gradient evaluation: ' + str(time.time() - start_time) + ' sec', tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # check validity of results and resample in case the model could not be evaluated at some sampling points res_all, grad_res_3D_all, gradient_idx, grid = self.check_results(results=res_all, gradient_results=grad_res_3D_all, gradient_results_idx=gradient_idx, grid=grid, com=com) # crop results to considered qoi if self.options["qoi"] != "all": res = copy.deepcopy(res_all) grad_res_3D = copy.deepcopy(grad_res_3D_all) hdf5_subfolder = "" output_idx_passed_validation = None else: res = res_all[:, q_idx][:, np.newaxis] grad_res_3D = grad_res_3D_all[:, q_idx, :][:, np.newaxis, :] hdf5_subfolder = "/qoi_" + str(q_idx) output_idx_passed_validation = q_idx megpc[i_qoi].grid = copy.deepcopy(grid) # determine gpc domains megpc[i_qoi].init_classifier(coords=megpc[i_qoi].grid.coords_norm, results=res_all[:, q_idx][:, np.newaxis], algorithm=self.options["classifier"], options=self.options["classifier_options"]) problem_reduced = [0 for _ in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc)] p_matrix = [0 for _ in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc)] p_matrix_norm = [0 for _ in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc)] dim_reduced = [0 for _ in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc)] parameters_reduced = [OrderedDict() for _ in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc)] megpc[i_qoi].gpc = [0 for _ in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc)] # Determine projection matrices for sub gPCs for d in np.unique(megpc[i_qoi].domains): p_matrix[d], _ = determine_projection_matrix( gradient_results=grad_res_3D_all[megpc[i_qoi].domains[gradient_idx] == d, q_idx, :], lambda_eps=self.options["lambda_eps_gradient"]) p_matrix_norm[d] = np.sum(np.abs(p_matrix[d]), axis=1) dim_reduced[d] = p_matrix[d].shape[0] for i in range(dim_reduced[d]): parameters_reduced[d]["n{}".format(i)] = Beta(pdf_shape=[1., 1.], pdf_limits=[-1., 1.]) problem_reduced[d] = Problem(model=self.problem.model, parameters=parameters_reduced[d]) # Set up reduced gPC for this domain megpc[i_qoi].add_sub_gpc(problem=problem_reduced[d], order=[self.options["order"][0] for _ in range(dim_reduced[d])], order_max=self.options["order_max"], order_max_norm=self.options["order_max_norm"], interaction_order=self.options["interaction_order"], interaction_order_current=self.options["interaction_order"], options=self.options, domain=d, validation=None) # save original problem in gpc object megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].problem_original = self.problem # save projection matrix in gPC object megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].p_matrix = copy.deepcopy(p_matrix[d]) megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].p_matrix_norm = copy.deepcopy(p_matrix_norm[d]) # copy options to MEGPC object megpc[i_qoi].options = copy.deepcopy(self.options) # assign grids to sub-gPCs (rotate sub-grids in case of projection) megpc[i_qoi].assign_grids(gradient_idx=gradient_idx) # Initialize gpc matrices megpc[i_qoi].init_gpc_matrices() # Someone might not use the gradient to determine the gpc coeffs if megpc[i_qoi].gradient: grad_res_3D_passed = grad_res_3D else: grad_res_3D_passed = None # Compute gpc coefficients coeffs[i_qoi] = megpc[i_qoi].solve(results=res, gradient_results=grad_res_3D_passed, solver=self.options["solver"], settings=self.options["settings"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # validate gpc approximation (determine nrmsd or loocv specified in options["error_type"]) if self.options["error_type"] == "nrmsd" and megpc[0].validation is None: megpc[0].create_validation_set(n_samples=self.options["n_samples_validation"], n_cpu=self.options["n_cpu"]) elif self.options["error_type"] == "nrmsd" and megpc[0].validation is not None: megpc[i_qoi].validation = copy.deepcopy(megpc[0].validation) eps = megpc[i_qoi].validate(coeffs=coeffs[i_qoi], results=res, gradient_results=grad_res_3D_passed) iprint("-> {} {} error = {}".format(self.options["error_norm"], self.options["error_type"], eps), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # domain specific error eps_domain = [0 for _ in range(len(np.unique(megpc[i_qoi].domains)))] for i_gpc, d in enumerate(np.unique(megpc[i_qoi].domains)): eps_domain[d] = megpc[i_qoi].validate(coeffs=coeffs[i_qoi], results=res, domain=d, output_idx=output_idx_passed_validation) if not self.options["adaptive_sampling"] or (0 < (eps_pre-eps)/eps < 0.01): break if eps > self.options["eps"]: # extend grid by 10% of number of grid points n_grid_new = int(np.ceil(1.1*grid.n_grid)) iprint("Extending grid from {} to {} by {} sampling points".format( grid.n_grid, n_grid_new, n_grid_new - grid.n_grid), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) grid.extend_random_grid(n_grid_new=n_grid_new) eps_pre = eps # save data if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: with h5py.File(fn_results + ".hdf5", "a") as f: try: fn_session = f["misc/fn_session"] except KeyError: f.create_dataset("misc/fn_session", data=np.array([os.path.split(self.options["fn_session"])[1]]).astype("|S")) f.create_dataset("misc/fn_session_folder", data=np.array([self.options["fn_session_folder"]]).astype("|S")) for i_gpc in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc): f.create_dataset("error" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(i_gpc), data=eps_domain[i_gpc], maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("coeffs" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(i_gpc), data=coeffs[i_qoi][i_gpc], maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("domains" + hdf5_subfolder, data=megpc[i_qoi].domains, maxshape=None, dtype="int64") for i_gpc in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc): f.create_dataset("gpc_matrix" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(i_gpc), data=megpc[i_qoi].gpc[i_gpc].gpc_matrix, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") if megpc[i_qoi].gpc[0].gpc_matrix_gradient is not None: if self.options["gradient_enhanced"]: f.create_dataset("gpc_matrix_gradient" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(i_gpc), data=megpc[i_qoi].gpc[i_gpc].gpc_matrix_gradient, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") for i_gpc in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc): f.create_dataset("p_matrix" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(i_gpc), data=megpc[i_qoi].gpc[i_gpc].p_matrix, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") i_qoi += 1 if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: with h5py.File(fn_results + ".hdf5", "a") as f: try: del f["grid/coords"] del f["grid/coords_norm"] del f["grid/coords_gradient"] del f["grid/coords_gradient_norm"] except KeyError: pass f.create_dataset("grid/coords", data=grid.coords, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("grid/coords_norm", data=grid.coords_norm, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") if grid.coords_gradient is not None: f.create_dataset("grid/coords_gradient", data=grid.coords_gradient, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("grid/coords_gradient_norm", data=grid.coords_gradient_norm, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("model_evaluations/results", data=res, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") if grad_res_3D is not None: f.create_dataset("model_evaluations/gradient_results", data=ten2mat(grad_res_3D), maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("model_evaluations/gradient_results_idx", data=megpc[-1].gradient_idx, maxshape=None, dtype="int64") f.create_dataset("misc/error_type", data=self.options["error_type"]) if megpc[0].validation is not None: f.create_dataset("validation/model_evaluations/results", data=megpc[0].validation.results, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("validation/grid/coords", data=megpc[0].validation.grid.coords, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("validation/grid/coords_norm", data=megpc[0].validation.grid.coords_norm, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") com.close() return megpc, coeffs, res
[docs] class RegAdaptive(Algorithm): """ Adaptive regression approach based on leave one out cross validation error estimation Parameters ---------- problem: Problem class instance GPC problem under investigation options["order_start"] : int, optional, default=0 Initial gPC expansion order (maximum order) options["order_end"] : int, optional, default=10 Maximum Gpc expansion order to expand to (algorithm will terminate afterwards) options["interaction_order"]: int, optional, default=dim Define maximum interaction order of parameters (default: all interactions) options["order_max_norm"]: float Norm for which the maximum global expansion order is defined [0, 1]. Values < 1 decrease the total number of polynomials in the expansion such that interaction terms are penalized more. This truncation scheme is also referred to "hyperbolic polynomial chaos expansion" such that sum(a_i^q)^1/q <= p, where p is order_max and q is order_max_norm (for more details see eq. (27) in [1]). options["adaptive_sampling"] : boolean, optional, default: True Adds samples adaptively to the expansion until the error is converged and continues by adding new basis functions. Examples -------- >>> import pygpc >>> # initialize adaptive gPC algorithm >>> algorithm = pygpc.RegAdaptive(problem=problem, options=options) >>> # run algorithm >>> gpc, coeffs, results = """ def __init__(self, problem, options, validation=None, grid=None): """ Constructor; Initializes RegAdaptive algorithm """ super(RegAdaptive, self).__init__(problem=problem, options=options, validation=validation, grid=grid) self.qoi_specific = False # check contents of settings dict and set defaults if "order_start" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["order_start"] = 0 if "order_end" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["order_end"] = 10 if "interaction_order" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["interaction_order"] = problem.dim if "order_max_norm" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["order_max_norm"] = 1. if "adaptive_sampling" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["adaptive_sampling"] = True if "basis_increment_strategy" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["basis_increment_strategy"] = "isotropic"
