Source code for pygpc.misc

import sys
import math
import copy
import random
import warnings
import itertools
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
import scipy.special
import scipy.spatial
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from .Visualization import plot_beta_pdf_fit
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection

[docs] def squared_exponential_kernel(x, y, lengthscale, variance): """ Computes the squared exponential kernel for Gaussian Processes. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray of float [N x dim] Input observation locations y : np.ndarray of float [M x dim] Output observation locations lengthscale : float Lengthscale parameter variance : float Output variance Returns ------- k : np.ndarray of float [M x X] Kernel function values (covariance function or covariance matrix) """ sqdist = cdist(x, y, 'sqeuclidean') k = variance * np.exp(-0.5 * sqdist * (1/lengthscale**2)) return k
[docs] def is_instance(obj): """ Tests if obj is a class instance of any type. Parameters ---------- obj : any Input object Returns ------- out : bool Flag if obj is class instance or not """ try: _ = obj.__dict__ return True except AttributeError: return False
[docs] def display_fancy_bar(text, i, n_i, more_text=None): """ Display a simple progress bar. Call in each iteration and start with i=1. Parameters ---------- text: str Text to display in front of actual iteration i: str or int Actual iteration n_i: int Total number of iterations more_text: str, optional, default=None Text that is displayed on an extra line above the bar. Examples -------- fancy_bar('Run',7,10): Run 07 from 10 [================================ ] 70% fancy_bar(Run,9,10,'Some more text'): Some more text Run 09 from 10 [======================================= ] 90% """ if not isinstance(i, str): i = str(i) assert isinstance(text, str) assert isinstance(n_i, int) if not text.endswith(' '): text += ' ' # if i == '1': # sys.stdout.write('') sys.stdout.write('\r') fill_width = len(str(n_i)) # terminal codes, working on windows as well? cursor_two_up = '\x1b[2A' erase_line = '\x1b[2K' if more_text: print(cursor_two_up + erase_line) print(more_text) sys.stdout.write(text + i.zfill(fill_width) + " from " + str(n_i)) # this prints [50-spaces], i% * = # sys.stdout.write(" [%-40s] %d%%" % ( # '=' * int((float(i) + 0) / n_i * 100 / 2.5), float(i) / n_i * 100.)) sys.stdout.write(" [{}{}] {:.1f}%".format('=' * int(int(i) / n_i * 40), " " * (40 - int(int(i) / n_i * 40)), float(int(i) / n_i * 100))) sys.stdout.flush() # if int(i) == n_i: # print("") print("")
[docs] def get_cartesian_product(array_list): """ Generate a cartesian product of input arrays (all combinations). cartesian_product = get_cartesian_product(array_list) Parameters ---------- array_list : list of 1D ndarray of float Arrays to compute the cartesian product with Returns ------- cartesian_product : ndarray of float Array containing the cartesian products (all combinations of input vectors) (M, len(arrays)) Examples -------- >>> import pygpc >>> out = pygpc.get_cartesian_product(([1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7])) >>> out """ cartesian_product = [element for element in itertools.product(*array_list)] return np.array(cartesian_product)
[docs] def get_rotation_matrix(theta): """ Generate rotation matrix from euler angles. rotation_matrix = get_rotation_matrix(theta) Parameters ---------- theta : list of float [3] Euler angles Returns ------- rotation_matrix : ndarray of float [3, 3] Rotation matrix computed from euler angles """ r_x = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, math.cos(theta[0]), -math.sin(theta[0])], [0, math.sin(theta[0]), math.cos(theta[0])] ]) r_y = np.array([[math.cos(theta[1]), 0, math.sin(theta[1])], [0, 1, 0], [-math.sin(theta[1]), 0, math.cos(theta[1])] ]) r_z = np.array([[math.cos(theta[2]), -math.sin(theta[2]), 0], [math.sin(theta[2]), math.cos(theta[2]), 0], [0, 0, 1] ]) rotation_matrix =,, r_x)) return rotation_matrix
[docs] def get_different_rows_from_matrices(a, b): """ Compares rows from matrix a with rows from matrix b. It is assumed that b contains rows from a. The function returns the rows of b, which are not included in a. Parameters ---------- a : ndarray of float [m1 x n] First matrix (usually the smaller one), where rows are part of b b : ndarray of float [m2 x n] Second matrix (usually the larger one), containing rows of a Returns ------- b_diff : ndarray of float [m3 x n] Rows from b differing from a """ idx_in = [] for _a in a: for i_b, _b in enumerate(b): if (np.isclose(_a, _b, atol=1e-6)).all(): idx_in.append(i_b) idx = np.arange(b.shape[0]) idx_not_in = [i for i in idx if i not in idx_in] return b[idx_not_in, :]
[docs] def get_list_multi_delete(input_list, index): """ Delete multiple entries from list. input_list = get_list_multi_delete(input_list, index) Parameters ---------- input_list : list Simple list index : list of integer List of indices to delete Returns ------- input_list : list Input list without entries specified in index """ indices = sorted(index, reverse=True) for list_index in indices: del input_list[list_index] return input_list
[docs] def get_array_unique_rows(array): """ Compute unique rows of 2D array and delete rows that are redundant. unique = get_array_unique_rows(array) Parameters ---------- array: ndarray of float Matrix with k redundant rows Returns ------- unique: ndarray of float Matrix without k redundant rows """ _, index = np.unique(array, axis=0, return_index=True) index = np.sort(index) return array[index]
[docs] def nrmsd(array, array_ref, error_norm="relative", x_axis=False): """ Determine the normalized root mean square deviation between input data and reference data. normalized_rms = get_normalized_rms(array, array_ref) Parameters ---------- array: np.ndarray input data [ (x), y0, y1, y2 ... ] array_ref: np.ndarray reference data [ (x_ref), y0_ref, y1_ref, y2_ref ... ] if array_ref is 1D, all sizes have to match error_norm: str, optional, default="relative" Decide if error is determined "relative" or "absolute" x_axis: boolean, optional, default=False If True, the first column of array and array_ref is interpreted as the x-axis, where the data points are evaluated. If False, the data points are assumed to be at the same location. Returns ------- normalized_rms: ndarray of float [array.shape[1]] Normalized root mean square deviation between the columns of array and array_ref """ n_points = array.shape[0] if x_axis: # handle different array lengths if len(array_ref.shape) == 1: array_ref = array_ref[:, None] if len(array.shape) == 1: array = array[:, None] # determine number of input arrays if array_ref.shape[1] == 2: n_data = array.shape[1]-1 else: n_data = array.shape[1] # interpolate array on array_ref data if necessary if array_ref.shape[1] == 1: data = array data_ref = array_ref else: # crop reference if it is longer than the axis of the data data_ref = array_ref[(array_ref[:, 0] >= min(array[:, 0])) & (array_ref[:, 0] <= max(array[:, 0])), 1] array_ref = array_ref[(array_ref[:, 0] >= min(array[:, 0])) & (array_ref[:, 0] <= max(array[:, 0])), 0] data = np.zeros([len(array_ref), n_data]) for i_data in range(n_data): data[:, i_data] = np.interp(array_ref, array[:, 0], array[:, i_data+1]) else: data_ref = array_ref data = array # determine "absolute" or "relative" error if error_norm == "relative": # max_min_idx = np.isclose(np.max(data_ref, axis=0), np.min(data_ref, axis=0)) delta = np.max(data_ref, axis=0) - np.min(data_ref, axis=0) # if max_min_idx.any(): # delta[max_min_idx] = max(data_ref[max_min_idx]) else: delta = 1 # filter nan row_idx_data, col_idx_data = np.where(np.isnan(data)) row_idx_data_ref, col_idx_data_ref = np.where(np.isnan(data_ref)) row_idx = np.hstack((row_idx_data, row_idx_data_ref)) col_idx = np.hstack((col_idx_data, col_idx_data_ref)) if row_idx_data.size > 0: warnings.warn("nan in input dataset found at rows={} cols={} (ignored)".format(row_idx, col_idx)) if row_idx_data_ref.size > 0: warnings.warn("nan in reference dataset found at rows={} cols={} (ignored)".format(row_idx_data_ref, col_idx_data_ref)) if row_idx.size > 0: data = np.delete(data, np.unique(row_idx), axis=0) data_ref = np.delete(data_ref, np.unique(row_idx), axis=0) # determine normalized rms deviation and return normalized_rms = np.sqrt(1.0/n_points * np.sum((data - data_ref)**2, axis=0)) / delta return normalized_rms
[docs] def get_beta_pdf_fit(data, beta_tolerance=0, uni_interval=0, fn_plot=None): """ Fit data to a beta distribution in the interval [a, b]. beta_parameters, moments, p_value, uni_parameters = get_beta_pdf_fit(data, beta_tolerance=0, uni_interval=0) Parameters ---------- data: ndarray of float Data to fit beta distribution on beta_tolerance: float or list of float, optional, default=0 Specifies bounds of beta distribution. If float, it calculates the tolerance from observed data, e.g. 0.2 (+-20% tolerance on observed max and min value). If list, it takes [min, max] as bounds [a, b]. uni_interval: float or list of float, optional, default=0 uniform distribution interval. If float, the