[docs] def run(self): """ Runs adaptive gPC algorithm to solve problem. Returns ------- gpc : GPC object instance GPC object containing all information i.e., Problem, Model, Grid, Basis, RandomParameter instances coeffs: ndarray of float [n_basis x n_out] GPC coefficients res : ndarray of float [n_grid x n_out] Simulation results at n_grid points of the n_out output variables """ if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: fn_results = os.path.splitext(self.options["fn_results"])[0] if os.path.exists(fn_results + ".hdf5"): os.remove(fn_results + ".hdf5") else: fn_results = None # initialize iterators eps = self.options["eps"] + 1.0 i_grid = 0 order = self.options["order_start"] first_iter = True grad_res_3D = None gradient_idx = None gradient_idx_FD_fwd = None grad_res_3D_FD_fwd = None basis_order = np.array([self.options["order_start"], min(self.options["interaction_order"], self.options["order_start"])]) # Initialize parallel Computation class com = Computation(n_cpu=self.n_cpu, matlab_model=self.options["matlab_model"]) # Initialize Reg gPC object print("Initializing gPC object...") gpc = Reg(problem=self.problem, order=self.options["order_start"] * np.ones(self.problem.dim), order_max=self.options["order_start"], order_max_norm=self.options["order_max_norm"], interaction_order=self.options["interaction_order"], interaction_order_current=self.options["interaction_order"], options=self.options, validation=self.validation) extended_basis = True # Add a validation set if nrmsd is chosen and no validation set is yet present if self.options["error_type"] == "nrmsd" and not isinstance(self.validation, ValidationSet): gpc.create_validation_set(n_samples=self.options["n_samples_validation"], n_cpu=self.options["n_cpu"]) # Initialize Grid object if self.grid is not None: print(f"Using user-predefined grid with n_grid={self.grid.n_grid}") gpc.grid = self.options["grid"](parameters_random=self.problem.parameters_random, coords=self.grid.coords, coords_norm=self.grid.coords_norm, coords_gradient=self.grid.coords_gradient, coords_gradient_norm=self.grid.coords_gradient_norm, options=self.options["grid_options"]) else: n_grid_init = np.ceil(self.options["matrix_ratio"] * gpc.basis.n_basis) print(f"Creating initial grid ({self.options['grid'].__name__}) with n_grid={int(n_grid_init)}") if self.options["grid"] in [L1, L1_LHS, LHS_L1, FIM, CO]: if "n_pool" in self.options["grid_options"]: if self.options["grid_options"]["n_pool"] < int(n_grid_init): warnings.warn('self.options["grid_options"]["n_pool"] < n_grid_init ... setting n_pool to 2*n_grid_init') self.options["grid_options"]["n_pool"] = 2*int(n_grid_init) gpc.grid = self.options["grid"](parameters_random=self.problem.parameters_random, n_grid=int(n_grid_init), options=self.options["grid_options"], gpc=gpc) else: gpc.grid = self.options["grid"](parameters_random=self.problem.parameters_random, n_grid=n_grid_init, options=self.options["grid_options"]) gpc.solver = self.options["solver"] gpc.settings = self.options["settings"] gpc.options = copy.deepcopy(self.options) # Initialize gpc matrix print("Initializing gPC matrix...") gpc.init_gpc_matrix(gradient_idx=gradient_idx) gpc.n_grid.pop(0) gpc.n_basis.pop(0) if gpc.options["gradient_enhanced"]: gpc.grid.create_gradient_grid() # Main iterations (order) i_iter = 0 while eps > self.options["eps"]: if first_iter: basis_increment = 0 else: basis_increment = 1 if self.options["basis_increment_strategy"] == "anisotropic": if not first_iter: if np.max(np.sum(gpc.basis.multi_indices, axis=1)) >= self.options["order_end"]: break # determine potential polynomials which can be extended # (not enclosed by other already existing polynomials) active_non_enclosed_set, poly_indices_non_enclosed = get_non_enclosed_multi_indices( multi_indices=gpc.basis.multi_indices, interaction_order=self.options["interaction_order"]) # get index of highest non enclosed coefficient coeff_max_idx_non_enclosed = np.argmax(np.linalg.norm(coeffs[poly_indices_non_enclosed, :], axis=1)) # determine multi-indices to add multi_indices_to_add = poly_expand(current_set=gpc.basis.multi_indices, to_expand=active_non_enclosed_set[coeff_max_idx_non_enclosed], order_max=self.options["order_end"], interaction_order=self.options["interaction_order"]) # update basis b_added = gpc.basis.add_basis_poly_by_order(multi_indices=multi_indices_to_add, problem=gpc.problem) if b_added is not None: print_str = f"Added multi-indices to basis: \n {np.matrix(multi_indices_to_add)}" iprint(print_str, tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) iprint("=" * 100, tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) extended_basis = True else: # increase basis isotropic basis_order[0], basis_order[1] = increment_basis(order_current=basis_order[0], interaction_order_current=basis_order[1], interaction_order_max=self.options["interaction_order"], incr=basis_increment) if basis_order[0] > self.options["order_end"]: break # update basis b_added = gpc.basis.set_basis_poly(order=basis_order[0] * np.ones(self.problem.dim), order_max=basis_order[0], order_max_norm=self.options["order_max_norm"], interaction_order=self.options["interaction_order"], interaction_order_current=basis_order[1], problem=gpc.problem) if b_added is not None: print_str = "Order/Interaction order: {}/{}".format(basis_order[0], basis_order[1]) iprint(print_str, tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) iprint("=" * len(print_str), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) extended_basis = True # plot basis if self.options["plot_basis"]: gpc.basis.plot_basis(dims=np.arange(np.min((gpc.problem.dim, 3))), fn_plot=self.options["fn_results"] + f"_basis_{i_iter}") i_iter += 1 if self.options["adaptive_sampling"]: iprint("Starting adaptive sampling:", tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) add_samples = True # if adaptive sampling is False, the while loop will be only executed once delta_eps_target = 1e-1 delta_eps = delta_eps_target + 1 delta_samples = 5e-2 while add_samples and delta_eps > delta_eps_target and eps > self.options["eps"]: if not self.options["adaptive_sampling"]: add_samples = False # new sample size if extended_basis and self.options["adaptive_sampling"]: # do not increase sample size immediately when basis was extended, try first with old samples n_grid_new = gpc.grid.n_grid elif self.options["adaptive_sampling"] and not first_iter: # increase sample size stepwise (adaptive sampling) n_grid_new = int(np.ceil(gpc.grid.n_grid + delta_samples * gpc.basis.n_basis)) else: # increase sample size according to matrix ratio w.r.t. number of basis functions n_grid_new = int(np.ceil(gpc.basis.n_basis * self.options["matrix_ratio"])) # run model if grid points were added if i_grid < n_grid_new or extended_basis: # extend grid if i_grid < n_grid_new: iprint("Extending grid from {} to {} by {} sampling points".format( gpc.grid.n_grid, n_grid_new, n_grid_new - gpc.grid.n_grid), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) if self.options["grid"] in [L1, L1_LHS, LHS_L1, FIM, CO]: if "n_pool" in self.options["grid_options"]: if self.options["grid_options"]["n_pool"] < int(n_grid_init): warnings.warn( 'self.options["grid_options"]["n_pool"] < n_grid_new ... ' 'setting n_pool to 2*n_grid_new') self.options["grid_options"]["n_pool"] = 2 * int(n_grid_new) gpc.grid.extend_random_grid(n_grid_new=n_grid_new) # run simulations iprint("Performing simulations " + str(i_grid + 1) + " to " + str(gpc.grid.coords.shape[0]), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) start_time = time.time() res_new =, problem=gpc.problem, coords=gpc.grid.coords[int(i_grid):int(len(gpc.grid.coords))], coords_norm=gpc.grid.coords_norm[int(i_grid):int(len(gpc.grid.coords))], i_iter=basis_order[0], i_subiter=basis_order[1], fn_results=gpc.fn_results, print_func_time=self.options["print_func_time"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) iprint('Total parallel function evaluation: ' + str(time.time() - start_time) + ' sec', tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # Append result to solution matrix (RHS) if i_grid == 0: res = res_new else: res = np.vstack([res, res_new]) if self.options["gradient_enhanced"]: start_time = time.time() grad_res_3D, gradient_idx = get_gradient(model=self.problem.model, problem=self.problem, grid=gpc.grid, results=res, com=com, method=self.options["gradient_calculation"], gradient_results_present=grad_res_3D_FD_fwd, gradient_idx_skip=gradient_idx_FD_fwd, i_iter=basis_order[0], i_subiter=basis_order[1], print_func_time=self.options["print_func_time"], dx=self.options["gradient_calculation_options"]["dx"], distance_weight=self.options["gradient_calculation_options"]["distance_weight"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) iprint('Gradient evaluation: ' + str(time.time() - start_time) + ' sec', tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # check validity of results and resample in case the model could not be evaluated at some sampling points res, grad_res_3D, gradient_idx, gpc.grid = self.check_results(results=res, gradient_results=grad_res_3D, gradient_results_idx=gradient_idx, grid=gpc.grid, com=com) if self.options["gradient_enhanced"] and self.options["gradient_calculation"] == "FD_fwd": gradient_idx_FD_fwd = gradient_idx grad_res_3D_FD_fwd = grad_res_3D i_grid = gpc.grid.coords.shape[0] # update gpc matrix gpc.init_gpc_matrix(gradient_idx=gradient_idx) # determine gpc coefficients coeffs = gpc.solve(results=res, gradient_results=grad_res_3D, solver=gpc.solver, settings=gpc.settings, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # validate gpc approximation (determine nrmsd or loocv specified in options["error_type"]) eps = gpc.validate(coeffs=coeffs, results=res, gradient_results=grad_res_3D) if extended_basis: eps_ref = copy.deepcopy(eps) else: delta_eps = np.abs((gpc.error[-1] - gpc.error[-2]) / eps_ref) iprint("-> {} {} error = {}".format(self.options["error_norm"], self.options["error_type"], eps), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # extend basis further if error was decreased (except in very first iteration) if not first_iter and extended_basis and gpc.error[-1] < gpc.error[-2]: break extended_basis = False first_iter = False # exit adaptive sampling loop if no adaptive sampling was chosen if not self.options["adaptive_sampling"]: break # save gpc coeffs for this sub-iteration if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: with h5py.File(os.path.splitext(self.options["fn_results"])[0] + ".hdf5", "a") as f: # overwrite coeffs if "coeffs" in f.keys(): del f['coeffs'] f.create_dataset("coeffs", data=coeffs, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") # Append gradient of results if grad_res_3D is not None: grad_res_2D = ten2mat(grad_res_3D) try: del f["model_evaluations/gradient_results"] del f["model_evaluations/gradient_results_idx"] except KeyError: pass f.create_dataset("model_evaluations/gradient_results", (grad_res_2D.shape[0], grad_res_2D.shape[1]), maxshape=(None, None), dtype="float64", data=grad_res_2D) f.create_dataset("model_evaluations/gradient_results_idx", data=gpc.gradient_idx, maxshape=None, dtype="int64") try: del f["gpc_matrix"] except KeyError: pass f.create_dataset("gpc_matrix", data=gpc.gpc_matrix, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") if gpc.gpc_matrix_gradient is not None: try: del f["gpc_matrix_gradient"] except KeyError: pass f.create_dataset("gpc_matrix_gradient", data=gpc.gpc_matrix_gradient, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") # determine gpc