bounds are defined as a fraction of the beta distribution interval (e.g. 0.95 (95%)). If list, it takes [min, max] as bounds [a, b]. fn_plot: str Filename of plot so save (.pdf and .png) Returns ------- beta_parameters: list of float [4] Two shape parameters and lower and upper limit [p, q, a, b] moments: list of float [4] Mean and std of raw data and fitted beta distribution [data_mean, data_std, beta_mean, beta_std] p_value: float p-value of the Kolmogorov Smirnov test uni_parameters: list of float [2] Lower and upper limits of uniform distribution [a, b] """ data_mean = np.mean(data) data_std = np.std(data) # fit beta distribution to data if type(beta_tolerance) is list: a_beta = beta_tolerance[0] b_beta = beta_tolerance[1] p_beta, q_beta, a_beta, ab_beta =, floc=a_beta, fscale=b_beta - a_beta) elif beta_tolerance > 0: # use user beta_tolerance of to set limits of distribution data_range = data.max()-data.min() a_beta = data.min()-beta_tolerance*data_range b_beta = data.max()+beta_tolerance*data_range p_beta, q_beta, a_beta, ab_beta =, floc=a_beta, fscale=b_beta-a_beta) else: # let determine the limits p_beta, q_beta, a_beta, ab_beta = b_beta = a_beta + ab_beta beta_mean, beta_var = scipy.stats.beta.stats(p_beta, q_beta, loc=a_beta, scale=(b_beta-a_beta), moments='mv') beta_std = np.sqrt(beta_var) moments = np.array([data_mean, data_std, beta_mean, beta_std]) # perform Kolmogorov Smirnov test _, p_value = scipy.stats.kstest(data, "beta", [p_beta, q_beta, a_beta, ab_beta]) beta_parameters = np.array([p_beta, q_beta, a_beta, b_beta]) # determine limits of uniform distribution [a_uni, b_uni] covering the # interval uni_interval of the beta distribution if type(uni_interval) is list: a_uni = uni_interval[0] b_uni = uni_interval[1] uni_parameters = np.array([a_uni, b_uni]) elif uni_interval > 0: a_uni = scipy.stats.beta.ppf((1 - uni_interval) / 2, p_beta, q_beta, loc=a_beta, scale=b_beta - a_beta) b_uni = scipy.stats.beta.ppf((1 + uni_interval) / 2, p_beta, q_beta, loc=a_beta, scale=b_beta - a_beta) uni_parameters = np.array([a_uni, b_uni]) else: a_uni = None b_uni = None uni_parameters = None if fn_plot is not None: plot_beta_pdf_fit(data=data, a_beta=a_beta, b_beta=b_beta, p_beta=p_beta, q_beta=q_beta, a_uni=a_uni, b_uni=b_uni, interactive=True, fn_plot=fn_plot, xlabel="$x$", ylabel="$p(x)$") return beta_parameters, moments, p_value, uni_parameters
[docs] def mutual_coherence(array): """ Calculate the mutual coherence of a matrix A. It can also be referred as the cosine of the smallest angle between two columns. mutual_coherence = mutual_coherence(array) Parameters ---------- array: ndarray of float Input matrix Returns ------- mutual_coherence: float Mutual coherence """ array = array / np.linalg.norm(array, axis=0)[np.newaxis, :] t =, array) np.fill_diagonal(t, 0.0) mu = np.max(t) return mu
[docs] def RIP(A, x): """ Calculate the restricted isometric property constant delta of a matrix A for a given sparse vector x. delta = RIP(A, x) Parameters ---------- A: ndarray of float Input matrix x: ndarray of float applied vector Returns ------- delta: float restricted isometric property constant """ norm_Ax = np.linalg.norm(, x)) norm_x = np.linalg.norm(x) delta = (norm_Ax**2 / norm_x**2) - 1 return delta
[docs] def wrap_function(fn, x, args): """ Function wrapper to call anonymous function with variable number of arguments (tuple). wrap_function(fn, x, args) Parameters ---------- fn: function anonymous function to call x: tuple parameters of function args: tuple arguments of function Returns ------- function_wrapper: function wrapped function """ def function_wrapper(*wrapper_args): return fn(*(wrapper_args + x + args)) return function_wrapper
[docs] def get_num_coeffs(order, dim): """ Calculate the number of gPC coefficients by the maximum order and the number of random variables. num_coeffs = (order+dim)! / (order! * dim!) num_coeffs = get_num_coeffs(order , dim) Parameters ---------- order: int Maximum order of expansion dim: int Number of random variables Returns ------- num_coeffs: int Number of gPC coefficients and polynomials """ return scipy.special.factorial(order + dim) / (scipy.special.factorial(order) * scipy.special.factorial(dim))