coefficients coeffs = gpc.solve(results=res, gradient_results=grad_res_3D, solver=gpc.solver, settings=gpc.settings, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # save gpc object and gpc coeffs if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: with h5py.File(os.path.splitext(self.options["fn_results"])[0] + ".hdf5", "a") as f: if "coeffs" in f.keys(): del f['coeffs'] f.create_dataset("coeffs", data=coeffs, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") try: del f["gpc_matrix"] except KeyError: pass f.create_dataset("gpc_matrix", data=gpc.gpc_matrix, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") if gpc.gpc_matrix_gradient is not None: try: del f["gpc_matrix_gradient"] except KeyError: pass f.create_dataset("gpc_matrix_gradient", data=gpc.gpc_matrix_gradient, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") # misc f.create_dataset("misc/fn_session", data=np.array([os.path.split(self.options["fn_session"])[1]]).astype("|S")) f.create_dataset("misc/fn_session_folder", data=np.array([self.options["fn_session_folder"]]).astype("|S")) f.create_dataset("misc/error_type", data=self.options["error_type"]) f.create_dataset("error", data=eps, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") if gpc.validation is not None: f.create_dataset("validation/model_evaluations/results", data=gpc.validation.results, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("validation/grid/coords", data=gpc.validation.grid.coords, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("validation/grid/coords_norm", data=gpc.validation.grid.coords_norm, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") if self.options["gradient_enhanced"]: f.create_dataset("grid/coords_gradient", data=gpc.grid.coords_gradient, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("grid/coords_gradient_norm", data=gpc.grid.coords_gradient_norm, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") com.close() return gpc, coeffs, res
[docs] class MERegAdaptiveProjection(Algorithm): """ Adaptive regression approach based on leave one out cross validation error estimation Parameters ---------- problem: Problem class instance GPC problem under investigation options["order_start"] : int, optional, default=0 Initial gPC expansion order (maximum order) options["order_end"] : int, optional, default=10 Maximum Gpc expansion order to expand to (algorithm will terminate afterwards) options["interaction_order"]: int, optional, default=dim Define maximum interaction order of parameters (default: all interactions) options["order_max_norm"]: float Norm for which the maximum global expansion order is defined [0, 1]. Values < 1 decrease the total number of polynomials in the expansion such that interaction terms are penalized more. This truncation scheme is also referred to "hyperbolic polynomial chaos expansion" such that sum(a_i^q)^1/q <= p, where p is order_max and q is order_max_norm (for more details see eq. (27) in [1]). options["adaptive_sampling"] : boolean, optional, default: True Adds samples adaptively to the expansion until the error is converged and continues by adding new basis functions. options["n_samples_discontinuity"] : int, optional, default: 10 Number of grid points close to discontinuity to refine its location options["n_grid_init"] : int, optional, default: 10 Number of initial simulations to explore the parameter space Examples -------- >>> import pygpc >>> # initialize adaptive gPC algorithm >>> algorithm = pygpc.MERegAdaptiveProjection(problem=problem, options=options) >>> # run algorithm >>> gpc, coeffs, results = """ def __init__(self, problem, options, validation=None, grid=None): """ Constructor; Initializes MERegAdaptiveProjection Algorithm """ super(MERegAdaptiveProjection, self).__init__(problem=problem, options=options, validation=validation, grid=grid) # check contents of settings dict and set defaults if "order_start" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["order_start"] = 0 if "order_end" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["order_end"] = 10 if "interaction_order" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["interaction_order"] = problem.dim if "order_max_norm" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["order_max_norm"] = 1. if "adaptive_sampling" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["adaptive_sampling"] = True if "n_samples_discontinuity" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["n_samples_discontinuity"] = 10 if "n_grid_init" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["n_grid_init"] = 10 if self.options["qoi"] == "all": self.qoi_specific = True else: self.qoi_specific = False
[docs] def run(self): """ Runs Multi-Element adaptive gPC algorithm to solve problem (optional projection). Returns ------- megpc : Multi-element GPC object instance MEGPC object containing all information i.e., Problem, Model, Grid, Basis, RandomParameter instances coeffs: list of ndarray of float [n_gpc][n_basis x n_out] GPC coefficients res : ndarray of float [n_grid x n_out] Simulation results at n_grid points of the n_out output variables """ if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: fn_results = os.path.splitext(self.options["fn_results"])[0] if os.path.exists(fn_results + ".hdf5"): os.remove(fn_results + ".hdf5") else: fn_results = None grid = self.options["grid"] problem_original = copy.deepcopy(self.problem) # initialize iterators grad_res_3D = None grad_res_3D_all = None gradient_idx = None gradient_idx_FD_fwd = None basis_increment = 0 n_grid_init = self.options["n_grid_init"] # make initial random grid to determine number of output variables and to estimate projection if self.grid is not None: print(f"Using user-predefined grid with n_grid={grid.n_grid}") self.options["grid"](parameters_random=self.problem.parameters_random, coords=grid.coords, coords_norm=grid.coords_norm, coords_gradient=grid.coords_gradient, coords_gradient_norm=grid.coords_gradient_norm, options=self.options["grid_options"]) elif self.options["grid"] == Random or self.options["grid"] == LHS or self.options["grid"] == GP: print(f"Creating initial grid ({self.options['grid'].__name__}) with n_grid={int(n_grid_init)}") grid = self.options["grid"](parameters_random=self.problem.parameters_random, n_grid=n_grid_init, options=self.options["grid_options"]) elif self.options["grid"] == L1 or self.options["grid"] == L1_LHS or self.options["grid"] == LHS_L1 \ or self.options["grid"] == FIM: raise NotImplementedError("Grid type not possible for MERegAdaptiveProjection algorithm." "Please use either 'Random', 'LHS' or 'GP'.") # Initialize parallel Computation class com = Computation(n_cpu=self.n_cpu, matlab_model=self.options["matlab_model"]) # Run initial simulations to determine initial projection matrix iprint("Performing {} initial simulations!".format(grid.coords.shape[0]), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) start_time = time.time() res_all =, problem=self.problem, coords=grid.coords, coords_norm=grid.coords_norm, i_iter=self.options["order_start"], i_subiter=self.options["interaction_order"], fn_results=self.options["fn_results"], # + "_temp" print_func_time=self.options["print_func_time"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) i_grid = grid.n_grid iprint('Total function evaluation: ' + str(time.time() - start_time) + ' sec', tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) if self.options["qoi"] == "all": qoi_idx = np.arange(res_all.shape[1]) n_qoi = len(qoi_idx) error = [None for _ in range(n_qoi)] else: qoi_idx = [self.options["qoi"]] n_qoi = 1 error = [0] # Determine gradient for projection [n_grid x n_out x dim] if self.options["gradient_enhanced"] or self.options["projection"]: if self.options["projection"] or self.options["gradient_calculation"] == "FD_fwd": method = "FD_fwd" dx = 1e-3 distance_weight = None else: method = self.options["gradient_calculation"] dx = self.options["gradient_calculation_options"]["dx"] distance_weight = self.options["gradient_calculation_options"]["distance_weight"] start_time = time.time() grad_res_3D_all, gradient_idx = get_gradient(model=self.problem.model, problem=self.problem, grid=grid, results=res_all, com=com, method=method, gradient_results_present=None, gradient_idx_skip=None, i_iter=self.options["order_start"], i_subiter=self.options["interaction_order"], print_func_time=self.options["print_func_time"], dx=dx, distance_weight=distance_weight, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) if method == "FD_fwd": gradient_idx_FD_fwd = gradient_idx grad_res_3D_all_FD_fwd = grad_res_3D_all else: gradient_idx_FD_fwd = None grad_res_3D_all_FD_fwd = None iprint('Gradient evaluation: ' + str(time.time() - start_time) + ' sec', tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # check validity of results and resample in case the model could not be evaluated at some sampling points res_all, grad_res_3D_all, gradient_idx, grid = self.check_results(results=res_all, gradient_results=grad_res_3D_all, gradient_results_idx=gradient_idx, grid=grid, com=com) megpc = [0 for _ in range(n_qoi)] coeffs = [0 for _ in range(n_qoi)] for i_qoi, q_idx in enumerate(qoi_idx): print_str = "Determining gPC approximation for QOI #{}:".format(q_idx) iprint(print_str, tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) iprint("=" * len(print_str), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) first_iter = True # crop results to considered qoi if self.options["qoi"] != "all": res = copy.deepcopy(res_all) grad_res_3D = copy.deepcopy(grad_res_3D_all) hdf5_subfolder = "" output_idx_passed_validation = None # the gPC is constructed for all QOI but only using info for projection etc of desired QOI # validation is done for all qoi else: res = res_all[:, q_idx][:, np.newaxis] hdf5_subfolder = "/qoi_" + str(q_idx) output_idx_passed_validation = q_idx if grad_res_3D_all is not None: grad_res_3D = grad_res_3D_all[:, q_idx, :][:, np.newaxis, :] # Create MEGPC object megpc[i_qoi] = MEGPC(problem=self.problem, options=self.options, validation=self.validation) # Write grid in gpc object megpc[i_qoi].grid = copy.deepcopy(grid) # determine gpc domains iprint("Determining gPC domains ...", tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) megpc[i_qoi].init_classifier(coords=megpc[i_qoi].grid.coords_norm, results=res_all[:, q_idx][:, np.newaxis], algorithm=self.options["classifier"], options=self.options["classifier_options"]) error[i_qoi] = [[] for _ in range(len(np.unique(megpc[i_qoi]] p_matrix = [0 for _ in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc)] p_matrix_norm = [0 for _ in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc)] dim = [0 for _ in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc)] parameters= [OrderedDict() for _ in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc)] problem = [0 for _ in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc)] basis_order = OrderedDict() n_grid_reinit = [0 for _ in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc)] # determine