[docs] def get_num_coeffs_sparse(order_dim_max, order_glob_max, order_inter_max, dim, order_inter_current=None, order_glob_max_norm=1): """ Calculate the number of gPC coefficients for a specific maximum order in each dimension "order_dim_max", global maximum order "order_glob_max" and the interaction order "order_inter_max". num_coeffs_sparse = get_num_coeffs_sparse(order_dim_max, order_glob_max, order_inter_max, dim) Parameters ---------- order_dim_max: ndarray of int or list of int [dim] Maximum order in each dimension order_glob_max: int Maximum global order of interacting polynomials order_inter_max: int Interaction order dim: int Number of random variables order_inter_current : int order_glob_max_norm: float Norm, which defines how the orders are accumulated to derive the total order (default: 1-norm). Values smaller than one restrict higher orders and shrink the basis. Returns ------- num_coeffs_sparse: int Number of gPC coefficients and polynomials """ if order_inter_current is None: order_inter_current = order_inter_max if type(order_dim_max) is list: order_dim_max = np.array(order_dim_max) if order_dim_max.size == 1: order_dim_max = order_dim_max * np.ones(dim) # generate multi-index list up to maximum order if dim == 1: poly_idx = np.array([np.linspace(0, order_dim_max[0], int(order_dim_max[0] + 1))]).astype(int).transpose() else: poly_idx = get_multi_indices(order=order_dim_max, order_max=order_glob_max, interaction_order=order_inter_max, order_max_norm=order_glob_max_norm, interaction_order_current=order_inter_current) for i_dim in range(dim): # add multi-indexes to list when not yet included if order_dim_max[i_dim] > order_glob_max: poly_add_dim = np.linspace(order_glob_max + 1, order_dim_max[i_dim], order_dim_max[i_dim] - (order_glob_max + 1) + 1) poly_add_all = np.zeros([poly_add_dim.shape[0], dim]) poly_add_all[:, i_dim] = poly_add_dim poly_idx = np.vstack([poly_idx, poly_add_all.astype(int)]) # delete multi-indexes from list when they exceed individual max order of parameter elif order_dim_max[i_dim] < order_glob_max: poly_idx = poly_idx[poly_idx[:, i_dim] <= order_dim_max[i_dim], :] # Consider interaction order (filter out multi-indices exceeding it) poly_idx = poly_idx[np.sum(poly_idx > 0, axis=1) <= order_inter_max, :] return poly_idx.shape[0]
[docs] def get_pdf_beta(x, p, q, a, b): """ Calculate the probability density function of the beta distribution in the interval [a, b]. pdf = (gamma(p)*gamma(q)/gamma(p+q).*(b-a)**(p+q-1))**(-1) * (x-a)**(p-1) * (b-x)**(q-1); pdf = get_pdf_beta(x, p, q, a, b) Parameters ---------- x: ndarray of float Values of random variable a: float lower boundary b: float upper boundary p: float First shape parameter defining the distribution q: float Second shape parameter defining the distribution Returns ------- pdf: ndarray of float Probability density """ return (scipy.special.gamma(p) * scipy.special.gamma(q) / scipy.special.gamma(p + q) * (b - a) ** (p + q - 1)) ** (-1) * (x - a) ** (p - 1) * (b - x) ** (q - 1)
[docs] def get_all_combinations(array, number_elements): """ Compute all k-tuples (e_1, e_2, ..., e_k) of combinations of the set of elements of the input array where e_n+1 > e_n. combinations = get_all_combinations(array, number_elements) Parameters ---------- array: np.ndarray Array to perform the combinatorial problem with number_elements: int Number of elements in tuple Returns ------- combinations: np.ndarray Array of combination vectors """ combinations = itertools.combinations(array, number_elements) return np.array([c for c in combinations])
[docs] def get_multi_indices(order, order_max, interaction_order, order_max_norm=1., interaction_order_current=None): """ Computes all multi-indices with a maximum overall order of max_order considering a certain maximum order norm. multi_indices = get_multi_indices(length, max_order) Parameters ---------- order : list of int [dim] Maximum individual expansion order Generates individual polynomials also if maximum expansion order in order_max is exceeded order_max : int Maximum global expansion order. The maximum expansion order considers the sum of the orders of combined polynomials together with the chosen norm "order_max_norm". Typically this norm is 1 such that the maximum order is the sum of all monomial orders. order_max_norm : float Norm for which the maximum global expansion order is defined [0, 1]. Values < 1 decrease the total number of polynomials in the expansion such that interaction terms are penalized more. sum(a_i^q)^1/q <= p, where p is order_max and q is order_max_norm (for more details see eq (11) in [1]). interaction_order : int Number of random variables, which can interact with each other interaction_order_current : int, optional, default: interaction_order Number of random variables currently interacting with respect to the highest order. (interaction_order_current <= interaction_order) The parameters for lower