initial projection and initialize sub-gPCs for d in np.unique(megpc[i_qoi].domains): if self.options["projection"]: p_matrix[d], _ = determine_projection_matrix( gradient_results=grad_res_3D_all[megpc[i_qoi].domains[gradient_idx] == d, q_idx, :], lambda_eps=self.options["lambda_eps_gradient"]) p_matrix_norm[d] = np.sum(np.abs(p_matrix[d]), axis=1) dim[d] = p_matrix[d].shape[0] for i in range(dim[d]): parameters[d]["n{}".format(i)] = Beta(pdf_shape=[1., 1.], pdf_limits=[-1., 1.]) problem[d] = Problem(model=self.problem.model, parameters=parameters[d]) else: p_matrix[d] = None p_matrix_norm[d] = None dim[d] = problem_original.dim parameters[d] = problem_original.parameters_random problem[d] = copy.deepcopy(problem_original) # Set up reduced gPC for this domain megpc[i_qoi].add_sub_gpc(problem=problem[d], order=[self.options["order_start"] for _ in range(dim[d])], order_max=self.options["order_start"], order_max_norm=self.options["order_max_norm"], interaction_order=self.options["interaction_order"], interaction_order_current=self.options["interaction_order"], options=self.options, domain=d, validation=None) # save original problem in gpc object megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].problem_original = copy.deepcopy(problem_original) # save projection matrix in gPC object megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].p_matrix = copy.deepcopy(p_matrix[d]) megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].p_matrix_norm = copy.deepcopy(p_matrix_norm[d]) # initialize dict containing approximation orders of sub-gPCs [order, interaction_order_current] basis_order["poly_dom_{}".format(d)] = np.array([self.options["order_start"], self.options["interaction_order"]]) # initialize solver settings megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].solver = self.options["solver"] megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].settings = self.options["settings"] # extend initial grid and perform additional simulations if necessary if not self.options["adaptive_sampling"] or megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].solver == "Moore-Penrose": n_coeffs = get_num_coeffs_sparse( order_dim_max=[self.options["order_start"] for _ in range(dim[d])], order_glob_max=self.options["order_start"], order_inter_max=self.options["interaction_order"], order_inter_current=self.options["interaction_order"], dim=dim[d]) n_grid_reinit[d] = n_coeffs * self.options["matrix_ratio"] # Check if we have enough samples in this particular domain for the given order we start if n_grid_reinit[d] > np.sum(megpc[i_qoi].domains == d): # extend random grid grid.extend_random_grid(n_grid_new=grid.n_grid - np.sum(megpc[i_qoi].domains == d) + n_grid_reinit[d], domain=d) megpc[i_qoi].grid = copy.deepcopy(grid) if grid.n_grid > i_grid: # Run some more initial simulations iprint("Performing {} more initial simulations " "to fulfil order constraint!".format(grid.n_grid - i_grid), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) start_time = time.time() res_new =, problem=self.problem, coords=grid.coords[i_grid:, ], coords_norm=grid.coords_norm[i_grid:, ], i_iter=None, i_subiter=None, fn_results=self.options["fn_results"], print_func_time=self.options["print_func_time"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # add results to results array res_all = np.vstack((res_all, res_new)) i_grid = grid.n_grid iprint('Total function evaluation: ' + str(time.time() - start_time) + ' sec', tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # Determine gradient [n_grid x n_out x dim] if self.options["gradient_enhanced"] or self.options["projection"]: if self.options["projection"] or self.options["gradient_calculation"] == "FD_fwd": method = "FD_fwd" dx = 1e-3 distance_weight = None else: method = self.options["gradient_calculation"] dx = self.options["gradient_calculation_options"]["dx"] distance_weight = self.options["gradient_calculation_options"]["distance_weight"] start_time = time.time() grad_res_3D_all, gradient_idx = get_gradient(model=self.problem.model, problem=self.problem, grid=grid, results=res_all, com=com, method=method, gradient_results_present=grad_res_3D_all_FD_fwd, gradient_idx_skip=gradient_idx_FD_fwd, i_iter=None, i_subiter=None, print_func_time=self.options["print_func_time"], dx=dx, distance_weight=distance_weight, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) if method == "FD_fwd": gradient_idx_FD_fwd = gradient_idx grad_res_3D_all_FD_fwd = grad_res_3D_all else: gradient_idx_FD_fwd = None grad_res_3D_all_FD_fwd = None iprint('Gradient evaluation: ' + str(time.time() - start_time) + ' sec', tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # check validity of results and resample in case the model could not be evaluated at some sampling points res_all, grad_res_3D_all, gradient_idx, grid = self.check_results(results=res_all, gradient_results=grad_res_3D_all, gradient_results_idx=gradient_idx, grid=grid, com=com) megpc[i_qoi].grid = copy.deepcopy(grid) # update classifier iprint("Updating classifier ...", tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) megpc[i_qoi].update_classifier(coords=megpc[i_qoi].grid.coords_norm, results=res_all[:, q_idx][:, np.newaxis]) # create validation set if necessary if self.options["error_type"] == "nrmsd" and megpc[0].validation is None: iprint("Determining validation set of size {} " "for NRMSD error calculation ...".format(int(self.options["n_samples_validation"])), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) megpc[0].create_validation_set(n_samples=self.options["n_samples_validation"], n_cpu=self.options["n_cpu"], gradient=self.options["gradient_enhanced"]) elif self.options["error_type"] == "nrmsd" and megpc[0].validation is not None: megpc[i_qoi].validation = copy.deepcopy(megpc[0].validation) extended_basis = True # initialize domain specific error eps = np.array([self.options["eps"] + 1.0 for _ in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc)]) # Main iterations (order) while (eps > self.options["eps"]).any(): stop_by_order = [(basis_order["poly_dom_{}".format(i)] == [self.options["order_end"], self.options["interaction_order"]]).all() for i in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc)] stop_by_error = eps < self.options["eps"] # print("stop_by_order: {}".format(stop_by_order)) # print("stop_by_error: {}".format(stop_by_error)) # print("eps: {}".format(eps)) # TODO: ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (2,) (3,) if np.logical_or(stop_by_order, stop_by_error).all(): break iprint("Refining domain boundary ...", tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # determine grid points close to discontinuity coords_norm_disc = get_coords_discontinuity(classifier=megpc[i_qoi].classifier, x_min=[-1 for _ in range(megpc[i_qoi].problem.dim)], x_max=[+1 for _ in range(megpc[i_qoi].problem.dim)], n_coords_disc=self.options["n_samples_discontinuity"], border_sampling="structured") coords_disc = grid.get_denormalized_coordinates(coords_norm_disc) # add grid points close to discontinuity to global grid grid.extend_random_grid(coords=coords_disc, coords_norm=coords_norm_disc, gradient=self.options["gradient_enhanced"]) # run simulations close to discontinuity iprint("Performing {} simulations to refine discontinuity location!".format( self.options["n_samples_discontinuity"]), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) start_time = time.time() res_disc =, problem=self.problem, coords=coords_disc, coords_norm=coords_norm_disc, i_iter="Domain boundary", i_subiter=None, fn_results=self.options["fn_results"], print_func_time=self.options["print_func_time"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) iprint('Total function evaluation: ' + str(time.time() - start_time) + ' sec', tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # add results to results array res_all = np.vstack((res_all, res_disc)) # Determine gradient [n_grid x n_out x dim] if self.options["gradient_enhanced"] or self.options["projection"]: start_time = time.time() grad_res_3D_all, gradient_idx = get_gradient(model=self.problem.model, problem=self.problem, grid=grid, results=res_all, com=com, method=self.options["gradient_calculation"], gradient_results_present=grad_res_3D_all_FD_fwd, gradient_idx_skip=gradient_idx_FD_fwd, i_iter="Domain boundary", i_subiter=None, print_func_time=self.options["print_func_time"], dx=self.options["gradient_calculation_options"]["dx"], distance_weight=self.options["gradient_calculation_options"]["distance_weight"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) if self.options["gradient_calculation"] == "FD_fwd": gradient_idx_FD_fwd = gradient_idx grad_res_3D_all_FD_fwd = grad_res_3D_all iprint('Gradient evaluation: ' + str(time.time() - start_time) + ' sec', tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # check validity of results and resample in case the model could not be evaluated at some sampling points res_all, grad_res_3D_all, gradient_idx, grid = self.check_results(results=res_all, gradient_results=grad_res_3D_all, gradient_results_idx=gradient_idx, grid=grid, com=com) i_grid = grid.n_grid # crop results to considered qoi if self.options["qoi"] != "all": res = copy.deepcopy(res_all) grad_res_3D = copy.deepcopy(grad_res_3D_all) else: res = res_all[:, q_idx][:, np.newaxis] if grad_res_3D_all is not None: grad_res_3D = grad_res_3D_all[:, q_idx, :][:, np.newaxis, :] # Write grid in gpc object megpc[i_qoi].grid = copy.deepcopy(grid) # update classifier iprint("Updating classifier ...", tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) megpc[i_qoi].update_classifier(coords=megpc[i_qoi].grid.coords_norm, results=res_all[:, q_idx][:, np.newaxis]) # update sub-gPCs if number of domains changed if len(np.unique(megpc[i_qoi].domains)) != len(megpc[i_qoi].gpc): iprint("New domains found! Updating number of sub-gPCs from {} to {} ". format(len(megpc[i_qoi].gpc), len(np.unique(megpc[i_qoi].domains))), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) megpc[i_qoi].gpc = None megpc[i_qoi].init_classifier(coords=megpc[i_qoi].grid.coords_norm, results=res_all[:, q_idx][:, np.newaxis], algorithm=self.options["classifier"], options=self.options["classifier_options"]) basis_order["poly_dom_{}".format(d)][0] = self.options["order_start"] basis_order["poly_dom_{}".format(d)][1] = self.options["interaction_order"] # eps = np.hstack((eps, np.array(self.options["eps"] + 1))) eps = np.array([self.options["eps"] + 1.0 for _ in range(len(np.unique(megpc[i_qoi].domains)))]) for i_gpc, d in enumerate(np.unique(megpc[i_qoi].domains)): megpc[i_qoi].add_sub_gpc(problem=problem_original, order=basis_order["poly_dom_{}".format(d)][0] * np.ones( self.problem.dim), order_max=self.options["order_start"], order_max_norm=self.options["order_max_norm"], interaction_order=self.options["interaction_order"], interaction_order_current=basis_order["poly_dom_{}".format(d)][1], options=self.options, domain=d, validation=None) # save original problem in gpc object megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].problem_original = copy.deepcopy(problem_original) # initialize domain specific interaction order and other settings megpc[i_qoi].gpc[i_gpc].solver = self.options["solver"] megpc[i_qoi].gpc[i_gpc].settings = self.options["settings"] # update projection matrices if self.options["projection"]: p_matrix = [0 for _ in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc)] p_matrix_norm = [0 for _ in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc)] dim = [0 for _ in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc)] parameters = [OrderedDict() for _ in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc)] problem = [0 for _ in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc)] for d in np.unique(megpc[i_qoi].domains): p_matrix[d], _ = determine_projection_matrix( gradient_results=grad_res_3D_all[megpc[i_qoi].domains[gradient_idx] == d, q_idx, :], lambda_eps=self.options["lambda_eps_gradient"]) p_matrix_norm[d] = np.sum(np.abs(p_matrix[d]), axis=1) dim[d] = p_matrix[d].shape[0] for i in range(dim[d]): parameters[d]["n{}".format(i)] = Beta(pdf_shape=[1., 1.], pdf_limits=[-1., 1.]) problem[d] = Problem(model=self.problem.model, parameters=parameters[d]) # replace sub-gpc with the one containing the reduced problem megpc[i_qoi].add_sub_gpc(problem=problem[d], order=basis_order["poly_dom_{}".format(d)][0] * np.ones(dim[d]), order_max=self.options["order_start"], order_max_norm=self.options["order_max_norm"], interaction_order=self.options["interaction_order"], interaction_order_current=basis_order["poly_dom_{}".format(d)][1], options=self.options, domain=d, validation=None) # save original problem in gpc object megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].problem_original = copy.deepcopy(problem_original) # save projection matrix in gPC object megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].p_matrix = copy.deepcopy(p_matrix[d]) megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].p_matrix_norm = copy.deepcopy(p_matrix_norm[d]) # initialize domain specific interaction order and other settings megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].solver = self.options["solver"] megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].settings = self.options["settings"] # update gpc approximation with new grid points close to discontinuity # assign grids to sub-gPCs (rotate sub-grids in case of projection) megpc[i_qoi].assign_grids(gradient_idx=gradient_idx) # Initialize gpc matrices megpc[i_qoi].init_gpc_matrices() # Compute gpc coefficients if self.options["gradient_enhanced"]: grad_res_3D_passed = grad_res_3D else: grad_res_3D_passed = None coeffs[i_qoi] = megpc[i_qoi].solve(results=res, gradient_results=grad_res_3D_passed, solver=self.options["solver"], settings=self.options["settings"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # domain specific error for i_gpc, d in enumerate(np.unique(megpc[i_qoi].domains)): eps[d] = megpc[i_qoi].validate(coeffs=coeffs[i_qoi], results=res, domain=d, output_idx=output_idx_passed_validation) error[i_qoi][d].append(eps[d]) iprint("-> Domain: {} {} {} " "error = {}".format(d, self.options["error_norm"], self.options["error_type"], eps[d]), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # loop over domains and increase order if necessary for i_gpc, d in enumerate(np.unique(megpc[i_qoi].domains)): skip = (basis_order["poly_dom_{}".format(d)] == [self.options["order_end"], self.options["interaction_order"]]).all() if (eps[d] > self.options["eps"]) and not skip: # increase basis by 1 interaction order order_new = increment_basis(order_current=basis_order["poly_dom_{}".format(d)][0], interaction_order_current=basis_order["poly_dom_{}".format(d)][1], interaction_order_max=self.options["interaction_order"], incr=basis_increment) basis_order["poly_dom_{}".format(d)][0] = order_new[0] basis_order["poly_dom_{}".format(d)][1] = order_new[1] print_str = "Domain: {}, Order: #{}, Sub-iteration: #{}".format( d, basis_order["poly_dom_{}".format(d)][0], basis_order["poly_dom_{}".format(d)][1]) iprint(print_str, tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) iprint("=" * len(print_str), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # update basis b_added = megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].basis.set_basis_poly( order=basis_order["poly_dom_{}".format(d)][0] * np.ones(dim[d]), order_max=basis_order["poly_dom_{}".format(d)][0], order_max_norm=self.options["order_max_norm"], interaction_order=self.options["interaction_order"], interaction_order_current=basis_order["poly_dom_{}".format(d)][1], problem=problem[d]) # continue algorithm if no basis function was added because of max norm constraint if b_added is not None: extended_basis = True else: extended_basis = False # iprint("-> Domain: {} {} {} " # "error = {}".format(d, # self.options["error_norm"], # self.options["error_type"], # eps[d]), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # iprint("-> No basis functions to add in domain {} ... Continuing ... ".format(d), # tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) continue # update gpc matrix gradient_idx_gpc = get_gradient_idx_domain(domains=megpc[i_qoi].domains, d=d, gradient_idx=megpc[i_qoi].gradient_idx) megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].init_gpc_matrix(gradient_idx=gradient_idx_gpc) # determine gpc coefficients with new basis but old samples if self.options["gradient_enhanced"]: grad_res_3D_passed = grad_res_3D[megpc[i_qoi].domains[gradient_idx] == d, :, :] else: grad_res_3D_passed = None coeffs[i_qoi][d] = megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].solve(results=res[megpc[i_qoi].domains == d, ], gradient_results=grad_res_3D_passed, solver=megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].solver, settings=megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].settings, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # Add samples add_samples = True # if adaptive sampling is False, the loop will be only executed once delta_eps_target = 1e-1 delta_eps = delta_eps_target + 1 delta_samples = 4*5e-2 if self.options["adaptive_sampling"]: iprint("Starting adaptive sampling:", tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # only increase samples if error increased and until error converges again while add_samples and delta_eps > delta_eps_target and eps[d] > self.options["eps"]: if not self.options["adaptive_sampling"]: add_samples = False # new sample size if extended_basis and self.options["adaptive_sampling"]: # do not increase sample size immediately when basis was extended # try first with old samples n_grid_new = megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].grid.n_grid elif self.options["adaptive_sampling"] and not first_iter: # increase sample size stepwise (adaptive sampling) n_grid_new = int(np.ceil(megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].grid.n_grid + delta_samples * megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].basis.n_basis)) else: # increase sample size according to matrix ratio w.r.t. number of basis functions n_grid_new = int( np.ceil(megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].basis.n_basis * self.options["matrix_ratio"])) # run model if grid points were added if megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].grid.n_grid < n_grid_new or extended_basis: # extend grid if megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].grid.n_grid < n_grid_new: iprint("Extending grid in domain {} from {} to {} by {} sampling points " "(global grid: {})".format(d, megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].grid.n_grid, n_grid_new, n_grid_new - megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].grid.n_grid, megpc[i_qoi].grid.n_grid), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # add grid points in this domain to global grid grid.extend_random_grid( n_grid_new=grid.n_grid - megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].grid.n_grid + n_grid_new, classifier=megpc[i_qoi].classifier, domain=d, gradient=self.options["gradient_enhanced"]) # run simulations iprint("Performing simulations {} to {}".format( i_grid + 1, grid.coords.shape[0]), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) start_time = time.time() res_new =, problem=self.problem, coords=grid.coords[int(i_grid):, :], coords_norm=grid.coords_norm[int(i_grid):, :], i_iter=basis_order["poly_dom_{}".format(d)][0], i_subiter=basis_order["poly_dom_{}".format(d)][1], fn_results=self.options["fn_results"], print_func_time=self.options["print_func_time"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) iprint('Total parallel function evaluation {} sec'.format( str(time.time() - start_time)), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # append to results array containing all qoi res_all = np.vstack([res_all, res_new]) if self.options["gradient_enhanced"] or self.options["projection"]: start_time = time.time() grad_res_3D_all, gradient_idx = get_gradient(model=self.problem.model, problem=self.problem, grid=grid, results=res_all, com=com, method=self.options["gradient_calculation"], gradient_results_present=grad_res_3D_all_FD_fwd, gradient_idx_skip=gradient_idx_FD_fwd, i_iter=basis_order["poly_dom_{}".format(d)][0], i_subiter=basis_order["poly_dom_{}".format(d)][1], print_func_time=self.options["print_func_time"], dx=self.options["gradient_calculation_options"]["dx"], distance_weight=self.options["gradient_calculation_options"]["distance_weight"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) if self.options["gradient_calculation"] == "FD_fwd": gradient_idx_FD_fwd = gradient_idx grad_res_3D_all_FD_fwd = grad_res_3D_all iprint('Gradient evaluation: ' + str(time.time() - start_time) + ' sec', tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # check validity of results and resample in case the model could not be evaluated at some sampling points res_all, grad_res_3D_all, gradient_idx, grid = self.check_results( results=res_all, gradient_results=grad_res_3D_all, gradient_results_idx=gradient_idx, grid=grid, com=com) # crop results to considered qoi if self.options["qoi"] != "all": res = copy.deepcopy(res_all) grad_res_3D = copy.deepcopy(grad_res_3D_all) else: res = res_all[:, q_idx][:, np.newaxis] if grad_res_3D_all is not None: grad_res_3D = grad_res_3D_all[:, q_idx, :][:, np.newaxis, :] i_grid = grid.coords.shape[0] # update classifier iprint("Updating classifier ...", tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) megpc[i_qoi].update_classifier(coords=grid.coords_norm, results=res_all[:, q_idx][:, np.newaxis]) # TODO: the number of sub-gpcs could change here :/ # update projection matrices if self.options["projection"]: for dd in np.unique(megpc[i_qoi].domains): p_matrix[dd], _ = determine_projection_matrix( gradient_results=grad_res_3D_all[megpc[i_qoi].domains[gradient_idx] == dd, q_idx, :], lambda_eps=self.options["lambda_eps_gradient"]) p_matrix_norm[dd] = np.sum(np.abs(p_matrix[dd]), axis=1) dim[dd] = p_matrix[dd].shape[0] for