orders are all interacting with interaction_order. Returns ------- multi_indices: ndarray [n_basis x dim] Multi-indices for a maximum order gPC assuming a certain order norm. """ dim = len(order) order_max = int(order_max) order = [int(o) for o in order] if interaction_order_current is None or interaction_order_current > interaction_order: interaction_order_current = interaction_order else: interaction_order_current = interaction_order_current multi_indices = [] for i_order_max in range(order_max + 1): s = get_all_combinations(np.arange(dim + i_order_max - 1) + 1, dim - 1) m = s.shape[0] s1 = np.zeros([m, 1]) s2 = (dim + i_order_max) + s1 v = np.diff(np.hstack([s1, s, s2])) v = v - 1 if i_order_max == 0: multi_indices = v else: multi_indices = np.vstack([multi_indices, v]) # remove polynomials exceeding order_max considering max_order_norm if order_max_norm != 1: multi_indices = multi_indices[np.linalg.norm(multi_indices, ord=order_max_norm, axis=1) <= (order_max + 1e-6), :] # add or delete monomials specified in order for i_dim in range(dim): # add multi-indexes to list when not yet included if order[i_dim] > order_max: multi_indices_add_dim = np.linspace(order_max + 1, order[i_dim], order[i_dim] - (order_max + 1) + 1) multi_indices_add_all = np.zeros([multi_indices_add_dim.shape[0], dim]) multi_indices_add_all[:, i_dim] = multi_indices_add_dim multi_indices = np.vstack([multi_indices, multi_indices_add_all.astype(int)]) # delete multi-indexes from list when they exceed individual max order of parameter elif order[i_dim] < order_max: multi_indices = multi_indices[multi_indices[:, i_dim] <= order[i_dim], :] # Consider interaction order (filter out multi-indices exceeding it) if interaction_order < dim: multi_indices = multi_indices[np.sum(multi_indices > 0, axis=1) <= interaction_order, :] # if interaction_order_current is smaller than interaction_order, delete those basis functions of highest order if interaction_order_current < interaction_order: mask_order_max = np.sum(multi_indices, axis=1) == order_max mask_interaction_order = np.sum(multi_indices > 0, axis=1) > interaction_order_current mask = np.logical_not(np.logical_and(mask_order_max, mask_interaction_order)) multi_indices = multi_indices[mask] return multi_indices.astype(int)
[docs] def sample_sphere(n_points, r): """ Creates n_points evenly spread in a sphere of radius r. Parameters ---------- n_points: int Number of points to be spread, must be odd r: float Radius of sphere Returns ------- points: ndarray of float [N x 3] Evenly spread points in a unit sphere """ assert n_points % 2 == 1, "The number of points must be odd" points = [] # The golden ratio phi = (1 + math.sqrt(5)) / 2. n = int((n_points - 1) / 2) for i in range(-n, n + 1): lat = math.asin(2 * i / n_points) lon = 2 * math.pi * i / phi x = r * math.cos(lat) * math.cos(lon) y = r * math.cos(lat) * math.sin(lon) z = r * math.sin(lat) points.append((x, y, z)) points = np.array(points, dtype=float) return points
[docs] def mat2ten(mat, incr): """ Transforms gPC gradient matrix or gradient grid points from matrix to tensor form Parameters ---------- mat : ndarray of float [n_grid*incr, m] Matrix to transform incr : int Increment after every row, a new tensor slice is created Returns ------- ten : ndarray of float [n_grid, m, incr] Tensor Notes ----- Builds chunks after every "incr" row and writes it in a new slice [i, :, :] """ ten = np.zeros((int(mat.shape[0]/incr), mat.shape[1], incr)) idx = np.arange(0, mat.shape[0], incr) for i in range(incr): ten[:, :, i] = mat[idx + i, :] return ten
[docs] def ten2mat(ten): """ Transforms gPC gradient tensor or gradient grid points from tensor to matrix form Parameters ---------- ten : ndarray of float [n_grid, m, incr] Tensor to transform Returns ------- mat : ndarray of float [n_grid*incr, m] Matrix Notes ----- Stacks slices [i, :, :] vertically """ mat = np.vstack([ten[i, :, :].transpose() for i in range(ten.shape[0])]) return mat
[docs] def list2dict(l): """ Transform list of dicts with same keys to dict of list Parameters ---------- l : list of dict List containing dictionaries with same keys Returns ------- d : dict of lists Dictionary containing the entries in a list """ n = len(l) keys = l[0].keys() d = dict() for key in keys: d[key] = [0 for _ in range(n)] for i in range(n): d[key][i] = l[i][key] return d