i in range(dim[d]): parameters[d]["n{}".format(i)] = Beta(pdf_shape=[1., 1.], pdf_limits=[-1., 1.]) problem[d] = Problem(model=self.problem.model, parameters=parameters[d]) # replace sub-gpc with the one containing the reduced problem megpc[i_qoi].add_sub_gpc(problem=problem[d], order=basis_order["poly_dom_{}".format(d)][ 0] * np.ones(dim[d]), order_max=self.options["order_start"], order_max_norm=self.options["order_max_norm"], interaction_order=self.options[ "interaction_order"], interaction_order_current= basis_order["poly_dom_{}".format(d)][1], options=self.options, domain=d, validation=None) # save original problem in gpc object megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].problem_original = copy.deepcopy(problem_original) # save projection matrix in gPC object megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].p_matrix = copy.deepcopy(p_matrix[d]) megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].p_matrix_norm = copy.deepcopy(p_matrix_norm[d]) # initialize domain specific interaction order and other settings megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].solver = self.options["solver"] megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].settings = self.options["settings"] # update and assign grids megpc[i_qoi].grid = copy.deepcopy(grid) # assign grids to sub-gPCs (rotate sub-grids in case of projection) megpc[i_qoi].assign_grids(gradient_idx=gradient_idx) # update gpc matrix gradient_idx_gpc = get_gradient_idx_domain(domains=megpc[i_qoi].domains, d=d, gradient_idx=megpc[i_qoi].gradient_idx) megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].init_gpc_matrix(gradient_idx=gradient_idx_gpc) # determine gpc coefficients if self.options["gradient_enhanced"]: grad_res_3D_passed = grad_res_3D[megpc[i_qoi].domains[gradient_idx] == d, :, :] else: grad_res_3D_passed = None coeffs[i_qoi][d] = megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].solve( results=res[megpc[i_qoi].domains == d, ], gradient_results=grad_res_3D_passed, solver=megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].solver, settings=megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].settings, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # validate gpc approximation eps[d] = megpc[i_qoi].validate(coeffs=coeffs[i_qoi], results=res, domain=d, output_idx=output_idx_passed_validation) error[i_qoi][d].append(eps[d]) if extended_basis or first_iter: eps_ref = copy.deepcopy(eps[d]) else: delta_eps = np.abs((error[i_qoi][d][-1] - error[i_qoi][d][-2]) / eps_ref) first_iter = False iprint("-> Domain: {} {} {} " "error = {}".format(d, self.options["error_norm"], self.options["error_type"], eps[d]), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # stop adaptive sampling and extend basis further if error # was decreased (except in very first iteration) if extended_basis and error[i_qoi][d][-1] < error[i_qoi][d][-2]: break extended_basis = False # exit adaptive sampling loop if no adaptive sampling was chosen if not self.options["adaptive_sampling"]: break # save gpc object and coeffs for this sub-iteration if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: with h5py.File(os.path.splitext(self.options["fn_results"])[0] + ".hdf5", "a") as f: # overwrite coeffs try: del f["coeffs" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(d)] except KeyError: pass f.create_dataset("coeffs" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(d), data=coeffs[i_qoi][d], maxshape=None, dtype="float64") # overwrite domains try: del f["domains" + hdf5_subfolder] except KeyError: pass f.create_dataset("domains" + hdf5_subfolder, data=megpc[i_qoi].domains, maxshape=None, dtype="int64") # save gpc matrix try: del f["gpc_matrix" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(d)] except KeyError: pass f.create_dataset("gpc_matrix" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(d), data=megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].gpc_matrix, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") if megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].p_matrix is not None: try: del f["p_matrix" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(d)] except KeyError: pass f.create_dataset("p_matrix" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(d), data=megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].p_matrix, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") # save gradient gpc matrix if megpc[i_qoi].gpc[0].gpc_matrix_gradient is not None: try: del f["gpc_matrix_gradient" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(d)] except KeyError: pass if self.options["gradient_enhanced"]: f.create_dataset("gpc_matrix_gradient" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(d), data=megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].gpc_matrix_gradient, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") # save results try: del f["model_evaluations/results"] except KeyError: pass f.create_dataset("model_evaluations/results", (res_all.shape[0], res_all.shape[1]), maxshape=(None, None), dtype="float64", data=res_all) # save gradient of results if grad_res_3D is not None: try: del f["model_evaluations/gradient_results"] del f["model_evaluations/gradient_results_idx"] except KeyError: pass grad_res_2D_all = ten2mat(grad_res_3D_all) f.create_dataset("model_evaluations/gradient_results", (grad_res_2D_all.shape[0], grad_res_2D_all.shape[1]), maxshape=(None, None), dtype="float64", data=grad_res_2D_all) f.create_dataset("model_evaluations/gradient_results_idx", dtype="int64", data=gradient_idx) try: del f["error" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(d)] except KeyError: pass f.create_dataset("error" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(d), data=eps[d], maxshape=None, dtype="float64") basis_increment = 1 megpc[i_qoi].update_classifier(coords=megpc[i_qoi].grid.coords_norm, results=res_all[:, q_idx][:, np.newaxis]) megpc[i_qoi].assign_grids(gradient_idx=gradient_idx) megpc[i_qoi].init_gpc_matrices() # determine gpc coefficients # # grad_res_3D_passed = grad_res_3D_all[:, q_idx, :][:, np.newaxis, :] # else: # grad_res_3D_passed = None # crop results to considered qoi if self.options["qoi"] != "all": res = copy.deepcopy(res_all) grad_res_3D_passed = copy.deepcopy(grad_res_3D_all) else: res = res_all[:, q_idx][:, np.newaxis] if grad_res_3D_all is not None: grad_res_3D_passed = grad_res_3D_all[:, q_idx, :][:, np.newaxis, :] if not self.options["gradient_enhanced"]: grad_res_3D_passed = None # determine gpc coefficients coeffs[i_qoi] = megpc[i_qoi].solve(results=res, gradient_results=grad_res_3D_passed, solver=megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].solver, settings=megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].settings, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) megpc[i_qoi].error = error[i_qoi] # save gpc object and gpc coeffs if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: with h5py.File(os.path.splitext(self.options["fn_results"])[0] + ".hdf5", "a") as f: try: fn_session = f["misc/fn_session"] except KeyError: f.create_dataset("misc/fn_session", data=np.array([os.path.split(self.options["fn_session"])[1]]).astype("|S")) f.create_dataset("misc/fn_session_folder", data=np.array([self.options["fn_session_folder"]]).astype("|S")) try: del f["grid"] except KeyError: pass f.create_dataset("grid/coords", data=grid.coords, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("grid/coords_norm", data=grid.coords_norm, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") if megpc[i_qoi].grid.coords_gradient is not None: f.create_dataset("grid/coords_gradient", data=grid.coords_gradient, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("grid/coords_gradient_norm", data=grid.coords_gradient_norm, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") try: del f["model_evaluations"] except KeyError: pass f.create_dataset("model_evaluations/results", data=res_all, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") if grad_res_3D_all is not None: f.create_dataset("model_evaluations/gradient_results", data=ten2mat(grad_res_3D_all), maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("model_evaluations/gradient_results_idx", data=gradient_idx, maxshape=None, dtype="int64") try: f.create_dataset("misc/error_type", data=self.options["error_type"]) except RuntimeError: pass if megpc[0].validation is not None: try: del f["validation"] except KeyError: f.create_dataset("validation/model_evaluations/results", data=megpc[0].validation.results, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("validation/grid/coords", data=megpc[0].validation.grid.coords, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("validation/grid/coords_norm", data=megpc[0].validation.grid.coords_norm, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") # save gpc matrix for i_gpc, d in enumerate(np.unique(megpc[i_qoi].domains)): try: del f["gpc_matrix" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(d)] except KeyError: pass f.create_dataset("gpc_matrix" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(d), data=megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].gpc_matrix, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") # save gradient gpc matrix if megpc[i_qoi].gpc[0].gpc_matrix_gradient is not None: try: del f["gpc_matrix_gradient" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(d)] except KeyError: pass if self.options["gradient_enhanced"]: f.create_dataset("gpc_matrix_gradient" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(d), data=megpc[i_qoi].gpc[d].gpc_matrix_gradient, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") try: for i_gpc in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc): del f["coeffs" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(i_gpc)] except KeyError: pass for i_gpc in range(megpc[i_qoi].n_gpc): f.create_dataset("coeffs" + hdf5_subfolder + "/dom_" + str(i_gpc), data=coeffs[i_qoi][i_gpc], maxshape=None, dtype="float64") com.close() return megpc, coeffs, res_all
[docs] class RegAdaptiveProjection(Algorithm): """ Adaptive regression approach using projection and leave one out cross validation error estimation Parameters ---------- problem: Problem class instance GPC problem under investigation options["order_start"] : int, optional, default=0 Initial gPC expansion order (maximum order) options["order_end"] : int, optional, default=10 Maximum Gpc expansion order to expand to (algorithm will terminate afterwards) options["interaction_order"]: int, optional, default=dim Define maximum interaction order of parameters (default: all interactions) options["order_max_norm"]: float Norm for which the maximum global expansion order is defined [0, 1]. Values < 1 decrease the total number of polynomials in the expansion such that interaction terms are penalized more. This truncation scheme is also referred to "hyperbolic polynomial chaos expansion" such that sum(a_i^q)^1/q <= p, where p is order_max and q is order_max_norm (for more details see eq. (27) in [1]). options["n_grid_gradient"] : float, optional, default: 10 Number of initial grid points to determine gradient and projection matrix. When the algorithm goes into the main interations the number will be increased depending on the options "matrix_ratio" and "adaptive_sampling". options["qoi"] : int or str, optional, default: 0 Choose for which QOI the projection is determined for. The other QOIs use the same projection. Alternatively, the projection can be determined for every QOI independently (qoi_index or "all"). options["adaptive_sampling"] : boolean, optional, default: True Adds samples adaptively to the expansion until the error is converged and continues by adding new basis functions. Examples -------- >>> import pygpc >>> # initialize adaptive gPC algorithm >>> algorithm = pygpc.RegAdaptiveProjection(problem=problem, options=options) >>> # run algorithm >>> gpc, coeffs, results = """ def __init__(self, problem, options, validation=None, grid=None): """ Constructor; Initializes RegAdaptiveProjection algorithm """ super(RegAdaptiveProjection, self).__init__(problem=problem, options=options, validation=validation, grid=grid) # check contents of settings dict and set defaults if "order_start" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["order_start"] = 0 if "order_end" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["order_end"] = 10 if "interaction_order" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["interaction_order"] = problem.dim if "order_max_norm" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["order_max_norm"] = 1. if "n_grid_gradient" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["n_grid_gradient"] = 10 if "qoi" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["qoi"] = 0 if "adaptive_sampling" not in self.options.keys(): self.options["adaptive_sampling"] = True if self.options["qoi"] == "all": self.qoi_specific = True else: self.qoi_specific = False
[docs] def run(self): """ Runs adaptive gPC algorithm using projection to solve problem. Returns ------- gpc : GPC object instance GPC object containing all information i.e., Problem, Model, Grid, Basis, RandomParameter instances coeffs: ndarray of float [n_basis x n_out] GPC coefficients res : ndarray of float [n_grid x n_out] Simulation results at n_grid points of the n_out output variables """ if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: fn_results = os.path.splitext(self.options["fn_results"])[0] if os.path.exists(fn_results + ".hdf5"): os.remove(fn_results + ".hdf5") if os.path.exists(fn_results + "_temp.hdf5"): os.remove(fn_results + "_temp.hdf5") else: fn_results = None grad_res_3D = None gradient_idx = None # initialize iterators eps = self.options["eps"] + 1.0 order = self.options["order_start"] error = [] nrmsd = [] loocv = [] # make initial grid to determine gradients and projection matrix. By default, it is an LHS (ese) grid if self.grid is not None: print(f"Using user-predefined grid with n_grid={self.grid.n_grid}") grid_original = self.options["grid"](parameters_random=self.problem.parameters_random, coords=self.grid.coords, coords_norm=self.grid.coords_norm, coords_gradient=self.grid.coords_gradient, coords_gradient_norm=self.grid.coords_gradient_norm, options=self.options["grid_options"]) elif self.options["grid"] == Random or self.options["grid"] == GP: print(f"Creating initial grid ({self.options['grid'].__init__}) with n_grid={int(self.options['n_grid_gradient'])}") grid_original = self.options["grid"](parameters_random=self.problem.parameters_random, n_grid=self.options["n_grid_gradient"], options=self.options["grid_options"]) else: print(f"Creating initial grid ({self.options['grid'].__init__}) with n_grid={int(self.options['n_grid_gradient'])}") grid_original = LHS(parameters_random=self.problem.parameters_random, n_grid=self.options["n_grid_gradient"], options={"criterion": "ese", "seed": self.options["grid_options"]["seed"]}) # Initialize parallel Computation class com = Computation(n_cpu=self.n_cpu, matlab_model=self.options["matlab_model"]) # Run initial simulations to determine initial projection matrix iprint("Performing {} simulations!".format(grid_original.coords.shape[0]), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) start_time = time.time() res_all =, problem=self.problem, coords=grid_original.coords, coords_norm=grid_original.coords_norm, i_iter=self.options["order_start"], i_subiter=self.options["interaction_order"], fn_results=self.options["fn_results"], print_func_time=self.options["print_func_time"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) i_grid = grid_original.n_grid iprint('Total function evaluation: ' + str(time.time() - start_time) + ' sec', tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # Determine gradient for projection matrix (method: FD_fwd) start_time = time.time() grad_res_3D_all, gradient_idx = get_gradient(model=self.problem.model, problem=self.problem, grid=grid_original, results=res_all, com=com, method="FD_fwd", gradient_results_present=None, gradient_idx_skip=None, i_iter=self.options["order_start"], i_subiter=self.options["interaction_order"], print_func_time=self.options["print_func_time"], dx=1e-3, distance_weight=None, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) gradient_idx_FD_fwd = gradient_idx grad_res_3D_all_FD_fwd = grad_res_3D_all iprint('Gradient evaluation: ' + str(time.time() - start_time) + ' sec', tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # check validity of results and resample in case the model could not be evaluated at some sampling points res_all, grad_res_3D_all, gradient_idx, grid_original = self.check_results( results=res_all, gradient_results=grad_res_3D_all, gradient_results_idx=gradient_idx, grid=grid_original, com=com) # set qoi indices if self.options["qoi"] == "all": qoi_idx = np.arange(res_all.shape[1]) n_qoi = len(qoi_idx) else: qoi_idx = [self.options["qoi"]] n_qoi = 1 # init variables self.problem_reduced = [None for _ in range(n_qoi)] gpc = [None for _ in range(n_qoi)] coeffs = [None for _ in range(n_qoi)] self.options["order_max"] = None # loop over qoi (projection is qoi specific) for i_qoi, q_idx in enumerate(qoi_idx): basis_order = np.array([self.options["order_start"], min(self.options["interaction_order"], self.options["order_start"])]) if self.options["qoi"] == "all": qoi_idx_validate = q_idx else: qoi_idx_validate = np.arange(res_all.shape[1]) first_iter = True # crop results to considered qoi if self.options["qoi"] != "all": res = copy.deepcopy(res_all) grad_res_3D = copy.deepcopy(grad_res_3D_all) hdf5_subfolder = "" else: res = res_all[:, q_idx][:, np.newaxis] grad_res_3D = grad_res_3D_all[:, q_idx, :][:, np.newaxis, :] hdf5_subfolder = "/qoi_" + str(q_idx) # copy results of initial simulation # shutil.copy2(os.path.splitext(self.options["fn_results"])[0] + "_temp.hdf5", fn_results + ".hdf5") # Set up initial reduced problem # Determine projection matrix p_matrix, p_matrix_complete = determine_projection_matrix(gradient_results=grad_res_3D_all[:, q_idx, :], lambda_eps=self.options["lambda_eps_gradient"]) p_matrix_norm = np.sum(np.abs(p_matrix), axis=1) # Set up initial reduced problem dim_reduced = p_matrix.shape[0] parameters_reduced = OrderedDict() for i in range(dim_reduced): parameters_reduced["n{}".format(i)] = Beta(pdf_shape=[1., 1.], pdf_limits=[-1., 1.]) self.problem_reduced[i_qoi] = Problem(model=self.problem.model, parameters=parameters_reduced) # Create initial reduced gPC object gpc[i_qoi] = Reg(problem=self.problem_reduced[i_qoi], order=[self.options["order_start"] for _ in range(dim_reduced)], order_max=self.options["order_start"], order_max_norm=self.options["order_max_norm"], interaction_order=self.options["interaction_order"], interaction_order_current=self.options["interaction_order"], options=self.options, validation=self.validation) # save original problem in gpc object gpc[i_qoi].problem_original = self.problem extended_basis = False # save projection matrix in gPC object gpc[i_qoi].p_matrix = copy.deepcopy(p_matrix) gpc[i_qoi].p_matrix_norm = copy.deepcopy(p_matrix_norm) # copy global grid, passing it from qoi to qoi but in the first iteration, we have to initialize a new # grid in case of L1, L1_LHS, LHS_L1 and FIM because they depend on the gpc object which can be different # for every QOI due to different projections and termination criteria. We are passing the coordinates # of the initial LHS (ese) grid to it if self.options["grid"] in [L1, L1_LHS, LHS_L1, FIM]: grid_original = self.options["grid"](parameters_random=self.problem.parameters_random, coords=grid_original.coords, coords_norm=grid_original.coords_norm, coords_gradient=grid_original.coords_gradient, coords_gradient_norm=grid_original.coords_gradient_norm, options=self.options["grid_options"], gpc=gpc[i_qoi]) # assign transformed grid gpc[i_qoi].grid = project_grid(grid=grid_original, p_matrix=p_matrix, mode="reduce") # Initialize gpc matrix gpc[i_qoi].init_gpc_matrix(gradient_idx=gradient_idx) gpc[i_qoi].n_grid.pop(0) gpc[i_qoi].n_basis.pop(0) gpc[i_qoi].solver = self.options["solver"] gpc[i_qoi].settings = self.options["settings"] # Main iterations (order) while eps > self.options["eps"]: if first_iter: basis_increment = 0 else: basis_increment = 1 # increase basis basis_order[0], basis_order[1] = increment_basis(order_current=basis_order[0], interaction_order_current=basis_order[1], interaction_order_max=np.min([ self.options["interaction_order"], self.problem_reduced[i_qoi].dim]), incr=basis_increment) if basis_order[0] > self.options["order_end"]: break # update basis b_added = gpc[i_qoi].basis.set_basis_poly(order=basis_order[0] * np.ones(self.problem_reduced[i_qoi].dim), order_max=basis_order[0], order_max_norm=self.options["order_max_norm"], interaction_order=self.options["interaction_order"], interaction_order_current=basis_order[1], problem=self.problem_reduced[i_qoi]) print_str = "Order/Interaction order: {}/{}".format(basis_order[0], basis_order[1]) iprint(print_str, tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) iprint("=" * len(print_str), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) if b_added is not None: extended_basis = True if self.options["adaptive_sampling"]: iprint("Starting adaptive sampling:", tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) add_samples = True # if adaptive sampling is False, the while loop will be only executed once delta_eps_target = 1e-1 delta_eps = delta_eps_target + 1 delta_samples = 5e-2 if gpc[i_qoi].error: eps_ref = gpc[i_qoi].error[-1] while add_samples and delta_eps > delta_eps_target and eps > self.options["eps"]: if not self.options["adaptive_sampling"]: add_samples = False # new sample size if extended_basis and self.options["adaptive_sampling"]: # don't increase sample size immediately when basis was extended, try first with old samples n_grid_new = gpc[i_qoi].grid.n_grid elif self.options["adaptive_sampling"]: # increase sample size stepwise (adaptive