[docs] def get_gradient_idx_domain(domains, d, gradient_idx): """ Determine local gradient_idx in domain "d" from global gradient_idx Parameters ---------- domains : ndarray of float [n_grid_global] Array containing the domain IDs d : int Domain ID for which the gradient index has to be computed for gradient_idx : ndarray of int [n_grid_global] Indices of grid points (global) where the gradient in gradient_results is provided Returns ------- gradient_idx_local : ndarray of int [len(domains[domains==d])] Indices of grid points (local) where the gradient in gradient_results is provided """ arr = np.arange(len(domains)) gradient_idx_local = np.array([i for i, c in enumerate(arr[domains == d]) # local for cr in arr[gradient_idx] # global if (c == cr).all()]) return gradient_idx_local
[docs] def determine_projection_matrix(gradient_results, lambda_eps=0.95): """ Determines projection matrix [P]. .. math:: \\eta = [\\mathbf{P}] \\xi Parameters ---------- gradient_results : ndarray of float [n_grid x n_out x dim] Gradient of model function in grid points lambda_eps : float, optional, default: 0.95 Bound of principal components in %. All eigenvectors are included until lambda_eps of total sum of all eigenvalues is included in the system. Returns ------- p_matrix : ndarray of float [dim_reduced x dim] Reduced projection matrix for QOI. p_matrix_complete : ndarray of float [dim_reduced x dim] Complete projection matrix for QOI. """ # Determine projection matrices by SVD of gradients u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(gradient_results) # determine dominant eigenvalues up to lambda_eps * s_sum s_mask = [False]*len(s) s_sum_part = 0 s_sum = np.sum(s) i_s = 0 while s_sum_part <= lambda_eps*s_sum: s_sum_part += s[i_s] s_mask[i_s] = True i_s += 1 s_filt = s[s_mask] v_filt = v[np.append(s_mask, [False]*(v.shape[0]-u.shape[1])) > 0, :] p_matrix = v_filt p_matrix_complete = v return p_matrix, p_matrix_complete
[docs] def get_indices_of_k_smallest(arr, k): """ Find indices of k smallest elements in ndarray Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray of float Array k : int Number of smallest values to extract Returns ------- idx : tuple of ndarray [k] Indices of k smallest elements in array """ # index = np.argpartition(arr.ravel(), k) # idx = tuple(np.array(np.unravel_index(index, arr.shape))[:, range(min(k, 0), max(k, 0))]) # # return idx idx = np.argpartition(arr.ravel(), arr.size - k)[:k] return tuple(np.unravel_index(idx, arr.shape))
[docs] def get_coords_discontinuity(classifier, x_min, x_max, n_coords_disc=10, border_sampling="structured"): """ Determine n_coords_disc grid points close to discontinuity Parameters ---------- classifier : Classifier object Classifier object to predict classes from coordinates (needs to contain a classifier.predict() method) x_min : ndarray of float [n_dim] Minimal values in parameter space to search discontinuity x_max : ndarray of float [n_dim] Maximal values in parameter space to search discontinuity n_coords_disc : int, optional, default: 10 Number of grid points to determine close to discontinuity border_sampling : str, optional, default: "structured" Sampling method to determine location of discontinuity Returns ------- coords_disc : ndarray of float [n_coords_disc] """ # if border_sampling == "random": # coords_border_det = grid_learn_cluster.coords # domains = model_kmeans.labels_ dim = len(x_min) # create tensored mesh to find discontinuity if border_sampling == "structured": n_samples = int(1E4**(1./dim)) eval_str = "np.array(np.meshgrid(" for i in range(dim): eval_str += "np.linspace(x_min[{}], x_max[{}], {})".format(i, i, n_samples) if i < dim-1: eval_str += ", " eval_str += ")).T.reshape(-1, {})".format(dim) coords_border_det = eval(eval_str) domains = classifier.predict(coords_border_det) else: raise NotImplementedError("Please use valid border sampling method (""structured"")") # determine mask of not equaling domain points # dom_mat = np.tile(domains[:, np.newaxis], (1, domains.shape[0])) dom_mat = np.broadcast_to(domains, (len(domains), len(domains))).T mask = dom_mat != dom_mat.transpose() mask = np.tril(mask) * False + np.triu(mask) # determine distances between grid points in different domains distance_matrix = np.ones(mask.shape) * np.nan for i_c, c in enumerate(coords_border_det): distance_matrix[i_c, mask[i_c, :]] = np.linalg.norm(coords_border_det[mask[i_c, :], :] - c, axis=1) np.fill_diagonal(distance_matrix, np.nan) # find n_smallest distances and determine midpoints between those points n_smallest = 1000 idx = get_indices_of_k_smallest(distance_matrix, n_smallest) coords_border = (coords_border_det[idx[0], :] + coords_border_det[idx[1], :]) / 2 # resample n_coords_disc equally distributed points from n_smallest points on discontinuity n_reps = 1000 # number of repetitions idx = np.zeros((n_coords_disc, n_reps)) distance_mean = np.zeros(n_reps) # select n_coords_disc points randomly and determine average minimal distance between points for i in range(n_reps): # sample n_resample points from coords_border idx[:, i] = random.sample(list(range(coords_border.shape[0])), n_coords_disc) # determine all to all distances distance_matrix_resample = np.ones((n_coords_disc, n_coords_disc)) * np.nan for i_c, c in enumerate(coords_border[idx[:, i].astype(int), :]): distance_matrix_resample[i_c, :] = np.linalg.norm(coords_border[idx[:, i].astype(int), :] - c, axis=1) np.fill_diagonal(distance_matrix_resample, 1000) distance_mean[i] = np.mean(np.min(distance_matrix_resample, axis=1)) coords_disc = coords_border[idx[:, np.argmax(distance_mean)].astype(int), :] return coords_disc
[docs] def increment_basis(order_current, interaction_order_current, interaction_order_max, incr): """ Increments basis Parameters ---------- order_current: int Maximum global expansion order. The maximum expansion order considers the sum of the orders of combined polynomials together with the chosen norm "order_max_norm". Typically this norm is 1 such that the maximum order is the sum of all monomial orders. interaction_order_current : int Current number of random variables, which can interact with each other All polynomials are ignored, which have an interaction order greater than specified interaction_order_max : int Maximum number of random variables, which can interact with each other All polynomials are ignored, which have an interaction order greater than specified incr : int Number of sub-iteration increments Returns ------- order : int Updated order interaction_order : int Updated interaction order """ while incr > 0: if interaction_order_current + 1 <= min(order_current, interaction_order_max): interaction_order_current += 1 else: order_current += 1 interaction_order_current = 1 incr -= 1 return order_current, interaction_order_current
[docs] def compute_chunks(seq, num): """ Splits up a sequence _seq_ into _num_ chunks of similar size. If len(seq) < num, (num-len(seq)) empty chunks are returned so that len(out) == num Parameters ---------- seq : list of something [N_ele] List containing data or indices, which is divided into chunks num : int Number of chunks to generate Returns ------- out : list of num sublists num sub-lists of seq with each of a similar number of elements (or empty). """ assert len(seq) > 0 assert num > 0 # assert isinstance(seq, list), f"{type(seq)} can't be chunked. Provide list." avg = len(seq) / float(num) n_empty = 0 # if len(seg) < num, how many empty lists to append to return? if avg < 1: avg = 1 n_empty = num - len(seq) out = [] last = 0.0 while last < len(seq): # if only one element would be left in the last run, add it to the current if (int(last + avg) + 1) == len(seq): last_append_idx = int(last + avg) + 1 else: last_append_idx = int(last + avg) out.append(seq[int(last):last_append_idx]) if (int(last + avg) + 1) == len(seq): last += avg + 1 else: last += avg # append empty lists if len(seq) < num out += [[]] * n_empty return out
[docs] def t_averaged_mutual_coherence(array, t=0.2): """ Computes the t-averaged mutual coherence. Parameters ---------- array : ndarray of float [m x n] Matrix t : float Threshold Returns ------- res : float t-averaged mutual coherence """ array = np.abs(array) mask = array > t return np.sum(array[mask]) / np.sum(mask)
[docs] def average_cross_correlation_gram(array): """ Computes the average cross correlation of the gram matrix. Parameters ---------- array : ndarray of float [m x n] Gram matrix Returns ------- res : float cross correlation """ k = array.shape[1] n = k * (k - 1) return (1 / n) * (np.linalg.norm(np.identity(k) - array) ** 2)
[docs] def PhiP(x, p=10): """ Calculates the Phi-p criterion of the design x with power p [1]. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray of float [n x m] The design to calculate Phi-p for p : int, optional, default: 10 The power used for the calculation of PhiP Returns ------- phip : float Phi-p criterion Notes ----- .. [1] Morris, M. D., & Mitchell, T. J. (1995). Exploratory designs for computational experiments. Journal of statistical planning and inference, 43(3), 381-402. """ phip = ((scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(x) ** (-p)).sum()) ** (1.0 / p) return phip