sampling) n_grid_new = int(np.ceil(gpc[i_qoi].grid.n_grid + delta_samples * gpc[i_qoi].basis.n_basis)) else: # increase sample size according to matrix ratio w.r.t. number of basis functions n_grid_new = int(np.ceil(gpc[i_qoi].basis.n_basis * self.options["matrix_ratio"])) # run model and update projection matrix if grid points were added # (Skip simulations of first run because we already simulated it) if i_grid < n_grid_new or extended_basis: # extend grid if i_grid < n_grid_new: iprint("Extending grid from {} to {} by {} sampling points".format( gpc[i_qoi].grid.n_grid, n_grid_new, n_grid_new - gpc[i_qoi].grid.n_grid), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) grid_original.gpc = gpc[i_qoi] grid_original.extend_random_grid(n_grid_new=n_grid_new) # run simulations iprint("Performing simulations " + str(i_grid + 1) + " to " + str(grid_original.coords.shape[0]), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) start_time = time.time() res_new =, problem=self.problem, coords=grid_original.coords[i_grid:grid_original.coords.shape[0]], coords_norm=grid_original.coords_norm[ i_grid:grid_original.coords.shape[0]], i_iter=basis_order[0], i_subiter=basis_order[1], fn_results=gpc[i_qoi].fn_results, print_func_time=self.options["print_func_time"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) res_all = np.vstack((res_all, res_new)) iprint('Total parallel function evaluation: ' + str(time.time() - start_time) + ' sec', tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) i_grid = grid_original.coords.shape[0] # Determine gradient and update projection matrix in case of gradient enhanced gPC start_time = time.time() grad_res_3D_all, gradient_idx = get_gradient(model=self.problem.model, problem=self.problem, grid=grid_original, results=res_all, com=com, method=self.options["gradient_calculation"], gradient_results_present=grad_res_3D_all_FD_fwd, gradient_idx_skip=gradient_idx_FD_fwd, i_iter=basis_order[0], i_subiter=basis_order[1], print_func_time=self.options["print_func_time"], dx=self.options["gradient_calculation_options"]["dx"], distance_weight=self.options["gradient_calculation_options"]["distance_weight"], verbose=self.options["verbose"]) if self.options["gradient_calculation"] == "FD_fwd": gradient_idx_FD_fwd = gradient_idx grad_res_3D_all_FD_fwd = grad_res_3D_all iprint('Gradient evaluation: ' + str(time.time() - start_time) + ' sec', tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # check validity of results and resample in case the model could not be evaluated at some sampling points res_all, grad_res_3D_all, gradient_idx, grid_original = self.check_results( results=res_all, gradient_results=grad_res_3D_all, gradient_results_idx=gradient_idx, grid=grid_original, com=com) # Determine projection matrix p_matrix, p_matrix_complete = determine_projection_matrix(gradient_results=grad_res_3D_all[:, q_idx, :], lambda_eps=self.options["lambda_eps_gradient"]) p_matrix_norm = np.sum(np.abs(p_matrix), axis=1) # save projection matrix in gPC object gpc[i_qoi].p_matrix = copy.deepcopy(p_matrix) gpc[i_qoi].p_matrix_norm = copy.deepcopy(p_matrix_norm) # Set up reduced gPC dim_reduced = p_matrix.shape[0] iprint("Dimension of reduced problem: {}".format(dim_reduced), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # Update gPC object if dimension has changed if dim_reduced != gpc[i_qoi].problem.dim: parameters_reduced = OrderedDict() for i in range(dim_reduced): parameters_reduced["n{}".format(i)] = Beta(pdf_shape=[1., 1.], pdf_limits=[-1., 1.]) self.problem_reduced[i_qoi] = Problem(model=self.problem.model, parameters=parameters_reduced) # Create reduced gPC object of order - 1 and add rest of basisfunctions # of this subiteration afterwards gpc[i_qoi] = Reg(problem=self.problem_reduced[i_qoi], order=basis_order[0] * np.ones(self.problem_reduced[i_qoi].dim), order_max=basis_order[0], order_max_norm=self.options["order_max_norm"], interaction_order=self.options["interaction_order"], interaction_order_current=basis_order[1], options=self.options, validation=self.validation) # save original problem gpc[i_qoi].problem_original = self.problem # save projection matrix in gPC object gpc[i_qoi].p_matrix = copy.deepcopy(p_matrix) gpc[i_qoi].p_matrix_norm = copy.deepcopy(p_matrix_norm) # Save settings and options in gpc object gpc[i_qoi].solver = self.options["solver"] gpc[i_qoi].settings = self.options["settings"] gpc[i_qoi].options = copy.deepcopy(self.options) gpc[i_qoi].error = error gpc[i_qoi].relative_error_nrmsd = nrmsd gpc[i_qoi].relative_error_loocv = loocv # assign transformed grid gpc[i_qoi].grid = project_grid(grid=grid_original, p_matrix=p_matrix, mode="reduce") # in case of L1, L1-LHS, LHS-L1 or FIM grids copy new gpc object into it if self.options["grid"] in [L1, L1_LHS, LHS_L1, FIM]: gpc[i_qoi].grid.gpc = gpc[i_qoi] # crop results to considered qoi if self.options["qoi"] != "all": res = copy.deepcopy(res_all) grad_res_3D = copy.deepcopy(grad_res_3D_all) else: res = res_all[:, q_idx][:, np.newaxis] grad_res_3D = grad_res_3D_all[:, q_idx, :][:, np.newaxis, :] # Someone might not use the gradient to determine the gpc coeffs if gpc[i_qoi].gradient: grad_res_3D_passed = grad_res_3D gpc[i_qoi].init_gpc_matrix(gradient_idx=gradient_idx) else: grad_res_3D_passed = None gpc[i_qoi].init_gpc_matrix(gradient_idx=None) # determine gpc coefficients coeffs[i_qoi] = gpc[i_qoi].solve(results=res, gradient_results=grad_res_3D_passed, solver=gpc[i_qoi].solver, settings=gpc[i_qoi].settings, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # Add a validation set if nrmsd is chosen and no validation set is yet present if self.options["error_type"] == "nrmsd" and not isinstance(gpc[0].validation, ValidationSet): gpc[0].create_validation_set(n_samples=self.options["n_samples_validation"], n_cpu=self.options["n_cpu"]) elif self.options["error_type"] == "nrmsd" and isinstance(gpc[0].validation, ValidationSet): gpc[i_qoi].validation = copy.deepcopy(gpc[0].validation) # validate gpc approximation (determine nrmsd or loocv specified in options["error_type"]) eps = gpc[i_qoi].validate(coeffs=coeffs[i_qoi], results=res, gradient_results=grad_res_3D_passed, qoi_idx=qoi_idx_validate) # save error in case that dimension has changed and the gpc object had to be reinitialized error = copy.deepcopy(gpc[i_qoi].error) nrmsd = copy.deepcopy(gpc[i_qoi].relative_error_nrmsd) loocv = copy.deepcopy(gpc[i_qoi].relative_error_loocv) if extended_basis or first_iter: eps_ref = copy.deepcopy(eps) else: delta_eps = np.abs((gpc[i_qoi].error[-1] - gpc[i_qoi].error[-2]) / eps_ref) first_iter = False iprint("-> {} {} error = {}".format(self.options["error_norm"], self.options["error_type"], eps), tab=0, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # extend basis further if error was decreased (except in very first iteration) if order != self.options["order_start"]: if extended_basis and gpc[i_qoi].error[-1] < gpc[i_qoi].error[-2]: break extended_basis = False # exit adaptive sampling loop if no adaptive sampling was chosen if not self.options["adaptive_sampling"]: break # save gpc object and coeffs for this sub-iteration if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: with h5py.File(os.path.splitext(fn_results)[0] + ".hdf5", "a") as f: # overwrite coeffs try: del f["coeffs" + hdf5_subfolder] except KeyError: pass f.create_dataset("coeffs" + hdf5_subfolder, data=coeffs[i_qoi], maxshape=None, dtype="float64") # save projection matrix try: del f["p_matrix" + hdf5_subfolder] except KeyError: f.create_dataset("p_matrix" + hdf5_subfolder, data=p_matrix, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") # save gradient of results if grad_res_3D is not None: try: del f["model_evaluations/gradient_results"] del f["model_evaluations/gradient_results_idx"] except KeyError: pass grad_res_2D_all = ten2mat(grad_res_3D_all) f.create_dataset("model_evaluations/gradient_results", (grad_res_2D_all.shape[0], grad_res_2D_all.shape[1]), maxshape=(None, None), dtype="float64", data=grad_res_2D_all) f.create_dataset("model_evaluations/gradient_results_idx", dtype="int64", data=gradient_idx) try: del f["gpc_matrix" + hdf5_subfolder] except KeyError: pass f.create_dataset("gpc_matrix" + hdf5_subfolder, data=gpc[i_qoi].gpc_matrix, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") if gpc[i_qoi].gpc_matrix_gradient is not None: try: del f["gpc_matrix_gradient" + hdf5_subfolder] except KeyError: pass f.create_dataset("gpc_matrix_gradient" + hdf5_subfolder, data=gpc[i_qoi].gpc_matrix_gradient, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") try: del f["error" + hdf5_subfolder] except KeyError: pass f.create_dataset("error" + hdf5_subfolder, data=eps, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") # determine gpc coefficients coeffs[i_qoi] = gpc[i_qoi].solve(results=res, gradient_results=grad_res_3D_passed, solver=gpc[i_qoi].solver, settings=gpc[i_qoi].settings, verbose=self.options["verbose"]) # save original grid gpc[i_qoi].grid_original = copy.deepcopy(grid_original) # save gpc object gpc coeffs and projection matrix if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: with h5py.File(fn_results + ".hdf5", "a") as f: try: fn_session = f["misc/fn_session"][:] except KeyError: f.create_dataset("misc/fn_session", data=np.array([os.path.split(self.options["fn_session"])[1]]).astype("|S")) f.create_dataset("misc/fn_session_folder", data=np.array([self.options["fn_session_folder"]]).astype("|S")) try: del f["coeffs" + hdf5_subfolder] except KeyError: pass f.create_dataset("coeffs" + hdf5_subfolder, data=coeffs[i_qoi], maxshape=None, dtype="float64") try: del f["p_matrix" + hdf5_subfolder] except KeyError: pass f.create_dataset("p_matrix" + hdf5_subfolder, data=p_matrix, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("misc/error_type", data=self.options["error_type"]) if self.options["gradient_enhanced"] or gpc[-1].grid.coords_gradient is not None: f.create_dataset("grid/coords_gradient", data=gpc[-1].grid.coords_gradient, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("grid/coords_gradient_norm", data=gpc[-1].grid.coords_gradient_norm, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") # reset iterators eps = self.options["eps"] + 1.0 order = self.options["order_start"] error = [] nrmsd = [] loocv = [] if self.options["fn_results"] is not None: with h5py.File(fn_results + ".hdf5", "a") as f: if gpc[0].validation is not None: f.create_dataset("validation/model_evaluations/results", data=gpc[0].validation.results, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("validation/grid/coords", data=gpc[0].validation.grid.coords, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") f.create_dataset("validation/grid/coords_norm", data=gpc[0].validation.grid.coords_norm, maxshape=None, dtype="float64") try: f.create_dataset("misc/error_type", data=self.options["error_type"]) except (RuntimeError, ValueError): del f["misc/error_type"] f.create_dataset("misc/error_type", data=self.options["error_type"]) com.close() return gpc, coeffs, res