[docs] def poly_expand(current_set, to_expand, order_max, interaction_order): """ Algorithm by Gerstner and Griebel to expand polynomial basis [1] according to two criteria: (1) The basis function may not be completely enclosed by already existing basis functions. In this case the added basis would be already included in any case. (2) The basis function is not a candidate if adding any basis would have no predecessors. The new basis must have predecessors in all decreasing direction and may not "float". Parameters ---------- current_set : ndarray of int [n_basis, dim] Array of multi-indices of basis functions to_expand : ndarray of int [dim] Selected basis function (with highest gPC coefficient), which will be expanded in all possible direction order_max : int Maximal accumulated order (sum over all parameters) interaction_order : int Allowed interaction order between variables (<= dim) Returns ------- expand : ndarray of int [n_basis, dim] Array of multi-indices, which will be added to the set of basis functions Notes ----- .. [1] T Gerstner and M Griebel. Dimension adaptive tensor product quadrature. Computing, 71:65–87, 2003. """ if type(current_set) is not list: current_set = current_set.tolist() expand = [] for e in range(len(to_expand)): forward = copy.deepcopy(to_expand) forward[e] += 1 has_predecessors = True for e2 in range(len(to_expand)): if forward[e2] > 0: predecessor = forward.copy() predecessor[e2] -= 1 has_predecessors *= list(predecessor) in current_set if has_predecessors and (np.sum(np.abs(forward)) <= order_max) and (np.sum(forward > 0) <= interaction_order): expand += [tuple(forward)] return np.array(expand)
[docs] def get_non_enclosed_multi_indices(multi_indices, interaction_order): """ Extract possible multi-indices from a given set which are potential candidates for anisotropic basis extension. Two criteria must be met: (1) The basis function may not be completely enclosed by already existing basis functions. In this case the added basis would be already included in any case. (2) The basis function is not a candidate if adding any basis would have no predecessors. The new basis must have predecessors in all decreasing direction and may not "float". Parameters ---------- multi_indices : ndarray of float [n_basis, dim] Array of multi-indices of basis functions interaction_order : int Allowed interaction order between variables (<= dim) Returns ------- multi_indices_non_enclosed : ndarray of float [n_basis_candidates, dim] Array of possible multi-indices of basis functions poly_indices_non_enclosed : list of int Indices of selected basis functions in global "multi-indices" array """ multi_indices_non_enclosed = [] if type(multi_indices) is not list: multi_indices = multi_indices.tolist() dim = len(multi_indices[0]) for m in np.array(multi_indices): for i_dim in range(dim): m_test = copy.deepcopy(np.array(m)) m_test[i_dim] = m_test[i_dim] + 1 has_predecessors = True if np.sum(m_test > 0) <= interaction_order: if list(m_test) not in multi_indices: for e2 in range(dim): if m_test[e2] > 0: predecessor = copy.deepcopy(m_test) predecessor[e2] = predecessor[e2] - 1 has_predecessors *= list(predecessor) in multi_indices if has_predecessors: multi_indices_non_enclosed.append(m) multi_indices_non_enclosed = np.unique(multi_indices_non_enclosed, axis=0) poly_indices_non_enclosed = [np.where((multi_indices == m).all(axis=1))[0][0] for m in multi_indices_non_enclosed] return multi_indices_non_enclosed, poly_indices_non_enclosed
[docs] def plot_basis_by_multiindex(a): """ Parameters ---------- a Returns ------- """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') for i in range(len(a)): e = 0.3 x = a[i][0] + e y = a[i][1] + e z = a[i][2] + e vertices = [[(x + e, y + e, z + e), (x + e, y + e, z - e), (x + e, y - e, z - e), (x + e, y - e, z + e)], [(x - e, y + e, z + e), (x - e, y + e, z - e), (x - e, y - e, z - e), (x - e, y - e, z + e)], [(x + e, y + e, z + e), (x + e, y + e, z - e), (x - e, y + e, z - e), (x - e, y + e, z + e)], [(x + e, y - e, z + e), (x + e, y - e, z - e), (x - e, y - e, z - e), (x - e, y - e, z + e)], [(x + e, y + e, z + e), (x + e, y - e, z + e), (x - e, y - e, z + e), (x - e, y + e, z + e)], [(x + e, y + e, z - e), (x + e, y - e, z - e), (x - e, y - e, z - e), (x - e, y + e, z - e)]] poly = Poly3DCollection(vertices, alpha=0.5) ax.add_collection3d(poly) for j in range(6): line_xs = np.hstack((np.array(vertices[j]).T[0], np.array(vertices[j]).T[0][0])) line_ys = np.hstack((np.array(vertices[j]).T[1], np.array(vertices[j]).T[1][0])) line_zs = np.hstack((np.array(vertices[j]).T[2], np.array(vertices[j]).T[2][0])) plt.plot(line_xs, line_ys, line_zs, color='k') ax.set_xlim(0, 3) ax.set_ylim(0, 3) ax.set_zlim(0, 3)